Sabent que el seu amo Andy, que ja no és un nen, es prepara per anar a la universitat, el vaquer Woody, l'astronauta Buzz i la resta dels amics joguines comencen a preocupar-se davant del seu futur incert. Efectivament tots acaben en una guarderia, on per exemple la nina Barbie coneixerà el maco Ken. Aquesta reunió dels nostres amics amb noves joguines no serà sinó l'inici d'un munt de trepidants i divertides aventures.

Seven years after the defeat of the spiral king, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe.

En Hiro Hamada és un geni de la robòtica de 13 anys que decideix utilitzar les seves aptituds per fer el bé. Amb les seves habilitats científiques uneix forces amb el seu millor amic, el robot Baymaxes, i es converteix en líder d'un equip de superciborgs.

Ichiko bakes a cake for an end-of-year party with her friends. In the depths of winter, making mochi and curry keeps the people of Komori warm. Later, spring brings thoughts of her absent mother as well as rice planting and sakura, and she begins to think of leaving Komori behind again.

Kenshin has settled into his new life with Kaoru and his other friends when he is approached with a request from the Meiji government. Makoto Shishio, a former assassin like Kenshin, was betrayed, set on fire and left for dead. He survived, and is now in Kyoto, plotting with his gathered warriors to overthrow the new government. Against Kaoru's wishes, Kenshin reluctantly agrees to go to Kyoto and help keep his country from falling back into civil war.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Katniss Everdeen torna a casa sana i salva després de guanyar els 74è Jocs de la Fam anuals amb el seu company Peeta Mellark. Participar vol dir deixar enrere família i amics i fer tots dos el Tour de la Victòria pels diferents districtes. Al llarg del camí, Katniss s'adona que s'està gestant una rebel·lió, però al Capitoli tot segueix sota control: el President Snow organitza els 75è Jocs de la Fam, El Vassallatge, una competició especial amb una novetat inesperada que canviarà Panem per sempre.

When Lois Lane is killed, an unhinged Superman decides to take control of the Earth. Determined to stop him, Batman creates a team of freedom-fighting heroes. But when superheroes go to war, can the world survive?

When the incompetent Lieutenant Frank Drebin seeks the ruthless killer of his partner, he stumbles upon an attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II.

WWE kicks off 2022 with the first-ever WWE Day 1 event. Big E puts the WWE Championship on the line against Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and Bobby Lashley in a Fatal 5-Way Match. "The Man" Becky Lynch defends the WWE Raw Women's Championship against Liv Morgan.

El descarat però brillant empresari Tony Stark s'enfronta a un malvat amb un poder sense límits. Quan l'Stark comprèn que el seu enemic ha destruït el seu univers personal, s'embarca en una recerca angoixant per trobar els responsables. Aquest viatge posa a prova la seva enteresa una vegada i una altra. Acorralat, l'Stark ha de sobreviure tot sol confiant en el seu enginy i el seu instint per protegir les persones que estima. Durant la seva lluita, l'Stark coneix la resposta a la pregunta que el turmenta en secret.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

A group of martial artists seek revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To, a martial arts master, and his son.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Flint ja ha aconseguit el que perseguia des de sempre: ser un reconegut investigador admirat per tots. Després de crear la seva màquina que creava menjar a partir d'aigua ('Pluja de mandonguilles 1'), el director de la prestigiosa companyia The Live Corp Company i gran investigador, Chester V, ha contractat a Flint perquè formi part del seu equip, format pels millors investigadors de l'món. El protagonista és ple d'alegria, però molt a desgrat descobrirà que l'invent que va crear està donant resultats inesperats i altament perillosos. A partir de les restes de menjar que queien de el cel s'han creat bèsties mutants de tota mena (cocodrils, aranyes, chimpacés ...) que posen en perill la seguretat dels humans. Flint comptarà amb l'ajuda de tots els seus amics per posar fi a aquest malson.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

Després d'enamorar-se de cap a peus de la Giselle, el camí de l'Elliot cap a l'altar pren un lleuger canvi de rumb quan Mr. Weenie és segrestat per un grup de mascotes que tenen la idea de tornar-lo cap als seus amos. Boog, l'Elliot, McSquizzy, Buddy i la resta de les criatures del bosc s'aventuren en una missió de rescat del gos salsitxa i aviat es trobaran en camp enemic: el món de les mascotes.

Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.

Boog, Elliot, and their forest friends return with an all-new adventure, this time in a Big Top Circus! The comedy begins when Boog's pals choose their family obligations over the annual guy's trip, and a disappointed Boog decides to take a trip of his own, which leads him right into the middle of a circus ring...literally. When he switches places with a devious look-a-like circus grizzly and falls for an alluring Russian troupe member, he'll come to realize that maybe you don't have to choose between family and friendship after all.

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.