Taylor Swift takes the stage in Dallas for the Reputation Stadium Tour and celebrates a monumental night of music, memories and visual magic.

"Cadillac Records" explica el sorgiment del segell discogràfic Chess Records i els seus artistes. En aquesta història de se*e, violència, competència i rock & roll ambientada en els anys 50 a Chicago, el film segueix les excitants encara que turbulentes vides d'algunes de les llegendes de la música d'Estats Units, incloent a Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin’ Wolf, Etta James i Chuck Berry.

Han passat 20 anys des que Mark Renton abandonés Escòcia i l'heroïna. Ara, Renton torna al seu Edimburg natal amb l'objectiu de refer la seva vida i retrobar-se amb els amics de tota la vida: David "Spud" Murphy, i Simon "Sick Boy" Williamson; al mateix temps que Francis "Franco" Begbie surt de la presó amb set de venjança. Seqüela de 'Trainspotting' (1996), basada en 'Porno', la següent novel·la d'Irvine Welsh, encara que el director Boyle va assegurar que el guió de John Hodge no serà gaire fidel al llibre.

Karan and Arjun reincarnate in the different parts of the country. But the faith of their previous mother brings them together in order to avenge their death.

Júlio wanted to be the most popular person in school but ends up getting more than what he wished for.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

Forty-year-old misanthrope, Guy Trilby (Jason Bateman), enters the National Golden Quill Spelling Bee through a loophole in the rules.

Boston, any 1978. El líder d'una banda que trafica amb armes està realitzant una venda a un parell d'irlandesos en un magatzem abandonat. Però l'intercanvi comença a complicar-se fins extrems insospitats i no trigarà a iniciar-se un llarg tiroteig.

Paul is married to Sali. Everything would be fine if they could get a child. Until the day when Sali receives the call that they have been waiting for so long: their adoption file is approved. He is adorable, he is 6 months old, his name is Benjamin. He is blond with blue eyes and white. They - are black.

Peter Garrett és un jove escalador que ha d'organitzar contra rellotge una expedició al K2, el segon cim més alt del món, per rescatar un equip d'escalada on hi ha la seva germana. L'equip s'ha quedat atrapat en una tomba de gel en una altura on la resistència humana no té gaires possibilitats.

B-Dawg, Mudbud, Budderball, and all the rest of the Buddies are back, but this time, they're setting their sights even higher -- as in, the moon! With the help of their new pals Spudnick (voiced by Jason Earles) and Gravity, these pooches are go for launch. But to pull off their moon landing and make it home safely, our canine heroes will have to summon all their bravery and imagination...

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

El Roland i la Vanessa, una parella de novaiorquesos, arriba a un poblet de la costa de França per allunyar-se de tot. Està clar que passen un mal moment. Ell és escriptor, però, tot i que ho intenta, no aconsegueix escriure gens. Es passa tot el dia fora de l'hotel, al cafè del poble. Ella dedica els dies a contemplar el mar i a no fer res. Tenen una relació freda i distant. Llavors, arriba a l'hotel una parella jove que s'acaba de casar i ocupa l'habitació del costat. Un dia, la Vanessa s'adona que hi ha un foradet a la paret i els comença a espiar. Aviat s'establirà una relació molt singular entre les dues parelles.

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

Statesman and poet Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's eloquence and vision shaped India's destiny. A look at his remarkable life as he led his country through a challenging period of change and development as the 10th Prime Minister of India.

Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.

Plain and basic Amy receives news that suddenly turns her world upside down. Together with her outspoken and bold Sister Mary, the pair embark on a mission to set things right in the world and reconnect their once lost bond along the way.

Shivangi (Meera Chopra) lives in London with her husband Veer Singh. One day, he receives a gift from Rajasthan. From then, strange things happen with Veer and his condition deteriorates.