Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

The deep conversation between a Japanese architect and a French actress forms the basis of this celebrated French film, considered one of the vanguard productions of the French New Wave. Set in Hiroshima after the end of World War II, the couple -- lovers turned friends -- recount, over many hours, previous romances and life experiences. The two intertwine their stories about the past with pondering the devastation wrought by the atomic bomb dropped on the city.

Nugalėjęs Gidorą ir tapęs „alfa monstru“, Godzila pasitraukė į vandenynų gelmes. Tačiau dėl neaiškių priežasčių jis ima vis dažniau atakuoti pakrantėse įsikūrusius miestus. Neturėdami kitos išeities, žmonės nusprendžia į pagalbą pasitelkti Kongą. Jį dar gabenant iš gimtosios Kaukolių salos, Godzila pajunta kito titano buvimą ir puola į kovą. Kilus žūtbūtinei monstrų dvikovai, pamažu ima aiškėti, kodėl Godzila staiga tapo priešiškas žmonijai. Paslaptinga kompanija, besirengianti užkariauti pasaulį, naudoja nelegaliai gautą titanų galios šaltinį, į kurį ir reaguoja Godzila. Keletas žmonių, pasiryžusių demaskuoti paslaptingas jėgas, už virvučių tampančias galingiausius pasaulio padarus, kartu su Kongu leidžiasi kelionėn į Žemės gelmes, kuriose kažkada gyveno gigantiškosios gorilos protėviai ir kur slypi didžioji šių dviejų išlikusių titanų paslaptis.

Middle-aged Giulietta grows suspicious of her husband, Giorgio, when his behavior grows increasingly questionable. One night when Giorgio initiates a seance amongst his friends, Giulietta gets in touch with spirits and learns more about herself and her painful past. Slightly skeptical, but intrigued, she visits a mystic who gives her more information -- and nudges her toward the realization that her husband is indeed a philanderer.

One-armed war veteran John J. Macreedy steps off a train at the sleepy little town of Black Rock. Once there, he begins to unravel a web of lies, secrecy, and murder.

Mergina atsibunda slaptoje laboratorijoje. Bėgdama iš laboratorijos mergina susitinka su Kyjunhe ir akis į akį susiduria su nusikaltėliais. Staiga ją užvaldo didžiulė galia. Kas yra paslaptinga mergina ir kodėl ji yra persekiojama?

A woman falls in love with a man who is somewhat unavailable.

Afflicted with a terminal illness John Bernard Books, the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler. Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow and her son. However, it is not Books' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.

Steven spends his school days longing for all-star athlete John. But John has a gorgeous girlfriend, and Steven is still in the closet. Steven's sole confidant is his friend Linda. After a curious run-in with John in a public restroom, Steven starts to wonder if the jock is straight after all. When they begin a romance, it threatens to expose the truth about both of them.

During an assignment, foreign correspondent Steve Martin spends a layover in Tokyo and is caught amid the rampage of an unstoppable prehistoric monster the Japanese call 'Godzilla'. The only hope for both Japan and the world lies on a secret weapon, which may prove more destructive than the monster itself.

Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life.

Prie Graikijos krantų po nelaimingo atsitikimo nuskęsta britų karinis laivas su itin slapta šifravimo mašina. Dabar šis įrenginys, galintis kontroliuoti povandeninius laivus, atsidūrė turtuolio Aristotelio Kristatoso rankose. Milijonierius tikisi savo radinį parduoti rusams. Šį sandėrį reikia žūtbūt sužlugdyti. Džeimsas Bondas kartu su pagalbininke Melinda dar kartą gelbėja pasaulį.Filmas buvo filmuojamas Graikijoje, Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Italijoje ir Bahamuose.Džeimsas Bondas skėčiu naudojasi kaip parašiutu. Tačiau skylės skėtyje atsiranda anksčiau, negu į agentą pradeda šaudyti priešai...

Atokiame Aliaskos miestelyje saulė nesirodo 30 dienų bei naktų. Per tą laiką blogis yra pasiruošęs užvaldyti miestelį, tačiau atsiranda drąsuolių, kurie yra pasiruošę mesti blogiui iššūkį.

While working a job at an exclusive ski resort to support her Dad, Kim learns to snowboard and is so good at it that she enters a competition with a huge cash prize. She has to dig deep to overcome her fears, but her life gets more complicated through her spoken-for boss, Jonny.

Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.

Peggy Sue faints at a high school reunion. When she wakes up she finds herself in her own past, just before she finished school.

When Hamilton High’s Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she comes back for revenge thirty years later.

Carpenter Arturo becomes a literary sensation when the children's stories he writes in his spare time get published, but he comes to resent success and the spotlight that comes with it. During a press tour he falls in love with beautiful married woman, Matilde.

After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Cleveland Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! However, they first have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team.

Agathe runs an art gallery. Her husband François is a publisher. Together they have one son, and in every way seem to be the picture of normality — but emotions are stewing under the surface. All it takes is the arrival of a complete stranger for things to start unravelling. Patrick is brash, uncouth and totally unselfconscious...