Nadat de bruidegom en de bruid zijn getrouwd moeten ze samen in een week tijd hun huis in elkaar zien te zetten. Door sabotage wordt het een erg apart huis met alle ramen, deuren en muren op de verkeerde plek.

Jean-Louis is een katholieke dertiger, ingenieur van beroep, die ooit in het verleden een keer een korte affaire heeft gehad, maar die verder gelooft in de ware liefde, zonder seks voor het huwelijk. Hij heeft een oogje op Françoise, die hij 's zondags bij de mis ziet, maar durft haar niet aan te spreken.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

A cheerful parking attendant considers it his job to do more than validate parking. He wants to validate the customers themselves, delivering compliments about their appearances and the inner qualities behind them. Everyone who comes up to him with a ticket walks away validated as a worthwhile human being. Soon, the parking attendant becomes so popular that people line up for validation...

From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.

Eve, een interieurontwerpster, wordt na een lang huwelijk verlaten door haar man Arthur (E.G. Marshall). Door deze gebeurtenis komt de slechte relatie tussen hun drie volwassen dochters aan het licht.

The story starts off with an ancient painting of Nagavalli (Vimala Raman), distributed as a prize to bharathanatyam dancer Saraswathi (Lakshmi Gopalaswamy), her husband and her family. At the Engagement day of Gowri (Sandhya), one of her friends had fainted by encountering a huge thirty-feet Snake/Serpent, and the bridegroom/fiancé had ran away from the family house fearing of something. All strange incidents happen as the family called for a snake charmer to the house, but the snake charmer had died when he attempted to make the serpent appear.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

Het gaat over een famillie in Indiana in 1862. Hun religie verbiedt streng het geweld en de oorlog. Het is voor hen niet makkelijk om de godsdienstregels in alledaags leven te treffen. Maar wanneer een zuidelijke troep hun gebied passeert zitten ze met een echt probleem. Zullen ze moeten vechten?

Ahmet Nurudin is a dervish and head of the Islamic monastery of the Mevlevi order in Sarajevo. He is a personification of morale and dogmatic belief, everything that Muslim religion of the Ottoman rule rests on. Throughout his life, the atmosphere of the city, the relations with the judge and the mechanism of government, the image of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century is being revealed. Based on a highly praised novel by Meša Selimović.

Vernietiging en verraad staan ​​centraal in het nieuwste deel van de New Fist of the North Star-serie. Wanneer Kenshiro terugkeert en de stad in puin ligt en de inwoners gekweld zijn, wordt zijn pijn nog groter wanneer hij wordt verraden en gevangengezet door Tobi. Terwijl Tobi een brutale aanval op Seiji voorbereidt, moet Kenshiro al zijn krachten verzamelen om los te komen en een einde te maken aan het vernietigende plan van zijn voormalige vriend.

Barbara is a filmmaker who has been working in the prison environment for a few years now. She is preparing a film written and directed by long-term inmates in a prison in the projects around Paris. Twice a week, Barbara goes to the prison where she shoots interviews with the inmates which will serve as a basis for the writing of their screenplay.

Tender and erotic love story of a respectable bourgeois housewife and a large black Alsatian dog. Shot in 1977, the film employs bestiality as a symbol of Spain's political landscape. It makes references to the massacre of Atocha and to political right wing groups that, after the death of Francisco Franco, tried to maintain the dictator’s political ideals.

After botching a kidnapping, two criminals hide with their victim in a friends house in the jungle. After one of them rapes the friend's wife, they're left to be eaten by a nearby cannibal tribe.

A woman finds herself grappling with the haunting presence, as she navigates through shadows over her present existence.

Aksa & Asha is a ideal couple on social media. When Asha wants to be a mother, Aksa disagrees because the child Asha is carrying will damage their image.

A stripper and taxi driver are fished out of poverty and anonymity by a commercial film director. The obsession with success forces them to affect images as movie stars, which suppress and eventually destroy them as persons and lovers.