One-time gangster Antoine is enjoying retirement on the coast, now managing a boating club. He receives a visit from a former accomplice who asks for a loan. The money will be repaid by a crook who is now in hiding; Antoine intends to recover his money.

Desperate, Didier throws hymself out in the Seine. Pascal, a newsboy, jumps and saves him. It’s the beginning of the friendship between them.Once, as Pascal helps Didier, he finds himself involved in a murder. Only the superintendent believes in his innocence…

A young Tokyo salary man and his wife struggle within the confines of their passionless relationship while he has an extramarital affair.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

An unexpected love triangle, a seduction trap, and a random encounter are the three episodes, told in three movements to depict three female characters and trace the trajectories between their choices and regrets.

In this action comedy the French boxer Jo Cavalier is charmed on the train to Berlin for the Olympics in Hitler's Germany by the little boy Simon Rosenblum who asks his autograph; when it turns out his adorable young fan is a Jewish orphan in danger of persecution, he risks his one shot at Olympic glory to save Simon and his family, helped only by a German officer-gentleman who became his friend in World War I, by an adventurous escape to Switzerland, Nazi troops on their heals and braving impossible odds in roller coaster-style.

Poor Charlie Brown. He can't fly a kite, and he always loses in baseball. Having his faults projected onto a screen by Lucy doesn't help him much either. Against the sage advice and taunting of the girls in his class, he volunteers for the class spelling bee...and wins!

A French widower and WWI veteran returns home after the war to raise his newborn daughter.

Billy Ho er den største Fung Fu stjerne i biograferne. Alle vil have ham, inklusiv et stort firma styret af den mægtige mafiakonge Dr. Land. Han giver Billy et simpelt forretningsforslag: "Skriv under eller dø!". Men Billy nægter. Midt under en optagelse lyder der et skud. Billy udstøder et skrig og falder til jorden. Alle tror det er en del af handlingen. Men det er ikke løst krudt, Billy er blevet skudt med! Begravelsen bliver storslået. Alle hans venner og fans sørger. Men Billy er ikke død. Han har overlevet med den mindste marginal, og grubler nu på en frygtelig hævn. Han lokalisere lederen af en stor Kung Fu turnering i Macao. På Dr. Lands side findes verdens farligste mænd. På Billys side findes verdens farligste ben og hænder. Sidste runde kan begynde!

In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein. Years of peace follow that grisly night until Mircalla reappears to avenge her family's decimation and satisfy her desire for blood.

Det er nu 10 år siden den mordgale Michael Myers var årsag til en blodig massakre i den lille by Haddonfield. Siden da har han været anbragt på en anstalt - på den lukkede afdeling. En ny lov siger at patienter efter at have afsonet 10 år, skal overføres til åbne anstalter. Da doktor Loomis hører dette, skynder han sig til sygehuset. Men han kommer for sent. Michael Myers er løs igen. Dwight H. Little (Marked for Death) har instrueret.

Det er Halloween. Det fejres overalt. Men hos Laurie er nerverne på højkant. Der er gået nøjagtigt 20 år, siden hun med nød og næppe overlevede sin brors, Michaels, morderiske angreb. Nu plages hun igen af mareridtet, og hun ser Michael for sig overalt. Med alkohol og beroligende piller forsøger hun at overbevise sig selv om, at hun blot ser syner. Men psykopaten Michael er på vej. Han vil samle familien en sidste gang. For intet bånd er stærkere end blodets bånd.

Hvor godt kender man egentligt et andet menneske? Selv vores allernærmest, kan have mørke hemmeligheder, som man aldrig ville kunne forestille sig. Jackie og Jules skal fejre deres 1 års-bryllupsdag i en ødebeliggende jagthytte. Men fra det øjeblik de ankommer, forandres alt. Den omsorgsfulde Jackie begynder at vise en ukendt og mørk side af sig selv. Snart viser det sig, at Jules må vælge mellem kvinden, hun elsker og en vanvittig kamp for overlevelse.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.

Ted, his cousin May, her best friend April and April's boyfriend, Kofei take a vacation to Thailand to visit their Thai buddy, Chongkwai, who shows them a book of ten ways to see ghosts. And the game begins.

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.

En ond videnskabsmand, kendt som The Cobra, har udviklet en dræbende virus, som han vil afprøve på vinderen af det forestående verdensmesterskab. The Cobra vil derved overbevise en forsamling af internationale terrorister, om effekten af dette dødbringende våben. American Ninja deltager i verdensmesterskabet, og finder ud af The Cobra's ondskabsfulde planer. Han må nu kæmpe mod en hel hær af ninjaer for at komme frem til The Cobra's godt beskyttede laboratorium, for at fremskaffe modgiften.

A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water.