Fight Club was a two-day professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event promoted by Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) that was held on October 8 and 9, 2022. Both nights of the event were held in Atlantic City, New Jersey; night 1 of the event took place at the Garden Pier at the Showboat while night 2 was held inside Showboat Hotel itself. The event aired on PPV via the FITE TV service.

An anthology of 5 different cab drivers in 5 American and European cities and their remarkable fares on the same eventful night.

Året er 1916 og pengene er meget små for Bill (Gere) og hans kæreste Abby (Adams), da de ankommer til Texas fra Chicago. Parret får arbejde i markerne for en rig landmand (Shepard), der snart for et godt øje til Abby. Landmanden er syg, og udsigten til en snarlig arv får Bill til at opfordre Abby til at gifte sig. Men ægteskabet viser sig desværre at have helbredende virkning, og snart er Bill ved at koge over af jalousi.

Documentary about the milk farmer Bertil Nilsson

While Hirono is in prison, his rival Takeda turns his own crime organization into a political party, whose two executives stir up new tensions in their thirst for power.

Pioneren Lin McAdam forsøger at spore sin fars morder og sin unikke riffel, Winchester ’73, som går fra hånd til hånd mellem en række desperate mænd – bl.a. en skør stratenrøver, en skrupelløs våbensmugler, en brutal ung indianerhøvding samt McAdams egen mordlystne bror.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Dawn Davenport progresses from a teenage nightmare hell-bent on getting cha-cha heels for Christmas to a fame monster whose egomaniacal impulses land her in the electric chair.

Valerie, a Czechoslovakian teenager living with her grandmother, is blossoming into womanhood, but that transformation proves secondary to the effects she experiences when she puts on a pair of magic earrings. Now seeing the world around her in a different light, Valerie must endure her sexual awakening while attempting to discern reality from fantasy as she encounters lecherous priest Gracian, a vampire-like stranger and otherworldly carnival folk.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Videnskabsmænd bedøver og fanger et undervandsmonster, som bliver forelsket i den ledende videnskabsmands kvindelige assistent (Julia Adams). Det ensomme uhyre - "et levende, amfibisk missing link" - flygter og kidnapper genstanden for sin kærlighed. Videnskabsmanden (Richard Carlson) sætter alt ind for at redde sin assistent og smide det uheldsvangre uhyre tilbage til dybet, hvor det kom fra. Den velspillede og velinstruerede Creature from the Black Lagoon med Bud Westmores geniale monster forbliver en tidløs hyldest til filmens kreative skabere.

On 07 January 1972, the South Korean base in Nah-Trang, Vietnam, receives a radio transmission from a missing platoon presumed dead.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

After the trolls' victory over the Snow Queen, Orm claims that he is destined to marry the princess and inherit great power.

Part 1: "Time Knot: Reflection" Written by Kazunori Itô, directed by Tomomi Mochizuki. Mayu finds a camera floating in the ocean while on vacation. A very unusual camera. The film, mostly intact, reveals a picture of herself with a man she has never seen before. But that isn't the unusual part. This camera hasn't been made yet, and won't be made for another two years. Soon, Mayu finds herself swinging uncontrollably back and forth through time like a pendulum. Part 2: "Mystery Article File 538" Written and directed by Mamoru Oshii. This episode follows a down-on-his-luck detective who accepts the first case to come his way: Surveillance of a man and a little girl. But who are they? And why do airplanes that fly over them turn into giant imperial carp? An investigator's normal methods don't apply when reality itself no longer applies.

Indie film om fem unge par med en yderst afslappet holdning til sex. I løbet af en enkelt nat leder de alle efter en morsom og erotisk oplevelse, men de ender med at finde mere, end de forventede. Trods alle deres bestræbelser på bare at dyrke ukompliceret sex, helt fri for følelser, opdager de, at der ikke findes noget som ”bare at dyrke sex".

Marshall Seymour (Judge Reinhold) er en travl forretningsmand, der har et forlist ægteskab bag sig, og som forsømmer sin 11-årige søn Charlie (Fred Savage). På en forretningsrejse i Østen får han uden sit vidende et magisk kranium med sig hjem. Da Charlie er på besøg, sker det usandsynlige: Far og søn bytter krop! Marshall er ikke ligefrem begejstret for at ligne et barn. Charlie kan derimod godt se fordelen af at have en voksen krop, men det bliver ikke ved med at være lige sjovt. Snart tårner problemerne sig op, ikke mindst da den professionelle smugler Tina gør sin entré, for hun vil gøre hvad som helst for at få fat i det eftertragtede kranium. Marshall og Charlie vil dog ikke af med trofæet, for måske kan det genoprette tingenes orden. Hvis de dog bare vidste hvordan!

The Yankee Pedlar Inn er et traditionsrigt hotel, der efterhånden huser flere nullermænd end gæster. Efter hundrede års tro tjeneste skal dørene låses for sidste gang, og det gamle hotel skal pensioneres. Men den sidste aften skal vise sig at blive alt andet end rolig for de to ansatte, spøgelsesentusiasterne Luke og Claire, da de går på jagt efter genfærd i det forladte hotel.