Zoinks! Get ready to shake and shiver with Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collect clues and capture crooks as only they can! Those teenage super-sleuths have the villains on the run in four mysterious adventures. So grab your Scooby snacks, gather your courage and make like a detective because - jinkies - there's a mystery to solve. Compilation of four episodes from the Scooby-Doo franchise: Vampires, Bats, and Scaredy Cats; A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts; That's Snow Ghost; and Which Witch is Which.

In yet another hilarious caper, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and, of course, Scooby-Doo team up with the talented Harlem Globetrotters to solve a haunting that, apparently, involves the ghosts of Paul Revere and other Revolutionary War soldiers. A second episode features the gang and the Globetrotters heading to a deserted island for some relaxation, but they realize they are in for trouble when their ship sets sail with nobody at the wheel.

Inhabitants of a small village in Hungary deal with the effects of the fall of Communism. The town's source of revenue, a factory, has closed, and the locals, who include a doctor and three couples, await a cash payment offered in the wake of the shuttering. Irimias, a villager thought to be dead, returns and, unbeknownst to the locals, is a police informant. In a scheme, he persuades the villagers to form a commune with him.

Noriko és una dona soltera de 27 anys que viu feliç amb el seu pare vidu, cuidant d’ell i encarregant-se de les feines de casa. L’home creu que ha arribat el moment que la seva filla es casi, encara que això signifiqui quedar-se definitivament sol. Noriko no està molt convençuda d’abandonar-lo, però acaba per acceptar la idea. No obstant això, el candidat ideal per contreure matrimoni s’acaba comprometent amb la millor amiga de Noriko.

Johnny Farrell, un aventurer que viu de fer trampes al joc, recala a Buenos Aires. Allà li treu un problema un home anomenat Ballin Mundson, propietari d'un casino luxós. El nouvingut acaba esdevenint l'individu de confiança del seu amfitrió. Un dia, el seu superior presenta a la seva dona, Gilda. Ell reacciona amb perplexitat, ja que ella el va convertir en ser amargat i cínic que és ara.

Successful movie director John L. Sullivan, convinced he won't be able to film his ambitious masterpiece until he has suffered, dons a hobo disguise and sets off on a journey, aiming to "know trouble" first-hand. When all he finds is a train ride back to Hollywood and a beautiful blonde companion, he redoubles his efforts, managing to land himself in more trouble than he bargained for when he loses his memory and ends up a prisoner on a chain gang.

One of the greatest of black art pictures. The conjurer appears before the audience, with his head in its proper place. He then removes his head, and throwing it in the air, it appears on the table opposite another head, and both detached heads sing in unison. The conjurer then removes it a third time. You then see all three of his heads, which are exact duplicates, upon the table at one time, while the conjurer again stands before the audience with his head perfectly intact, singing in unison with the three heads upon the table. He closes the picture by bowing himself from the stage.

Life on a shelf as a snowman trapped in a snow-globe blizzard can become wearing, especially when you're surrounded by knickknacks from sunnier locales. When the jaded snowman finally breaks free of his glass house, his vacation plans are cut short.

Largely considered to be the greatest American author, Mark Twain is celebrated in this exhaustive documentary by filmmaker Ken Burns.

After a dreadful incident coupled with an ungovernable paroxysm of violence, a butcher will fall into a downward spiral that will burn to the ground whatever dignity still remained in him.

A man is forced to completely change his habits when he decides to move from the country to the city.

És l'any 1967, Larry Gopnik és professor de física i veu com la seva vida s'ensorra. És un bon home, un marit fidel i afectuós, un bon pare i un professor seriós, però, de cop i volta la vida li comença a anar malament. La dona l'abandona sense explicacions, l'amant d'ella el convenç perquè deixi casa seva i vagi a viure a un motel pel bé dels nens. A més a més, la seva carrera professional es veu amenaçada quan comença a rebre una sèrie anònims amb acusacions contra seu.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Un nen queda cec, sord i mut com a conseqüència del trauma sofert en contemplar l'assassinat del seu pare a mans de l'amant de la seva mare. Amb el pas del temps es converteix en estrella mundial del pinball.

Madeleine, rendered mute after being sexually assaulted as a youth, accepts a lift from a wealthy and sadistic pimp who soon enslaves her into his prostitution racket. Despite her limited means, Madeleine embarks on a bloody road to revenge against her captors.

La pel·lícula explica la vida de l'artista Bobby Darin, cantant i actor que va començar la seva carrera al Bronx, a Nova York. En Bobby es va casar amb l'actriu Sandra Dee i es va fer famós per diverses cançons, especialment per "Beyond the Sea".

A horrific explosion creates a dimensional portal between Tromaville and its dimensional mirror image, Amortville. While the Toxie is trapped in the mirror dimension, Tromaville comes under the control of his evil doppelganger, the Noxious Offender.

Two men get laid off and have to become stay-at-home dads when they can't find jobs, which inspires them to open their own day-care center.

The rise of Charles Manson and his "family," who are responsible for a series of famous murders in the late 1960s. Manson, a magnetic and mysterious man, attracts road-weary single mother Linda Kasabian to join his collection of outcasts on a ranch outside of Los Angeles. After murdering actress Sharon Tate, Manson and his followers are investigated by district attorney Vincent Bugliosi.

Four men stand holding what appears to be a blanket, while one wearing a hat stands watching. A sixth man then runs towards them and attempts to jump into the blanket.