A barber seeks vengeance after his home is burglarized, cryptically telling police his "Lakshmi" has been taken, leaving them uncertain if it's a person or object, jeer at his request until they learn what they're really looking for.

Recap film focusing primarily on the match against Aoba Jouhsai from the second season.

Dos joves enllustradors volen fer realitat el seu somni de tenir un cavall blanc, costi el que costi.

Seqüela de ‘Del revés’ (2015). La Riley acaba d’entrar a l’adolescència i, ara, la seva ment ha de fer lloc a noves emocions. Quan apareix l'Angoixa, les velles emocions (la Joia, la Tristesa, la Ira, la Por, el Fàstic...) no saben què fer ni què sentir. I a més, sembla que la intrusa no ha vingut tota sola.

Abang and Adi are undocumented orphans living in present-day Malaysia. While the older brother, a deaf mute, has resigned himself to a life of poverty, his younger sibling burns with indignation. A brutal accident upsets the fragile balance of their relationship.

In a small town in occupied France in 1941, the German officer, Werner Von Ebrennac is billeted in the house of the uncle and his niece. The uncle and niece refuse to speak to him, but each evening the officer warms himself by the fire and talks of his country, his music, and his idealistic views of the relationship between France and Germany. That is, until he visits Paris and discovers what is really going on...

Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

Harpagon, avar i irascible, és víctima del seu amor desmesurat pel seu petit bagul de lluïsos d'or. Per conservar-lo només per a ell, ha d'acceptar que el seu fill es casi amb una dona sense diners i la filla amb el majordom.

El Congrés Internacional d'Agents de Policia se celebrarà a Nova York, i el gendarme Cruchot serà l'encarregat de representar-hi França. Les coses semblen anar bé per a l'agent fins que apareix la seva filla Nicole, que ha viatjat com a polissó fins a Manhattan per reunir-se amb el pare. La situació il·legal de Nicole a Amèrica del Nord provoca els nervis del gendarme, que s'entestarà a tornar la seva filla a França.

An elderly gentleman sets out for what he thinks will be a normal day at an amusement park and is soon embroiled in a waking nightmare.

When robbers hit Falkenstein castle, teen witch Bibi and pal Tina hunt for the crooks, then devise a plan to save the neighbors' failing ranch.

Four mental patients on a field trip in New York City must save their caring chaperone, who ends up being taken to a hospital in a coma after accidentally witnessing a murder, before the killers can find him and finish the job.

L'agent Jack de la policia de San Francisco fa cinc anys que investiga un presumpte cap del crim organitzat anomenat El Témpano, però, després d'un tiroteig en què resulta mort un innocent, és suspès del servei per Assumptes Interns. Aleshores només tindrà 48 hores per trobar El Témpano.

La comissaria de Cruchot es trasllada a un nou edifici amb un equipament d'última generació i a més a més amb quatre membres nous, que no són altres que quatre dones policies. Tots es barallen per entrenar les noves reclutes. Però les coses es compliquen quan una darrere l'altra les policies van sent segrestades.

Una parella d'enamorats viatja a Haití convidada per un home misteriós que només pretén aconseguir la noia. Per assolir el seu objectiu no dubta a demanar ajuda a un sinistre personatge, anomenat Legendre, que converteix les persones en zombis.

Èrica, la filla de la núvia de Paul Kersey, mor d'una sobredosi de crac. El justicier Kersey decideix prendre's la justícia per la mà per acabar amb el tràfic de drogues a la ciutat.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

While on a camping trip in order to reconnect, war veteran Colonel Lee Gunner must save his two sons from a gang of violent bikers when they're kidnapped after accidentally stumbling upon to a massive drug operation.

Far away, in the desolate Serbian wilderness, a U.S.-led fracking crew uncover a dormant monster gestating inside a centuries-old French soldier. Now awakened and exposed in its most dangerously fragile state, it tears through the men on the grounds in search of a new womb.