A wonderful country full of amazing creatures in America called Colombia, seen as never before, accompanied by incredible shots, make it a must-see place for adventurers and wildlife lovers this natural paradise.

Disneynature’s Elephant follows African elephant Shani and her spirited son Jomo as their herd make an epic journey hundreds of miles across the vast Kalahari Desert. Led by their great matriarch, Gaia, the family faces brutal heat, dwindling resources and persistent predators, as they follow in their ancestors’ footsteps on a quest to reach a lush, green paradise.

Terra" és un cant a la bellesa del nostre planeta i un recordatori de la delicada fragilitat del lloc on vivim. El documental acompanyarà diversos animals -ossos blancs, elefants, balenes-- en un viatge inoblidable a través de les estacions en la seva lluita diària per la supervivència en el nostre planeta. La pel·lícula documental té paisatges mai vistos i detalls més íntims de la vida de les nostres estimades i esquívoles criatures salvatges. Un viatge extraordinari que ens deixarà sense alè.

Years spent recording footage of creatures from every corner of the globe is bound to produce a bit of drama. Here's a behind-the-scenes look.

Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.

Filmmakers Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey chronicle a year in the lives of an Alaskan brown bear named Sky and her cubs, Scout and Amber. Their saga begins as the bears emerge from hibernation at the end of winter. As time passes, the bear family must work together to find food and stay safe from other predators, especially other bears. Although their world is exciting, it is also risky, and the cubs' survival hinges on family togetherness.

Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how mammoth corporations have taken over all aspects of the food chain in the United States, from the farms where our food is grown to the chain restaurants and supermarkets where it's sold. Narrated by author and activist Eric Schlosser, the film features interviews with average Americans about their dietary habits, commentary from food experts like Michael Pollan and unsettling footage shot inside large-scale animal processing plants.

A l'illa del Fred, els vikings conviuen amb els dracs, que són uns membres més de la família. Cada any, a l'hivern, persones i dracs celebren la festa de la Petonada. Aquest any, però, tots els dracs se'n van del poble de cop i volta, i ningú sap per què. L'únic que es queda és l'Esdentegat, el drac d'en Singlot, que li regala una cua protètica perquè pugui ser lliure i volar sense ell. Finalment, en Singlot descobreix per què han marxat els dracs i també rep un regal de l'Esdentegat.

Put out of his swamp solitude by a wicked tyrant's order, grumpy ogre Shrek goes on a journey – accompanied by a chatterbox donkey – to retrieve a beautiful princess from a tower, unaware that she has secrets all her own.

A nature documentary centered on a family of chimps living in the Ivory Coast and Ugandan rain forests. Through Oscar, a little chimpanzee, we discover learning about life in the heart of the African tropical forest and follow his first steps in this world with humor, emotion and anguish. Following a tragedy, he finds himself separated from his mother and left alone to face the hostility of the jungle. Until he is picked up by an older chimpanzee, who will take him under her protection.

Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2009 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four infants from birth to when they are one year old. The babies featured in the film are two from rural areas: Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, and Bayar from Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, as well as two from urban areas: Mari from Tokyo, Japan, and Hattie from San Francisco, USA.

A look at the story behind Marvel Studios and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, featuring interviews and behind-the-scenes footage from all of the Marvel films, the Marvel One-Shots and "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

A look at the events leading up to the Taliban's attack on the young Pakistani school girl, Malala Yousafzai, for speaking out on girls' education and the aftermath, including her speech to the United Nations.

Dragon Hunters is a fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters: the world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly peopled with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules : Eat and don't get eaten.

Africa the Serengeti takes you on an extraordinary journey to view a spectacle few humans have ever witnessed: The Great Migration. Journey with more than two million wildebeests, zebras and antelopes as in their annual 500 mile trek across the Serengeti plains.

The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.

Onze amics, companys d'armes a la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planegen robar, en una sola nit, cinc dels casinos més grans de Las Vegas. L'any 2001 Steven Soderbergh va fer un remake amb un gran repartiment: George Clooney, Brad Pitt i Julia Roberts.

Després de patir un accident que li deixa la cama malferida, una dona descobreix que no experimenta dolor. Aquest succés l’embarca en una irrefrenable espiral onanista d’automutilació i auto-canibalisme que condicionarà el seu futur professional i la relació sentimental amb el seu xicot.

After building his dream house, architect Newton Davis proposes marriage to his girlfriend, only to be summarily rejected. He seeks solace in a one-night stand with a waitress, never imagining that a woman he slept with once would end up posing as his wife. Gwen's ruse is so effective that by the time Newton learns of his "marriage," the entire town feels like they know him.

Ja entrada la nit, als afores de Nova Jersey, una dona ensangonada arriba, trontollant-se, a la sala d'urgències del Centre Mèdic de Dempsy. Després de ser atesa pels metges, Brenda Martin (Julianne Moore) explica al comissari de policia Lorenzo Council (Samuel L. Jackson) que un home negre l'ha agredit i li ha robat el cotxe en un lloc situat entre el barri obrer de Gannon , on viu, i el barri residencial de Dempsy. Council sospita que la dona li està ocultant alguna cosa i, després de diverses hores d'interrogatori, Brenda s'esfondra i confessa que Cody, el seu fill de quatre anys, estava dormint al seient del darrere del cotxe robat. L'activista Karen Collucci (Edie Falco) mobilitza la població dels dos barris en una operació de recerca del nen desaparegut. Però quan la investigació del presumpte segrest apunta a un sospitós que resideix a Dempsy, les tensions racials latents esclaten.