The true events of Lieutenant Commander Arman Anwar of PASKAL, an elite unit in the Royal Malaysian Navy, and his team's mission to rescue the MV Bunga Laurel, a tanker which was hijacked by Somalian Pirates in 2011.

A young Korean man surpasses his difficult childhood by becoming a powerful prosecutor, but soon learns that real power comes at a price.

A passionate and innovative teacher leaves his small hometown to teach in one of Harlem's toughest schools. But to break through to this students, Ron Clark must use unconventional methods, including his ground-breaking classroom rules, to drive them toward their potential.

When Nobita turned the world into a world with magic with the what-if-telephone-booth-gadget, He and his world needed to defeat the threat that became reality in this world.

Trækfugle er en medrivende og æstetisk mavepuster med bjergtagende billeder og en kompromisløs fortælling om 1970'ernes narkohandel i Colombia. Det hele starter med 30 geder, 20 køer, 2 æsler og 5 halskæder. Året er 1969, og den unge Rapayet gør kur til den endnu yngre Zaida. De er begge en del af Wayuu-folket, der bor i ørkenen tæt på grænsen mellem Colombia og Venzuela. De lever i et matriarkalsk samfund, hvor kvinderne tager de vigtigste beslutninger og bærer det største ansvar. Langsomt men sikkert involveres Rapayet i salget af marihuana til USA, og samtidig krakelerer hans familie og oprindelige kultur lidt efter lidt.

After a traumatic event, a drug trafficker turns sides and conspires with a dangerously ambitious undercover police officer to bring down the mysterious kingpin of a major drug cartel.

The Futaba Kindergarten kids are so excited for their trip to the Henderland amusement park, but Shin-chan soon learns there are evil forces at play!

After losing both her parents, Failan emmigrates to Korea to seek her only remaining relatives. Once she reaches Korea, she finds out that her relatives have moved to Canada well over a year ago. Desperate to stay and make a living in Korea, Failan is forced to have an arranged marriage through a match-making agency.

Refusing to allow fate to decide whom she must marry, Princess Songhwa decides to find her own husband. She seeks the help of a man to interpret her marital harmony with four men she wishes to marry.

Diplomats from the North and South Korean embassies in Somalia attempt a daring joint escape from Mogadishu when the outbreak of civil war leaves them stranded.

A 20th century European village is haunted by the ghost of a murderous little girl.

A historical drama set in the Koryo dynasty and focused on the relationship between a king and his bodyguard.

Ancient Korea, 17th century. The powerful Khan of the Jurchen tribe of Manchuria, who fights the Ming dinasty to gain China, becomes the first ruler of the Qing dinasty and demands from King In-jo of Joseon to bow before him; but he refuses, being loyal to the Mings. On December 14th, 1636, the Qing horde invades Joseon, so King In-jo and his court shelter in the mountain fortress of Namhan and prepare to defend the kingdom.

Doraemon and Nobita discover a mysterious golden ring far beneath the ice in Antarctica, leading them to uncover an ancient, ruined city.

Ryoko Matsumura is a popular writer in her 50's. She also knows that she has Alzheimer’s. Ryoko Matsumura begins to teach at a university. She meets a young Korean man in his 20's. They become attracted to each other.

The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.

Sabrina's perfectly planned high school reunion goes south when a monster keeps killing all the guests.

Pu Songling, a legendary demon hunter, is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearances of young girls from a small village. When he discovers evil forces are kidnapping the girls to feast on their souls, he sets out to save humanity from the inhuman invasion journeying through hidden worlds and colorful dimensions.

Et sted dybt inde i junglen ligger en skjult diamantmine, og kun banditten Slade kender de præcise koordinater. Han er ikke bleg for at dræbe alle, der stiller sig i vejen for ham og hans slæng. Det er ikke i orden, synes Tarzan. Med den strandede pilotkvinde Angie på slæb sætter junglehelten efter Slades bande for at give dem en afklapsning.

Chappy Sinclair bliver bedt om at samle en blandet amerikansk/sovjetisk styrke, som skal udføre et andgreb med kirurgisk præcision på et svært bevogtet atommissil-anlæg i mellemøsten. Chappy må sande at det at få de sovjetiske og amerikanske piloter til at arbejde sammen blot er det mindste af hans problemer, da han opdager, at nogen i pentagon aktivt prøver at sabotere hans mission..