A factory explosion plunges a small town into a timeless freeze, leaving teenage Masamune and his pals to grapple with a quickly collapsing reality.

Un reconegut doctor, mor i es desperta en el món espiritual. En aquest moment començarà un viatge a través de l'autoconeixement i la transformació que li comportarà un immens dolor i patiment fins a ser rescatat i traslladat a una ciutat espiritual que s'alça en les capes superiors de l'atmosfera terrestre, on descobrirà que la vida continua sent la mateixa, però...

Un thriller sobre traficants de droga, ambientat als baixos fons de Copenhaguen i protagonitzat per un camell a qui plouen els problemes.

The background to and depiction of a watershed battle in Japanese history, at Sekigahara in 1600, when Tokugawa Ieyasu's Army of the East defeated the Army of the West of Ishida Mitsunari. The story includes the intrigues and shifting loyalties of the various retainers, family members, and samurai.

L'última pel·lícula dels productors de "Paràsits" és un thriller d'acció realista sobre una venjança entre assassins a sou degut a un assumpte no resolt en el passat. Un assassí arriba a Tailàndia per a resoldre un cas de segrest, però es veurà perseguit per un home amb qui manté un deute del passat.

A long forgotten friend is getting ready to be married, so an opportunity for a bachelor party will not be missed by our beloved heroes. There is one significant difference tough, that will test their limits: The wedding will take place in Crete and the Cretan relatives of the bride are not joking at all. New friends and also enemies will join the team. They will confront Cretan vendettas but also the consequences of the most epic bachelor party ever!

How the citizens of Malta fought for independence from Britain in 1919. When the Army was sent to quell the riots and the British government covered up the bloody encounter, more than 100 Maltese were accused of instigating the violence and jailed.

Based on the true story of the notorious 1957 ‘mob summit’ in upstate New York. Spearheaded by Vito Genovese, more than 50 leaders of the organized crime syndicates from around the country converged on the sleepy town to discuss upcoming expansion plans. Their plans are foiled when local police trooper Ed Croswell discovers their activities and, consequently, exposes the mob to the American public. Croswell’s actions shed light on the massive web of corruption and changed the face of law enforcement forever.

La Marley és una bonica i prometedora publicista jove de Nova Orleans, que ha viscut tota la seva vida sense creure en l'amor, sortejant les relacions i evitant involucrar-se sentimentalment. Però quan de forma inesperada el seu metge li diagnostica una greu malaltia, la seva vida fa un gir total, donant lloc a l'inici d'un gran amor.

After a violent encounter, Roy finds Rocky and sees something in her eyes that prompts a fateful decision. He takes her with him as he flees to Galveston, an action as ill-advised as it is inescapable.

A lawyer puts his family in jeopardy when he captures the last member of a violent clan and tries to forcibly tame her.

There is something strange - some would even say abnormal - about the Malaussène family. But if you take a closer look, no one could be happier than this cheerfully chaotic family, even though their mother is usually off on one romantic adventure or another. Life is never a bore for Benjamin Malaussène, professional scapegoat and the older brother responsible for this horde of kids. But when incidents happen wherever he goes, police and colleagues begin to eye him suspiciously. It soon becomes a matter of life and death to find out what is going on and who is so interested in ruining his life. Written by Pathe International

Han and Hao are about to get married soon when Hao picks up a strange red envelope on the street and then all hell breaks loose with a vengeful supernatural bride wreaking havoc on his life.

When a clever, carefree gangster is recruited to help an overseas crime lord take down a rival, he is caught off guard by the moral dilemmas that follow.

High schooler Haruna befriends loner Yamada, then is drawn into the tangled relationship between him, a model and the girl who loves him unreasonably.

Royal Air Force pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair is on her final flight mission when her jet is shot down over one of the most dangerous rebel strongholds in Afghanistan. She finds refuge in an abandoned underground bunker where deadly man-made creatures known as Ravagers — half-human, half-alien, and hungry for human flesh — are awakened.

Ellie tries to mend her marriage with her husband Marcus after a brief encounter with an old friend, David, only to find that David is more dangerous and unstable than she'd realized.

The unexpected and gruesome death of a student threatens the existence of an old Catholic school for girls. Pat Consolacion, the school guidance counselor, involves herself with the students in the hopes of helping them cope, and at the same time uncover the mysteries of the student’s death. Most students suspect of the strict and borderline abusive Mother Alice, who also threatened Pat’s tenure in the school because of her continuous meddling with the case. But Pat’s unusual talents lead her to knowing Eri, a former student who's been watching the whole school for years. Piece by piece, Pat uncovers the secret of the school and the monster that it nurtured for the past century.

Miss Klein runs a boarding-school. The girls that go there are really "free spirited." They chloroform a peeping Tom, lock two plumbers in the dormitories, strip for a gamekeeper and tease their gym teacher. In class, their biology teacher gets carried away while giving a demonstration of sex positions with the gym teacher. In the meantime, one of the girls makes some exciting alterations to their bicycles to make their rides more enjoyable.

Bruce Willis torna a ser l'heroi d'acció en aquesta invasió criminal on un doctor i la seva família seran presos com a ostatges per dos lladres. El Frank i el seu fill estan enfrontats, però hauran de deixar les picabaralles a un costat i unir forces per a sobreviure i sortir amb vida de la seva casa quan dos criminals que fugen d'un robatori a mà armada assalten la seva llar i prenen com a ostatges als membres de la família.