A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent.
Each citizen of Jotuomba plays an integral role in village life. Madalena is responsible for baking bread; each morning she stacks her rolls as Antonio prepares the coffee. The two share a morning ritual of arguments and insults, followed by an amicable cup of coffee on the bench outside Antonio's shop. At midday the church bells ring, summoning the villagers to mass. In the early evening, they all share a meal together. And so life proceeds in Jotuomba, the days languidly drifting into one another; the only variations seem to be in the weather. But, one day Rita arrives looking for a place to stay.
La Thelma Dickinson està casada amb un insuportable cretí que la tracta com una nena petita. La seva amiga Louise Sawyer treballa de cambrera en una cafeteria i somia amb casar-se amb el seu xicot músic Jimmy. Un cap de setmana decideixen fer un viatge totes dues per tal d'allunyar-se de la mortal rutina de les seves frustrants vides. La seva escapada, lluny de ser divertida, acaba sent una experiència plena de fets dramàtics.
Existeix la teoria que hauríem de néixer amb una petita quantitat d'alcohol en la nostra sang, i que una lleugera embriaguesa obre les nostres ments al món que ens envolta, disminuint els nostres problemes i augmentant la nostra creativitat. Animats per aquesta teoria, el Martin i tres dels seus millors amics, tots ells professors de secundària desmotivats, s'embarquen en un experiment per a mantenir un nivell constant d'intoxicació etílica al llarg de la seva jornada laboral. Si Churchill va guanyar la II Guerra Mundial atordit per l'alcohol, qui sap el que uns glops podrien fer per ells i els seus alumnes?
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.
A documentary on why 'Money Heist' sparked a wave of enthusiasm around the world for a lovable group of thieves and their professor.
Marcello és un home senzill. La seva vida gira entorn del seu saló de bellesa per a gossos i la seva filla Sofia. Després d'una sèrie d'abusos, Marcello decideix ajudar a Simoncino en uns robatoris, però acaba a la presó durant un any. Quan surt decideix venjar-se.
Segundo sees silence as his only option for dealing with his father Noé’s secret. The 14-year-old lives with his parents in a village high up in the mountains. Noé is a respected artisan and Segundo’s role model. With loving eye for detail, he artfully crafts altarpieces for church and homes, and is preparing his son to follow in his footsteps. But cracks form in their tight bond.
Viktor Tsoi, un jove músic que va créixer escoltant a Led Zeppelin, T-Rex i David Bowie, està tractant de fer-se un nom. La trobada amb el seu ídol Mike i la seva esposa, la bella Natacha, canviarà el seu destí. Junts construiran una llegenda com a pioners del rock rus.
Inspired by a true story of a family who believed they were possessed by spirits, this film follows a woman who must protect her child from a curse. WARNING: This is a cursed video, it might contain certain risks to watch. For those who dares to follow, please solve the puzzle of my daughter's curse with me.
A soldier and his team battle hordes of post-apocalyptic zombies in the wastelands of the Korean Peninsula.
Frank Tassone, un dels superintendents més destacats del districte escolar de Roslyn, viu per a assegurar-se que l'educació dels alumnes sigui la millor que aquests puguin rebre. Tanmateix, de manera paral·lela, també es lucra amb els fons públics per a viure una vida plena de luxes.
Reunited after 15 years, famous chef Sasha and hometown musician Marcus feel the old sparks of attraction but struggle to adapt to each other's worlds.
Twenty-two and on the verge of entering high society, college graduate Billy Mitchell finds his plans changing when he falls in love with an inmate with multiple personalities at his father's mental institution.
The Coachella concert series is examined through the lens of rare footage, interviews, and performances from some of the most famous performers who ever graced the venue.
A sweeping drama set in the chaotic aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq, where the life of top UN diplomat Brazilian Sérgio Vieira de Mello hangs in the balance during the most treacherous mission of his career.
When Sgt. First Class Brian Eisch is critically wounded in Afghanistan, it sets him and his sons on a journey of love, loss, redemption and legacy.
En un campus universitari, un professor de filosofia en plena crisi existencial, dóna un nou propòsit a la seva vida quan es relaciona sentimentalment amb una de les seves alumnes.
Udaka is a new, post-war city where corruption has already taken hold. A persistent district attorney wants to arrest and convict Katsumata, a laughing, self-confident thug. The D.A. gets an anonymous letter about the suicide five years' before of a city council member. Evidence about the case leads the D.A. to Tachibana, struggling to go straight after involvement with the mob and a prison sentence for killing the man responsible for the rape and suicide of his fiancée. One of Tachibana's friends is Keiko, the daughter of the dead councilman and the ward of another powerful official. How do these stories connect?
Gina Brillon has always had a unique approach to life’s ups and downs; handling them with a humor and sass that comes naturally to the Bronx born Latina. In her third stand up special, Brillon holds no punches when discussing her childhood, culture and the transition from single to married life with her Midwestern husband.