El 1965, en uns dies que està sola perquè té el marit i els nens en una fira, Francesca Johnson veu alterada la seva pacífica vida de mestressa de casa a causa de l'aparició de Robert Kincaid, un fotògraf de la revista National Geographic, que prepara un reportatge sobre els ponts del comtat de Madison. Durant quatre dies ella l'acompanya a localitzar els ponts i viu amb ell un idil·li agredolç que necessita recollir en el seu diari. Un cop morta, els fills el troben i són conscients de les il·lusions i la soledat que havia experimentat Francesca.

In the midst of a civil war, former violinists Jan and Eva Rosenberg, who have a tempestuous marriage, run a farm on a rural island. In spite of their best efforts to escape their homeland, the war impinges on every aspect of their lives.

A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter.

Jacquot Demy is a little boy at the end of the thirties. His father owns a garage and his mother is a hairdresser. The whole family lives happily and likes to sing and to go to the movies. Jacquot is fascinated by every kind of show (theatre, cinema, puppets). He buys a camera to shoot his first amateur film... An evocation of French cineast Jacques Demy's childhood and vocation for the cinema and the musicals.

Historical evocation of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886, as a romantic hero. Fan of Richard Wagner, betrayed by him, in love with his cousin Elisabeth of Austria, abandoned by her, tormented by his homosexuality, he will little by little slip towards madness.

Polònia, anys 50. En un país marcat per les ferides de la II Guerra Mundial, les noves autoritats comunistes promocionant la creació d'un grup de músics que, a través del folklore local, intentarà portar una mica d'alegria als camarades polonesos, i de pas transmetre missatges de lloança sobre el camarada Stalin. En Wiktor és un pianista que forma part d'aquest grup coral i s'enamora de la cantant i ballarina, la Zula.

A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.

Una parella americana que no està passant pel seu millor moment acudeix amb uns amics al Midsommar, un festival d'estiu que se celebra cada 90 anys en un remot llogaret de Suècia. El que comencen sent unes vacances de somni en un lloc en el qual el sol no es posa mai, a poc a poc es converteix en un obscur malson quan els misteriosos vilatans els conviden a participar en les seves pertorbadores activitats festives

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

A man decides to cook for himself and finds a revolver (which may have belonged to John Dillinger) hidden in his kitchen.

It's night on a Paris bridge. A girl leans over Seine River with tears in her eyes and a violent yearning to drown her sorrows. Out of nowhere someone takes an interest in her. He is Gabor, a knife thrower who needs a human target for his show. The girl, Adele, has never been lucky and nowhere else to go. So she follows him. They travel along the northern bank of the Mediterranean to perform.

A semi-fictionalized documentary about a day in the life of Australian musician Nick Cave's persona.

Two Navy men are ordered to bring a young offender to prison, but decide to show him one last good time along the way.

Quatre homes duen a terme un atracament a una sucursal bancària d’una localitat costanera. Encara que el cop s’executa amb èxit, un d’ells és greument ferit. Mentrestant, a París l’implacable comissari Coleman combina les seves obligacions amb les visites regulars a un conegut club nocturn. Coleman manté una relació amb la Cathy, que al mateix temps és companya d’en Simon, propietari del club i cervell de l’atracament. Aquest fràgil triangle esclatarà quan en Simon i els seus companys emprenguin una altra operació molt més agosarada: l’assalt al tren nocturn París-Lisboa per apropiar-se d’una important partida d’heroïna.

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.

In Le Livre d’Image, Jean-Luc Godard recycles existing images (films, documentaries, paintings, television archives, etc.), quotes excerpts from books, uses fragments of music. The driving force is poetic rhyme, the association or opposition of ideas, the aesthetic spark through editing, the keystone. The author performs the work of a sculptor. The hand, for this, is essential. He praises it at the start. “There are the five fingers. The five senses. The five parts of the world (…). The true condition of man is to think with his hands. Jean-Luc Godard composes a dazzling syncopation of sequences, the surge of which evokes the violence of the flows of our contemporary screens, taken to a level of incandescence rarely achieved. Crowned at Cannes, the last Godard is a shock film, with twilight beauty.

In a Naples suspended between magic and superstition, madness and rationality, a mystery envelops the existence of Adriana, overwhelmed by a sudden love and a violent crime.

A bright but acid-tongued young actress walks the viewer through the drudgeries of her privileged life in a series of clinical tableaux.

In his 10th year at college, Eun-sik is part of a nearly ideal campus couple with swimming champ Kyung-ah. While their three-year relationship is solid, Eun-sik struggles to get to the next level with Kyung-ah; despite the help and support of his friends, he can't manage to get her into bed.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.