En els últims mesos de la Segona Guerra Mundial, Seita, de 14 anys, i la seva germana Setsuko, queden orfes quan la seva mare és assassinada durant un atac aeri a Kobe, Japó. Seita i Setsuko han de lluitar per sobreviure.
With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate man seeks revenge on his captors.
In this Oscar-winning short film, grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child after a tragic school shooting.
Ye Xiang Lun, a talented piano player is a new student at the prestigious Tamkang School. On his first day, he meets Lu Xiao Yu, a pretty girl playing a mysterious piece of music.
Problem student Haru Yoshida sits next to the cold and studious Shizuku Mizutani in class. Without any other friends to turn to, both of them start to get to know each other and grow closer. Haru eventually develop feelings for Shizuku and confesses his feelings to her. Will Haru and Shizuku get their happily ever after?
What lengths will a robot undergo to do his job? BURN·E is a dedicated hard working robot who finds himself locked out of his ship. BURN·E quickly learns that completing a simple task can often be a very difficult endeavor.
When an American family is invited to spend the weekend at the idyllic country estate of a charming British family they befriended on vacation, what begins as a dream holiday soon warps into a snarled psychological nightmare.
En Ralph, que sempre ha fet el paper de dolent, està decidit a demostrar que pot ser un bon paio. En Ralph somia amb ser tan estimat com Fix-It Felix, l'heroi del videojoc. El problema és que a ningú li agrada un noi dolent, però en canvi tots estimen els herois. Així quan arriba un nou joc amb un personatge dolent, el sergent Calhoun, Ralph ho veu com la seva oportunitat per convertir-se en un heroi i aconseguir la felicitat. Així doncs, Ralph es fica en el joc amb el senzill pla de guanyar medalles en tot, però accidentalment allibera a un enemic mortal que amenaça a tots els jocs.
A comedy that chronicles a chance encounter between Robert and a Chinese named Jun who wanders lost through the city of Buenos Aires in search of his uncle after being assaulted by a taxi driver and his henchmen.
Atormentat per haver vist morir els seus pares davant seu, Bruce Wayne s'enfunda cada nit al vestit de Batman, adopta la terrorífica forma d'una ratapinyada i solca les teulades de Gotham City combatent el crim i mantenint a ratlla la corrupció de la seva ciutat. Però aquesta vegada Batman s'haurà d'enfrontar al seu més terrible enemic, El Joker, que pretén sotmetre tota la ciutat sota els desitjos de la seva ment pertorbada.
Sherlock Holmes i el seu incondicional company Watson hauran d'usar la seva aguda intel·ligència i tota mena de recursos per enfrontar-se a un nou enemic i desmuntar un complot que podria destruir el país.
Ethan Hunt és un superespia capaç de dur a terme la missió més perillosa amb la màxima eficàcia i elegància. Forma part d'un competent equip dirigit per l'agent Jim Phelps, que ha tornat a reunir als seus homes per participar en una dificilíssima missió: evitar la venda d'un disc robat que conté informació secreta de vital importància.
Debbie, germana ex-convicta de Danny Ocean, serà la líder d'un nou equip de lladres professionals. Amb l'ajuda de la mà dreta planejarà robar un valuós collaret que està en mans d'un malvat galerista.
A woman adjusting to life after a loss contends with a feisty bird that's taken over her garden — and a husband who's struggling to find a way forward.
Arrancat dels braços de la seva mare per Bart, Danny només coneix el món que aquest li ha mostrat: l'habitació on viu i els actes de violència que es veu obligat a cometre quan les persones a qui Bart presta diners s'endarrereixen a el pagament. Danny és, doncs, un home ensinistrat com un gos per obeir les ordres del seu amo sense dir ni piu. Però, un dia, Bart cau a l'emboscada que li tendeix un deutor venjatiu.
Eight talented candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. Entering a windowless room, where an armed guard keeps watch, they are given 80 minutes to answer one simple question.
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate picks up three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was burnt down in the desert when its innkeeper Jade vanished. A new gang of marauders had taken over - innkeepers by day and treasure hunters by night. The inn is the rumoured location of a lost city buried under the desert, and its hidden treasure would only be revealed by a gigantic storm every 60 years. The gang used the inn as a front to locate the lost treasure.
In the late 1980's Shanghai, a 16 year-old boy, Xiaoli, comes of age surrounded by his neighbors and grandfather. His best friend is a girl named Lanmi, a couple years older than him. But Lanmi slowly drifts away from him, lured by the new opportunities which come as China opens up to foreign goods and businessmen. At the same time, the 1989 events force Xiaoli to grow up and to let go of his teenage dreams.
Set in Flower Capital, a land ruled by an Evil Queen. All men in the kingdom are slaves to women. However, a prophecy foretells that one day, the Star of Rex will find and wield a mythical sword, rise to power, overthrow the queen, and restore the balance of the two sexes.
"Love Matters" is a movie revolving around three main protagonists - 52-year-old Tan Bo Seng, his 17-year-old teenage son Benny and 36-year-old Jeremy, Bo Seng's 'adopted' brother - and their accidental journey in seeking and keeping love and happiness. Bo Seng (Henry Thia) who leads a routine life attempts to revive the passion with his wife Jia Li (Yeo Yann Yann). Jeremy (Jack Lim) lives a colourful life; with "Never to commit" as his motto for love. Benny (Alex Leong) has just started school life and his only distraction is his crush, Jennifer (Natalli) who is his classmate's girlfriend.