Upon hearing about the story of Treasure Island, Nobita dreams of discovering and exploring his own treasure island, despite the fact all of the Earth has been mapped already.
A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.
An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.
Som den yngste af 14 børn opnår en talentfuld sanger superstjernestatus med hjælp fra sin producer, som forguder hende. Inspireret af Céline Dions liv.
Nicknamed after a human-devouring spirit, the ruthless leader of an overseas black ops team takes up a dangerous mission in a city riddled with spies.
Twenty years have passed since those two apartments in the heart of Mexico City were the battlefield of a war of the sexes between Ana, Carlos, Andrea, Miguel, Tomás and María. All that is left of those apartments are memories and the image of Tomás' dead body at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Their lives have changed, their families have grown and new and unexpected characters have come to unsettle their daily lives and trigger a chain of events that will make them realize that modesty has been replaced by public disclosure; sex is only an app away; but love...love is still something elusive that everyone in today's banal and chaotic world is seeking.
Having cleared his name, genius mechanic Lino has only one goal in mind: getting revenge on the corrupt cops who killed his brother and his mentor.
Vivien, an accomplished student with a passion for physics, and Roy, a troubled young man, are involved in an accident that forces them to reclaim their lives one minute at the time.
A young girl is kidnapped during a powerful storm. Her mother joins forces with her mysterious neighbour to set off in pursuit of the kidnapper. Their journey will test their limits and expose the dark secrets of their past.
En passioneret pianist og en sjælfuld krydsordsløser, der sætter pris på stilhed, er ikke de bedste naboer, men det udvikler sig interessant, da de begynder at date.
'Salt Mango Tree' explores certain systems at work in the current educational and social establishments and how aspirations are high to climb the haloed social ladder of the expected norm.
When aspiring musician and student Deniz falls for a rough-hewn motorbike racer, tragedy and family opposition obstruct their path to love.
Mace (Jessica Chastain) er hemmelig agent på en super vigtig opgave. Hun skal have fat i en topmoderne "dims", der gør det muligt at hacke ind i et hvilket som helst computersystem i verden. Alt fra bankkontorer til atomforsvaret er mulige mål. Desværre går alt ikke efter planen. Mace får ikke løst sin opgave, men den fiasko vil hun ikke have siddende på sig. Hun får rekrutteret et team af seje kvindelige agenter - alt fra en gammel ven til en tysk konkurrerende agent - så de sammen kan få fat i "dimsen" og redde verden!
A 50-year-old single father faces disapproval from his family and his ex-wife when he falls in love with a 26-year-old woman.
Engang var den blomstrende hjemsted for den farmaceutiske gigant Umbrella Corporation, Raccoon City er nu en døende by i Midt vesten. Virksomhedens udvandring efterlod byen en ødemark ... med stor ondskab under overfladen. Når den ondskab bliver sluppet løs, er bybefolkningen for evigt...forandret...og en lille gruppe overlevende må arbejde sammen for at afsløre sandheden bag Umbrella og klare sig igennem natten.
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Parret Chase og Laine besøger Horror Hound-festivalen, som for første gang afholdes i Louisiana. Men deres ophold forstyrres af uforklarlige forudanelser og mystiske syn med forbindelse til byens dystre fortid. Mens festivalens blodige festligheder eskalerer, bliver Laine mere og mere overbevist om, at der er noget galt. Måske er der sket noget frygteligt for første gang i 23 år – den myteomspundne Creeper er blevet påkaldt…
En tidligere burleskdanser, der blev forfatter, opdager en ny chance for liv og forløsning, da hun risikerer alt for at redde sin unge nabo, efter at han har været vidne til sine forældres mord. Nu på flugt fra den lokale kriminalitetschef, som tilfældigvis er hendes mangeårige eks, gør hun et desperat forsøg på at få drengen i sikkerhed.
Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.
Jerome, 35, is a yacht salesman in Nice. But if you listen to him, in his spare time Jerome is also an astronaut, a karate world champion and a close friend of Miss Universe. As a matter of fact Jerome is a compulsive liar: he lies to everyone about everything! No one believes him, but that doesn’t prevent him from accumulating more lies. But one day Jerome wakes up to find out that all his lies have come true... and it’s just the beginning of the troubles ...!