Best friends Peppe and Mario are thieves, but they're not very good at it. Still, Peppe thinks that he's finally devised a master heist that will make them rich. With the help of some fellow criminals, he plans to dig a tunnel from a rented apartment to the pawnshop next door, where they can rob the safe. But his plan is far from foolproof, and the fact that no one in the group has any experience digging tunnels proves to be the least of their problems.

Pripažintas rašytojas Džovani Pontano su žmona Lidija vyksta į vakarėlį pas magnatą Gerardini. Nors moteris ir ne itin nori, tačiau sutinka, nes vyras tikisi susitarti dėl naujos knygos leidimo. Vakarėlis ūžia, o pora tampa viso šėlsmo stebėtoja. Džovanis ieško naujų literatūros personažų, situacijų ir aptinka žavingą šeimininko dukrą Valentiną. Lidija stebi visus, tačiau akys visą laiką ieško Džovanio. Ir vienas, ir kitas įsitraukia į naktinius žaidimus, kurie padeda Lidijai ir Džovaniui suprasti, ką jie vienas kitam reiškia. 1961 m. Tarptautiniame Berlyno kino festivalyje filmas „Naktis“ apdovanotas „Auksiniu lokiu“.

In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but this brings new vulnerability to humans in the form of brain-hacking. When a highly-wanted hacker known as 'The Puppetmaster' begins involving them in politics, Section 9, a group of cybernetically enhanced cops, are called in to investigate and stop the Puppetmaster.

An assassin goes through obstacles as he attempts to escape his violent lifestyle despite the opposition of his partner, who is secretly attracted to him.

The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true self.

In the carefree days before World War I, introverted Austrian author Jules strikes up a friendship with the exuberant Frenchman Jim and both men fall for the impulsive and beautiful Catherine.

Jau kelis dešimtmečius skaitytojus šiurpinęs vienas populiariausių Styveno Kingo romanų atgyja kino ekranuose ir pasakoja apie nedidelį ir iš pažiūros niekuo neišsiskiriantį JAV miestelį Derį. Jei ne viena siaubinga aplinkybė: kartas nuo karto jame dingsta vaikas. O suaugusieji gyvena toliau, lyg nieko nebūtų nutikę. Dingus Džordžiui, jo vyresnysis broliukas Bilas (aktorius Jaeden‘as Lieberher‘as) kartu su dar šešiais draugais įsipainioja į keistų, nepaaiškinamų ir siaubingų įvykių voratinklį, kurio centre – vis dažniau jiems pasirodantis kraupus klounas Penivaisas (akt. Bill‘as Skarsgård‘as).

Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and occasionally her body to the fishing tourists. One day she falls in love with Hyun-Shik, who is on the run from the police, and rescues him with a fish hook when he tries to commit suicide.

Danų krovininio laivo įgulą užgrobia Somalio piratai, kurie vėliau derasi su Kopenhagos teisėsauga.

Irish Republican Army member Fergus forms an unexpected bond with Jody, a kidnapped British soldier in his custody, despite the warnings of fellow IRA members Jude and Maguire. Jody makes Fergus promise he'll visit his girlfriend, Dil, in London, and when Fergus flees to the city, he seeks her out. Hounded by his former IRA colleagues, he finds himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic, and surprising, Dil.

Patrakusi kompanija – George`as Clooney, Markas Wahlbergas, Ice`as Cube`as – susitinka karinėje veiksmo dramoje „Trys karaliai“. Provokuojančio filmo siužetas rutuliojasi pirmojo Amerikos konflikto su Iraku metu, kai Persų įlankos karas buvo laimėtas nė nepradėjus kovoti. Tačiau trys vaikinai norėjo nuotykių, todėl leidosi ieškoti Sadamo Huseino pagrobto Kuveito aukso...

When a famous Bollywood actor visits a small village for a film's shoot, a poor hairdresser's claim that they were once childhood friends soon makes him the centre of attention.

When their plans for a nature trip go awry, Polly and boyfriend Seth decide to check into a motel. On their way, they're carjacked and kidnapped by low-rent crooks Dennis and Lacey, who take the victims and their SUV to a nearby gas station. Along the way, they encounter an increasingly terrifying horde of parasites, and if any of them intend to survive, they'll have to outsmart the deadly organisms.

Ava is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.

Ève and Henri are among the happy few of the French community in Vienna. They are “la crème de la crème”. The perfect picture crumbles when Ève discovers that Henri is cheating on her. On an impulse, she finds revenge with Jonas, a perfect young Austrian guy. But he’s not who she thought he was. This will lead them to an irreversible spiral.

Mažas berniukas per senovinėje knygoje esantį portalą patenka į magijos ir fantazijos pasaulį.

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.

A womanizer meets his match when he falls for the daughter of a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob.

When the last evacuation flight out of war-torn Africa crashes off the coast, American Air Force Engineer Lieutenant Brian Murphy emerges as the sole survivor in a land where the dead are returning to life and attacking the living.

Eliotas dirba eiliniu mokytoju, kai jį užklumpa nepaaiškinami dalykai. Jis tampa vienu iš tūkstančių paprastų šalies gyventojų, kurie vis dar atsisako patikėti tuo, kas jau akivaizdu: link jų žaibišku greičiu artėja nesuvokiama ataka, o gal virusas ar gamtos katastrofa...