Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate. Colours, fish, dogs, and kites don't seem important to the adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks, and neatness. Ishaan cannot seem to get anything right in class; he is then sent to boarding school, where his life changes forever.

A Roma, durant l'estiu, aristòcrates, arribistes, homes polítics, criminals d'alt vol, periodistes, actors, nobles decadents, prelats, artistes i intel·lectuals teixeixen una trama de relacions inconsistents que es desenvolupen en fastuosos palaus i viles. El centre de totes les reunions és Jep Gambardella, un escriptor de 65 anys que va escriure un sol llibre i practica el periodisme.

Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Antonio ruins his plans.

Holly Kennedy és una jove viuda que tracta de canalitzar la seua vida de nou després de la mort per malaltia del seu estimat home Gerry. Llavors descobreix que aquest li ha deixat escrites diverses cartes.

London publicist Helen, effortlessly slides between parallel storylines that show what happens when she does or does not catch a train back to her apartment. Love. Romantic entanglements. Deception. Trust. Friendship. Comedy. All come into focus as the two stories shift back and forth, overlap and surprisingly converge.

Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred.

En Tommaso, un cardiòleg de prestigi, és un home de fermes creences atees i liberals. Està casat i té dos fills. Un d’ells, l'Andrea, prometedor estudiant de medicina, revoluciona la família quan els anuncia que vol fer-se capellà.

High school hotshot Zach Siler is the envy of his peers. But his popularity declines sharply when his cheerleader girlfriend, Taylor, leaves him for sleazy reality-television star Brock Hudson. Desperate to revive his fading reputation, Siler agrees to a seemingly impossible challenge. He has six weeks to gain the trust of nerdy outcast Laney Boggs -- and help her to become the school's next prom queen.

Leo falls in love with Beatrice, a slightly older high-school student who has leukemia.

Andrea is a handsome and cocky 38-year old man with a successful business career. Shallow, womanizing and a confirmed bachelor, his life seems to be just perfect... until the day he comes home and finds there Layla, a teenage girl who claims to be his daughter. Alongside Layla is her grandfather Enzo, a former rockstar and the father of Andrea's first fleeting and forgotten conquest. And they've come to stay!

After his wife is assaulted, a husband enlists the services of a vigilante group to help him settle the score.

La Nim i el seu pare Jack són els únics habitants d'una remota i exòtica illa. La Nim no va a l'escola, però ajuda el seu pare a fer diàriament observacions i anotacions científiques i té diverses feines assignades. L'única comunicació amb el món és un ordinador.

Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are solitary and incomprehensible to others. Alice and Mattia are both "prime", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice which has caused a defect in her leg, and the loss of his twin sister for Matthew.

Elena is a beautiful, 35-year-old accomplished woman who has an unhealthy obsession with perfection. Elena's well-ordered life is thrown into chaos, however, when she meets Adriana, an 18-year-old seductive young woman who offers passion and excitement, and Hector, an older man who offers Elena stability and security. Elena quickly realizes though that Adriana is too immature and too young for her, so she tries to end their romance, but for Adriana the rejection is just another game to play

Nicola, a policeman in Puglia, is a reformed ladies' man with his heart set on marrying the daughter of the Indian ambassador.

Discover Leonardo da Vinci, the man, the painter, the scientist and the inventor, through a unique, engaging and fascinating journey in the mind of Leonardo.

El Roland i la Vanessa, una parella de novaiorquesos, arriba a un poblet de la costa de França per allunyar-se de tot. Està clar que passen un mal moment. Ell és escriptor, però, tot i que ho intenta, no aconsegueix escriure gens. Es passa tot el dia fora de l'hotel, al cafè del poble. Ella dedica els dies a contemplar el mar i a no fer res. Tenen una relació freda i distant. Llavors, arriba a l'hotel una parella jove que s'acaba de casar i ocupa l'habitació del costat. Un dia, la Vanessa s'adona que hi ha un foradet a la paret i els comença a espiar. Aviat s'establirà una relació molt singular entre les dues parelles.

As a young scientist searches for a way to save a dying Earth, she finds a connection with a man who's racing to catch the last shuttle off the planet.