Blond Ambition World Tour Live contains the final tour date recorded in Nice, France. The release had previously been shown and produced by American network HBO as a television special. In 1992, the LaserDisc release won the Best Music Video-Long Form category at the 34th Grammy Awards. The tour reached North America, Europe and Asia. It was a highly controversial tour, mainly for its juxtaposition of Catholic iconography and sexuality. Rolling Stone called it an "elaborately choreographed, sexually provocative extravaganza" and proclaimed it "the best tour of 1990."

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

Bruceuilis, a policeman from the countryside, is assigned to rescue Celestina, a goat considered heritage of his small city, and travels to São Paulo. There, he meets police clerk Trindade, who decides to venture out into the field, even though it is not his specialty.

On her way to visit her childhood home in a colonial outpost in Northern Cameroon, a young French woman recalls her childhood, her memories concentrating on her family's houseboy.

A man trying to sell a bike is frustrated when a seller wanders by selling a unicorn.

After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.

A young girl tries to help her grandfather, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, navigate his increasing forgetfulness, and ends up going on a remarkable adventure with him.

Edward viatja a Portugal amb la seva xicota Ryley per trobar la seva família biològica. La investigació el porta a una zona muntanyosa del nord del país, i allà coneix la seva mare i el seu germà bessó. En un principi, la retrobada sembla normal i molt commovedora, però Edward desconeix que està unit a la seva família per un secret monstruós.

Financial advisers share their simple tips on spending less and saving more with people looking to take control of their funds and achieve their goals.

A "documentary film crew" captures history unfolding, as a disgraced, but kind-hearted fertility specialist, Dr. William Han, tries to restart his career, embarking on a breakthrough medical trial in which four women will give birth to kittens!!!

Lost Boys tells the true, undisguised story of what happened ten years ago, after group of friends continued their eternal afterparty following the success of their movie premiere, Reindeerspotting: Escape From Santaland, which depicted group of drug users from Rovaniemi, Finland. The partying ends when friends of Joonas goes missing and Jani dies violently in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Joonas takes his camera and sets out to find out what happened to his friend. Was it all about drugs, women and money or do the traces lead somewhere deeper?

Frederick Fitzell is living his best life—until he starts having horrific visions of Cindy, a girl who vanished in high school. After reaching out to old friends with whom he used to take a mystery drug called Mercury, Fredrick realizes the only way to stop the visions lies deep within his own memories, so he embarks on a terrifying mental odyssey to learn the truth.

Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream, until she runs into her ex-childhood best friend and is invited away on her bachelorette weekend. Suddenly, Sissy finds herself stuck in a remote cabin with her school bully... and a taste for revenge.

Rory és un ambiciós empresari que porta la seva dona i fills nord-americans al seu país natal, el Regne Unit, per explorar noves oportunitats de negoci arran de les noves lleis de Margaret Thatcher La família es troba amb una nova i difícil vida en una casa de camp anglesa enorme i sota una nova pressió social i econòmica.

Desperate to flee but consumed by fear, Alejandra, a young mother and working housewife, is trapped in a violent and unsatisfying relationship with her husband, Angel. She leans on her brother Fabián for support, but he has secrets of his own. All of their lives are turned upside down by the arrival of the mysterious Veronica. She convinces them that in the nearby woods, inside an isolated cabin, dwells something not of this world that could be the answer to all of their problems... something whose force they cannot resist and with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.

Abans que Alicia s'endinsés al País de les Meravelles i que Peter es convertís en Pa, tots dos eren germans. Després que el seu germà gran mori en un tràgic accident, intenten salvar els seus pares de l'espiral de desesperació, fins que finalment es veuen obligats a triar entre la seva llar i la seva imaginació.

A Brooklyn party boy is excited to go to a huge party event, but the night takes a turn when he is attacked by a stranger. A year later, he gives his social life a second chance, but a man wearing a unicorn mask is killing his friends one by one.

Following the launch of her new novel, 35-year-old writer Kate Conklin is invited to speak at her alma mater by her mentor and former professor. After accepting the invitation, Kate finds herself deeply enmeshed in the lives of an eccentric group of college students.

Remmy and her parents, refugees from Earth, have found peace on the Martian outskirts until strangers appear in the hills beyond their farm. Told as a triptych, the film follows Remmy as she struggles to survive in an uneasy landscape.

Bolton Steeplejack Fred Dibnah has scaled great heights in his career. In this fascinating documentary, you will get to see him climb a 100 foot chimney that he is preparing for steam powered demolition. Further steamy exploits see Fred behind the wheel of a road roller and fixing a steam engine: part of an average day of an extraordinary man.