



Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

満席の観客で賑わうウクライナのオペラハウスで、テロ事件が勃発。罪もない人々の大量虐殺を阻止するべく、特殊部隊が館内に突入する。部隊に参加していた名もなき男(ジョン・デヴィッド・ワシントン)は、仲間を救うため身代わりとなって捕えられ、毒薬を飲んでしまう…しかし、その薬は何故か鎮痛剤にすり替えられていた。昏睡状態から目覚めた名もなき男は、フェイと名乗る男から“あるミッション”を命じられる。それは、未来からやってきた敵と戦い、世界を救うというもの。未来では、“時間の逆行”と呼ばれる装置が開発され、人や物が過去へと移動できるようになっていた。 ミッションのキーワードは<TENET(テネット)>。「その言葉の使い方次第で、未来が決まる」。謎のキーワード、TENET(テネット)を使い、第三次世界大戦を防ぐのだ。突然、巨大な任務に巻き込まれた名もなき男。彼は任務を遂行する事ができるのか?

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.

Vicky recalls her romances with her exes Hao Hao and Jack in the neon-lit clubs of Taipei.

時は 1840 年代、舞台はイギリス南西部の海沿いの町ライム・レジス。主人公は、人間嫌いで、世間とのつながりを絶ち暮らす古生物学者メアリー・アニング(ケイト・ウィンスレット)。かつて彼女の発掘した化石は大発見として一世を風靡し、大英博物館に展示されるに至ったが、女性であるメアリーの名はすぐに世の中から忘れ去られ、今は土産物用のアンモナイトを発掘しては細々と生計をたてている。そんな彼女は、ひょんなことから裕福な化石収集家の妻シャーロット(シアーシャ・ローナン)を数週間預かることとなる。美しく可憐、何もかもが正反対のシャーロットに苛立ち、冷たく突き放すメアリー。だが、次第にメアリーは自分とはあまりにかけ離れたシャーロットに惹かれていき――。

Desperate for money and running out of options, Marine veteran Brian Brown-Easley holds several people hostage inside a bank, setting the stage for a tense confrontation with police.

After years of toiling away inside the engine room of a towering locomotive, two antiquated robots will risk everything for freedom and for each other.

Bubba, an intellectually disabled man, is falsely accused of attacking a young girl. Disguised as a scarecrow, he hides in a cornfield, only to be hunted down and shot by four vigilante men. After they are acquitted due to lack of evidence, the men find themselves being stalked one by one.

The Utah community of Santa Ynez is being terrorized by a mysterious black coupe that appears out of nowhere and begins running people down. After the car kills off the town sheriff, Captain Wade Parent is determined to stop the murderous driver.

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.

When architect and Christmas amateur Steven finds himself hosting his family for Christmas, he recruits holiday coordinator Gretchen to bring holiday joy to his home. Gretchen’s expert Christmas spirit brings Steven’s family together, but neither expected it to bring them closer to each other. After a great opportunity presents itself to Gretchen, she and Steven must decide what’s really important in life.

After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.

Emma has a wonderful husband and two kids in the suburbs of New Jersey – she also has a secret life as an assassin for hire – a secret that her husband David discovers when the couple decide to spice up their marriage with a little role play.

Four strangers meet through an app to share a car ride that turns into an adventure destined to change the lives of those involved.

スクールカーストによって厳しく支配される名門寄宿学校に転校したドンは、最底辺のカーストに所属することに。鬱々とした学園生活を送っていたが、ある日突然、森の中の採掘所から凶悪なモンスターが出現する。ドンたち落ちこぼれ集団は、学園の平和を取り戻すことができるのか!? コメディ界の名コンビ、サイモン・ペッグとニック・フロストはじめ、豪華俳優陣出演の学園ホラーコメディ!

Two years into the pandemic, a group of friends throw an online party with a night of games, drinking and drugs. After taking an ecstasy pill, things go terribly wrong and the safety of their home becomes more terrifying than the raging chaos outside.