The life and career of Brazilian singer Chorão, Charlie Brown Jr's frontman. The story of one of the most important rock stars in Brazil, from testimonies about his personal and professional life and archival footage. Beginning in the early 1990s, when his band released their first album and hit the radio stations, Chorão lived two intense decades of national and international success, full of controversial moments, until his premature death in 2013.

I 1959 blev en familie på fire fra Holcomb, Kansas, bestialsk og uden et egentligt motiv myrdet af to unge fyre, Perry Smith og Richard Hickock. Om denne virkelige begivenhed skrev forfatteren Truman Capote sin verdensberømte halvdokumentariske roman. Instruktøren Richard Brooks baserer sit manuskript på Capote’s bog og gør et godt stykke arbejde for at afdække både den meningsløse forbrydelse og den efterfølgende lige så meningsløse dødsdom.

Bart's chance encounter with the enigmatic Vienna leads to a whirlwind weekend together. The two fall fast and hard, but both carry secrets that could be their undoing or the chance for a fresh start.

The remarkable story of iconoclastic fashion designer Vivienne Westwood as she fights to maintain her brand’s integrity, her principles and her legacy.

A Czech fairy tale about a princess named Lada who runs away from home in a mouse fur disguise in order to escape an unwanted and forced marriage.

Tegneserieforfatteren Will Henry er nyskilt og prøver at balancere forældrerollen for sine små tvillingepiger med sit job som lærer samtidig med, at han har vovet sig ud i et nyt forhold med en af sine elevers mor, Diane (Regina Hall), alt imens han stadig har kærlige følelser for sin ekskone, der forlod ham.

A seemingly respectable estate agent leads a double life as the head of a vicious, well-organised gang of football hooligans.

Two paramedics arrive at the site of a car accident to transport an injured teenage girl to the hospital. However, instead of taking her to the hospital, the strangers bring her to a home of a woman whose daughter just died.

The pilot for Angry Beavers. Norbert and Daggett play some games while stuck indoors during a blizzard.

En italiensk/engelsk co-produktion fra 1973, som dækker samme begivenheder som Der Untergang. Trods en vis historisk korrekthed er Hitlers sidste 10 dage ikke ligefrem en uopdaget filmperle. Det er en temmelig uheldig fuser, hvor ærke-britiske Alec Guinness er ualmindeligt uoplagt og ildet overbevisende som Adolf og bestemt ikke hjulpet af sjusket instruktion af Ennio De Concini (hvilket måske forklarer, hvorfor manden har skrevet mere end 150 manuskripter, men instrueret mindre end 5 film).

After visiting her father's grave, Lilly and her mother are involved in a terrible car accident leaving Lilly orphaned and unable to see. In her youth, she struggles with her blindness and begins to hear voices. Unbeknownst to her they don't belong to the living. After years of learning to cope, Lilly is now happily married with a baby on the way. Lilly soon discovers her unborn baby has become a vessel a second chance for souls stuck in limbo to be re-born. She only has until the baby's first heartbeat to decide which soul will be re-born through her. Now the voices she heard in her youth have returned, clamoring for the chance to come back. Among the voices, she befriends the spirit of a little girl tied to a years-old cold case. Lilly finds herself in a desperate struggle with the girl's murderers and the souls vying to be born again.

Det startede med en Youtube video, hvor en ældre herre ganske effektivt bankede en uforskammet bølle til blods på en bus. Så fik vi filmen Bad Ass med Danny Trejo som Frank Vega, der tager loven i egne hænder og slår til dér, hvor politiet og politikere er ligeglade. I film nr. 2 mødte han Bernie (Danny Glover), og nu her i tredje film må de to gamle gutter igen træde til og give nogle velfortjente øretæver til samfundets tvivlsomme elementer. Denne gang er det Louisiana, der står for skud!

Comedian Eric Andre presents his very first Netflix original stand-up special. Taking the stage in New Orleans, Andre breaks the boundaries of comedy as he critiques the war on drugs, the war on sex, and the war on fart jokes!

A drug lord in New York, named Damian, has created a new drug with shocking effects. After various accidental deaths, the DEA and police are led on a wild goose chase in the search for this mafia boss. Damian begins knocking off his competition with the help of his private scientist and an insider from the DEA. The son of Mayor Martinez (from Super Condor) becomes comatose after using the new drug. Mayor Martinez flies to NY from Peru to begin his own investigation in search of Damian, and a cure. Everything beings to look grim for the DEA agents, Mayor Martinez, and his son; until helps arrives. El Condor comes to New York from Peru to help reverse the effects of this brutal new drug and bring Damian to justice.

In search of a lifeline for his struggling off road racing team, a man takes on a young car thief looking for a second chance, but as their worlds collide, they must struggle to forge a successful alliance.

Et team af undervands minearbejdere finder vraget af et sovjetisk fragtskib, der ser ud til at være gået ned under mystiske omstændigheder. Da dykkerne vender hjem til deres egen base er de fuldstændig ubevidste om, at de har slæbt noget dødsensfarligt med sig. En organisme, der begynder at angribe arbejderne en efter en. Der går ikke lang tid før vores helte er fanget under vandet, sammen med et frådende monster, ude af stand til at få hjælp fra overfalden.

Joy er lige blevet mor og er parat til at give sit nyfødte barn væk, da hun møder Mully, en fræk gadedreng. Sammen tager de to uslebne diamanter ud på eventyr og en flugt fra verden.

A real-time portrait of 2020 unfolds as an Asian-American family in Trump’s rural America fights to keep their restaurant and American dream alive in the face of a pandemic, Neo-Nazis, and generational scars from the Cambodian Killing Fields.

Anne er gift med en mindre byminister og føler, at hendes liv og ægteskab er blevet mindre i de sidste 30 år. Efter et brutalt og blodig møde med "Mesteren" opdager hun en ny følelse af magt og en appetit på at leve større og dristigere end før. Disse ændringer kommer dog med et tungt kropstal og en afgift på hendes ægteskab.

On October 8th, 1983, the Van Heese family gathered together to celebrate the 5th birthday of Michelle, the littlest member of their household. Everything was captured on VHS by Michael McPherson and his new camcorder — including the alien invasion.