The stranger-than-fiction true story of a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy, and a Cuban spy who teamed up in the early '90s to sell a Soviet submarine to the Cali Cartel.

Al 1943, a la Noruega ocupada per Alemanya, un grup de sabotejadors és traït i apressat per les tropes nazis. Dels 12 integrants només un aconsegueix sobreviure.

Kate Miller és una atractiva dona, insatisfeta sexualment, a qui assassinen en un ascensor després de sortir de la primera sessió amb el psiquiatre Robert Elliott. Liz Blake, una jove prostituta, és testimoni del crim i decideix intentar aturar el culpable amb l?ajuda de Peter, el fill de la víctima.

A Ronald Fleury, un intel·ligent agent especial del Govern, li acaben d'encarregar una missió important: organitzar un equip d'elit que s'haurà de desplaçar a Riad per capturar el cervell d'un atemptat terrorista que li va costar la vida a diversos compatriotes. L'equip disposarà d'una setmana per infiltrar-se i destruir una cèl·lula terrorista decidida a emprendre la gihad (guerra santa) contra Occident. Fleury troba un aliat inesperat: un capità de la policia local que l'instrueix sobre els secrets de la política saudita i l'ajuda a investigar l'autèntica raó de l'atemptat, gràcies a la qual cosa acabaran trobant els terroristes.

Un home queda atrapat a l'Àrtic, on la temperatura pot baixar fins als 70 graus sota zero. Mentre lluita per sobreviure haurà de decidir si es queda a la relativa seguretat d'un campament improvisat amb les restes de l'avió accidentat, o fer un viatge mortal a través del desconegut. Amb el temps, aprendrà a lluitar contra el fred i les tempestes, a cuidar-se dels ossos polars i a buscar menjar.

In the aftermath of the Great Plague and amidst the subsequent witch-hunts against women, a young widow grapples with the tragic death of her husband in a society completely consumed by fear and death. Because she rejects the advances of her landlord, she is falsely accused of being a witch and thrown in jail for a crime she didn’t commit. She must endure physical persecution at the hands of England’s most ruthless witch-hunter and face her own inner demons as the devil himself starts to work his way into her mind.

A crime syndicate places a hit on a billionaire's daughter, making her the target of an elite assassin squad. A small band of down-and-out mercenaries protects her, fighting tooth and nail to stop the assassins from reaching their target.

Struggling to make ends meet, former special ops soldiers reunite for a high-stakes heist: stealing $75 million from a South American drug lord.

La seva primera setmana d'institut i la festa més gran de l'any. Quatre nois es deixen anar en una nit boja on no faltaran els equívocs.

When a D.E.A. and S.W.A.T. cartel takedown ends in a shootout, S.W.A.T. Agent Travis Hall seizes a mysterious prisoner taking him into custody. Before long, the S.W.A.T. compound is under siege by wave-after-wave of assault teams attempting to recover the prisoner known as “The Scorpion” for the tattoo blazed across his back. When Travis discovers that his prisoner is a Secret Ops double agent planted within the cartel, it’s up to him and his expert S.W.A.T. team to keep “The Scorpion” and his billion dollar secrets safe.

Kate, a small town pie shoppe owner, encounters city boy Drew who, unbeknownst to Kate, is in town to build tract homes that would run straight through her shoppe… until Drew finds his heart stuck between his family’s wishes and a chance at love.

L'estiu de 1976 un grup de quatre persones segresten un avió d'AirFrance i el desvien a Entebbe, Uganda. Els segrestadors reclamen l'alliberament d'un gran nombre de presos acusats de terrorisme per Israel o començaran a matar ostatges, molts d'ells, israelians. Al govern de Yitzhak Rabin hi ha partidaris de no negociar amb els terroristes i llançar una operació de rescat, i altres, com el propi primer ministrer, que defensen el diàleg per resoldre el conflicte.

Un pare ocupat fa nombrosos viatges per Àfrica, Amèrica del Sud i Orient Mitjà. La passió que sent pel seu treball l'ha distanciat dels seus éssers estimats. Fa tres anys que es va divorciar, i des de llavors ha vist el seu fill en comptades ocasions.

Jaime, a doctor who lives in Seville, finds his life radicallychanged when his son is left fighting for his life after beingbeaten up during a robbery. The feelings of pain andhelplessness soon change to feelings of hate and anger,converting a good dad into a dehumanised man.

A drug-dealing band of violent street thugs terrorize the tenants of a South Bronx apartment building.

Charlotte and Brandon meet online just after their previous relationships have imploded; in an effort to make themselves more appealing, they have fudged, exaggerated, re-imagined, and outright lied about their pasts in an attempt to be each other's perfect match. Now that they've said their "I do's" they are about to get a funny, hellish, and eye-opening look at just who they've vowed to spend the rest of their lives with. Will familiarity breed contempt... or bliss?

After being brutally assaulted, an incident which also saw the death of his parents and the rape of his younger brother (which mentally scarred him to the point of having to be institutionalized), Maco Gutierrez has devoted his life to fitness and practicing martial arts to ensure his safety in the future.

As a young scientist searches for a way to save a dying Earth, she finds a connection with a man who's racing to catch the last shuttle off the planet.

Over 20 years after his death, local legend and benefactor Jimmy Bones returns as a ghost to avenge those who killed him and restore his neighborhood.

Julian Michaels ha dissenyat el complex turístic definitiu, Vice, on tot s'hi val i els clients poden fer realitat les seves fantasies més salvatges amb els habitants artificials que miren, pensen i senten com els humans. Quan una artificial es converteix en autoconscient i s'escapa, es troba atrapada al foc creuat entre els mercenaris de Julian i un policia que està entossudit a tancar Vice, i aturar la violència d'una vegada per totes.