The Olivier Award-winning Mischief Theatre brings Peter Pan Goes Wrong to BBC One. As part of its commitment to community theatre, the BBC has commissioned The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society, an amateur dramatics group, to recreate the JM Barrie classic as part of their festive programming. But can they pull it off? Narrated by David Suchet and filmed in front of a live audience, watch as Peter Pan flies through the air, Captain Hook and his pirates set adrift in the lagoon, and Tinkerbell is due to light up the stage in a stunning electrical costume... what can possibly go wrong?! With their trademark comic mayhem, expect hilarious stunts, chaos, technical hitches, flying mishaps and cast disputes on the way to Neverland with hilarious and disastrous results.
An endearing light comedy about a woman who spontaneously becomes a resident of Venice after her family left her behind. While enjoying the wonderful people she meets she achieves a new life and the first time independent of her family.
Mickey og Mallory elsker ekstrem vold. Mand, kvinde, stor, lille, hvid eller sort, de to elskende gør ingen smålig forskel, mens de meget håndfast slår deres navne fast som mediehelte og massemordere. Da parret bliver fanget, bringer journalisten Gale et live-interview fra fængslet, det bliver startskuddet til et gigantisk fangeoprør.
Two boys – the prince Edward and the pauper Tom – are born on the same day. Years later, when young teenage Tom sneaks into the palace garden, he meets the prince. They change clothes with one another before the guards discover them and throw out the prince thinking he's the urchin. No one believes them when they try to tell the truth about which is which. Soon after, the old king dies and the prince will inherit the throne.
Narkobetjenten Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle fortsætter sin jagt på den franske forbindelse i skikkelse af narkobaronen Charnier. Popeye følger sporet til Marseilles, hvor han sammen med det lokale politi gør livet surt for Charnier, der til gengæld forsøger at gøre Popeye afhængig af de selvsamme stoffer han bekæmper. Det gør dog bare Popeye endnu mere gal i skralden.
An aspiring young filmmaker gets involved with an eccentric gangster for the financing of his first film.
Aristokraten Sir Anthony Ross, hvis søn er forsvundet på en hvalfangerekspedition. Ross samler et hold til en ny ekspedition til det arktiske for at lede efter ham, men ekspeditionen tager en højst uventet drejning! Det viser sig, at dette afsidesliggende område skjuler en glemt verden af vikinger, som ikke ønsker, at verden lærer om deres eksistens og derfor kidnapper hele ekspeditionens besætning.
Cavalry Captain Farraday attempts to prevent the delivery of Gatling Guns into the hands of hostile Indians.
A meddling man and woman determined to stop a wedding for the good of the bride and groom instead wind up falling in love with each other.
A model named Barbara Hallen has disappeared and her father gets private detective Sam Morgan to go to Paris to find his daughter. Barbara's trail leads Morgan to a plastic surgery clinic owned by Dr. Flamand. Morgan's investigation reveals the horrifying secret behind the Doctor's miracle cures which is blood and organs taken from kidnapped young women. As Morgan's investigation closes witnesses are eliminated, one by one, each in a more horrible way.
A recently orphaned heiress meets a young racing yacht captain on Long Island. He shows interest in her and, being heiress to $200,000,000, love may not be the reason.
An elderly couple move into an old, supposedly haunted abandoned house. A young girl comes to live with the pair as a companion for the wife. However, soon the girl is possessed by the spirit of another girl, a wealthy woman who had once lived in the house but who had been murdered there.
De sagde, at ikke engang Gud kunne sænke skibet. Måske skulle de have bedt til isbjergene i stedet for! Under alle omstændigheder havnede Titanic på havets bund, og der ligger det jo fint. Det viser sig, at der på skibet er en sending af et meget sjældent mineral, der skal bruges til et nyt amerikansk forsvarssystem. Dette mineral er så sjældent, at det rent faktisk kan betale sig at hæve hele skibet til overfladen for at få fat på det. Det lyder som en vanvittig plan, og kan den gennemføres?
Adaption of George Eliot's novel. When a respectable weaver is wrongfully accused of theft, he becomes a virtual hermit until his own fortune is stolen and an orphaned child is found on his doorstep.
To rivaliserende bjærgningshold løber om kap gennem en kuldsejlet luksusliner for at finde en hemmelig formue om bord på skibet, før det styrter i sin våde grav. Men lineren Poseidon skjuler én sidste hemmelighed.
Kate's a single mom rock star recovering from a nervous breakdown; David is her psychiatrist turned lover. After David buys an old Charleston mansion and Kate and her son move in with him, strange events occur including the discoveries of a secret hidden attic and the diary of the murderous slave trader who owned the home. Kate hears a piano playing by itself and sees the ghost of the slave trader who once lived there. Their relationship is strained by the bizarre events as Kate's sanity is again questioned as she insists what she's seen is real...but is it?
Kæmpeblæksprutten byder på den Oscarbelønnede trio; Henry Fonda, Shelley Winters og John Huston der hånd i hånd bekæmper en aggressiv og blodtørstig blæksprutte. På grund af et giftudslip, der er opstået i forbindelse med et tunnelbyggeri, er en af dybets kæmper vokset til endnu større proportioner, og netop som Ocean Beach invaderes af badelystne turister slår monstret til. Desværre er det også dagen, hvor børnenes kapsejlads afholdes, og en faretruende massakre ser ud til at være uundgåelig. Kæmpeblæksprutten er en gruopvækkende gyserfilm i stil med Jaws og er man i forvejen bange for vand, er det stensikkert at fobien ikke kureres med denne film.
It's New Year's Eve. Larry's parents are at the vicarage dance leaving Larry in charge of the house. Big mistake, because Larry's a party animal and tonight he's going to go wild - with a little help from his friends!
After learning that millions have completely vanished, an airline pilot, a journalist, and others work together to unravel the mystery of those left behind.