En Tony Vallelonga, conegut amb el malnom de Tony Lip, és un rústec italoamericà del Bronx que treballa de goril·la al club Copacabana de Nova York, però que es veu obligat a buscar una feina temporal durant dos mesos quan el club tanca per reformes. És aleshores que li sorgeix l'oportunitat de fer de xofer i guardaespatlles per a Don Shirley, un virtuós pianista afroamericà que ha de fer una gira amb el seu trio que el portarà fins al sud profund dels Estats Units. Per fer la seva feina, Tony tindrà com a guia el "Llibre verd del conductor negre", una relació dels hotels i restaurants on accepten negres al sud dels Estats Units dels anys 60.
Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.
Any 1936. Indiana Jones és un professor universitari d'arqueologia, però alhora un aventurer a la recerca de valuoses relíquies històriques. Després de tornar d'una infructuosa missió a Amèrica del Sud, el govern nord-americà li encarrega una nova comesa: trobar l'Arca de l'Aliança, on es creu que els hebreus van dipositar els manaments que Déu havia atorgat a Moisès, abans que els nazis la trobin i en facin un mal ús ja que, segons la llegenda, l'objecte atribueix un poder invencible a qui la posseeixi.
In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.
Three friends who were inseparable in childhood decide to go on a three-week-long bachelor road trip to Spain, in order to re-establish their bond and explore thrilling adventures, before one of them gets married. What will they learn of themselves and each other during the adventure?
An aspiring pilot fights for her future -- and justice -- after surviving an acid attack from her abusive boyfriend.
A period drama set in the 1970s, KGF follows the story of a fierce rebel who rises against the brutal oppression in Kolar Gold Fields and becomes the symbol of hope to legions of downtrodden people.
Upon returning to his industrial hometown, a young man must decide whether to follow his own dreams or acquiesce to his father's plans for his future.
A hostel warden becomes the target of a dreaded politician and his gangster son, but little do they realise that it is they who should fear him.
A young bride's wedding night turns into her worst nightmare when her ridiculously rich in-laws force her to play a gruesome game of hide-in-seek.
Tots portem un superheroi a dins, només cal una mica de màgia per treure'l a la llum. Quan Billy Batson, un nen d'acollida de 14 anys que ha crescut als carrers, crida la paraula 'SHAZAM!' es converteix al Superheroi adult Shazam, per cortesia d'un antic mag. Dins un cos musculós i diví, Shazam amaga un cor de nen. Però el millor és que en aquesta versió d'adult aconsegueix fer tot el que li agradaria fer a qualsevol adolescent amb superpoders: divertir-se amb ells! Volar? Tenir visió de raigs X? Disparar un llamp amb les mans? Saltar l'examen de socials? Shazam posarà a prova els límits de les seves habilitats amb la inconsciència pròpia d'un nen. Però necessitarà dominar ràpidament aquests poders per lluitar contra les letals forces del mal que controla el Dr. Thaddeus Sivana.
Vijay and Pournami are two very different sort of people who first meet because of a misunderstanding. Vijay is a lazy engineering graduate unwilling to follow his passions and Pournami is an unlucky bold girl who doesn't give up on her dreams. They don't seem to find a lot of things in common at first; but as time passes more avenues open up for them to collaborate and learn from each other.
Rishi Kumar is a billionaire and the CEO of Origins, someone who has always strived for the success he now owns. His friend Ravi needs help, how will he come through?
The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It's up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are.
Ullaas is a cunning guy who can go to any extent for money. One fine day, he cheats a priest and redirects an NRI match which is supposed to go to a known person in his village. He manages everything and finally ties the knot with Laya. The twist in the tale arises when Ullaas comes to know that the NRI girl he married is a complete alcoholic. Rest of the story is as to how Sunil manages to get his problematic wife back on track.
A gifted teenage detective searches for his missing father with his ladylove assistant.
Anglaterra viu sumida en una Guerra Freda amb Xina. Per aquesta raó, el Ministeri de Defensa encarrega al científic Vincent McCarthy que desenvolupi un supersoldado cibernètic. La recerca es veu alterada quan un error informàtic dóna vida a la seva invenció, portant al científic a demanar ajuda a Ava, experta en Intel·ligència Artificial.
A well-to-do husband who allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce becomes a prime suspect in the disappearance of her lovers.
As per the demands of the villagers, the government builds a dam in Vellimala. However, things take a turn when the government decides to destroy the dam as it is marked unsafe.
Devar Madom Narayanan (Mammootty) is accused of killing his father and for being cruel to his mother. At the age of 13, he serves a sentence at the juvenile home. On returning, he becomes a leader in Perumalpuram village and expels all the wrongdoers. He thus makes many enemies.