After his girlfriend's murder, Daniel, a physics student becomes obsessed with the idea of going back in time to stop the tragedy. He lets himself be consumed by his own obsession until after years of isolation, he finds the solution. Daniel then gives up his future and returns to the past. However, he is not the same man.

La vida quotidiana de Greg comprèn la seva família, amor i una gosseta molt revoltosa. Tot i això, Greg amaga un secret. El dia d'avui és diferent. Amb l'ajuda de la seva precoç gosseta i una mica de màgia, potser Greg aprengui que no té res a amagar.

During the marijuana bonanza, a violent decade that saw the origins of drug trafficking in Colombia, Rapayet and his indigenous family get involved in a war to control the business that ends up destroying their lives and their culture.

A father discovers that his son floats, which makes him different from other kids. To keep them both safe from the judgement of the world, Dad hides, covers, and grounds him. But when his son's ability becomes public, Dad must decide whether to run and hide or to accept his son as he is.

Un jove conill intenta construir el cau dels seus somnis, malgrat no tenir ni idea de com fer-ho i es fica cada vegada en més problemes. Després de tocar fons, descobreix que no ha de tenir vergonya en demanar ajut.

Set in a world of magical realism, "Wind" sees a grandmother and her grandson trapped down an endless chasm, scavenging debris that surrounds them to realize their dream of escaping to a better life.

Mickey has been reading Alice in Wonderland, and falls asleep. He finds himself on the other side of the mirror, where the furniture is alive.

Bo Peep explains what happened to herself and her sheep between the events of Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 4.

Una jove i audaç marieta queda atrapada, per accident, en una caixa amb destí a Guadalupe, un petit arxipèlag de les Antilles, en el mar Carib.

Discover the inspiring personal stories of the people behind the enduring magic of Disney.

La Dorothy es troba les sabatilles de plata màgiques de la seva àvia, que també es diu Dorothy, i, sense saber ben bé com, apareix de cop i volta al país d'Oz. Allà descobreix que tothom la confon amb l'àvia, que ja havia viscut una aventura a Oz feia molts anys al costat del seu gosset, el Toto, dels mugans i de l'Home de Llauna, el Lleó i l'Espantaocells. Aviat també descobreix que hi ha un personatge nou, l'Urfin Jus, que ha donat vida a un poderós exèrcit de soldats de fusta per convertir-se en l'amo i senyor de tot el país de la màgia. La Dorothy està a punt de viure una aventura tant o més extraordinària que la de la seva àvia per salvar els seus amics del país d'Oz.

El rei de Dinamarca mor i la seva vídua es casa a les poques setmanes amb el cunyat. Hamlet, el primogènit, no pot oblidar el seu pare, el fantasma del qual se li apareix al castell i li confirma que va ser enverinat pel seu propi germà.

Under the shining sun and clear blue sky, Pikachu and friends visits a beach to play! Excited, Piplup and Buizel start to test their speed in the ocean. Meanwhile, Meowth and its team bring the surf board saying "We are going to catch the Big Wave and become the Legend!" Trying to scramble for the play space, all the Pokemon get into a big fight! All of the sudden, a huge snowstorm blows everyone away from the play space. After the incident, Pikachu and friends wake up in a world of ice! Pikachu, Piplup and Meowth found themselves separated away from everyone by the snow storm. What was the cause of the storm? Can Pikachu and everybody come back to where they came from safely? Pikachu and friends' adventure begins in a world of ice!

A wooden puppet who desperately wants to fit in makes an ill-fated wish upon a star, sparking a journey of self-discovery.

When an administrator in Paris is sent to Sweden to close a toy company before Christmas, she meets the manager, who plays with her heartstrings.

The story starts with the morning of a little, short guy named Bob who just starts working in the space agency. When watching the spaceship launching, Bob is hit by a bolt of mysterious lightning and starts to grow bigger. But there seems no way to stop...

An orphaned teenager forms an unlikely friendship with a detective. Together they investigate her mother's murder, and uncover the supernatural force that proves to be a threat to her family.

The story of William da Silva Lima, the last survivor of the group that founded the Comando Vermelho at the end of the 1970s. It shows him living together with the political prisoners incurred under the same National Security Law and his leadership in the Ilha Grande Prison creating a type of unheard of conduct and solidarity in the Brazilian prisons. The film goes on to tell of the group's actions on the streets of Rio de Janeiro during the beginning of the 80s when they irritated the police with their daring robberies, as well as portraying the surprising love story between William and Tereza. The narrative weaves its way between the intimate conflict and the spectacular assaults and escapes.

A young man leaves his village to go into the city to audition to enter a dance company. He then is involved in illegal activities such as boxing and sleeping with men for money. Unwillingly, he falls in love with a man and suddenly is accepted in and starts dancing in the company. But his life will turn upside down when his lover goes to war and he returns to his village.