A real life account of the deadly Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala, and the courageous fight put on by several individuals which helped to contain the epidemic.

Quan un enemic inesperat sorgeix com una gran amenaça per a la seguretat mundial, Nick Fury, director de l'Agència SHIELD, decideix reclutar un equip per salvar el món d'un desastre gairebé segur.

The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.

An ordinary suburban girl faces the biggest battle of her life when her sudden disappearance for a brief period leads to a desperate search by her loved ones.

When his father refuses to support his choice of a career, an aspiring chef tries to fulfil his dream by helping his grandfather run his small eatery.

Bhaskara, a conservative villager, hates the idea of his son relocating to Russia for a job. However, when his son brings a robot to care for him, he develops an unlikely bond with the machine.

En un món postapocalíptic, uns éssers monstruosos han provocat un gran nombre de morts i obliguen els pocs supervivents a viure en un silenci absolut. Els éssers, molt ràpids i violents, són cecs i només són capaços de detectar les seves víctimes a través del sentit de l'oïda. En Lee, l'Evelyn i els seus fills han aconseguit sobreviure i mantenen una estricta disciplina per no fer gens de soroll. De totes maneres, l'amenaça constant dels éssers, que s'amaguen i resulten indetectables fins que ataquen, els provoca greus dificultats, sobretot perquè tenen un nen petit, en Beau, i l'Evelyn està embarassada d'una altra criatura. En Lee estudia els éssers i mira de descobrir algun punt feble que es pugui explotar per defensar-se'n.

La Christine és una adolescent que es fa dir Lady Bird i és molt artística. Somia a viure a la costa est dels Estats Units i trobar el seu propi camí allunyant-se de l'ombra protectora de la seva mare. Tanmateix, per molt que hi lluiti en contra, en el fons és exactament igual que ella.

An honest driver tries to find the owner of a bag, supposedly containing money to fund the marriage of the man’s daughter, not realising that it was used by his own father to move a stolen idol.

Una parella americana que no està passant pel seu millor moment acudeix amb uns amics al Midsommar, un festival d'estiu que se celebra cada 90 anys en un remot llogaret de Suècia. El que comencen sent unes vacances de somni en un lloc en el qual el sol no es posa mai, a poc a poc es converteix en un obscur malson quan els misteriosos vilatans els conviden a participar en les seves pertorbadores activitats festives

Diverses generacions després de Cèsar, els simis dominen la Terra i han subjugat els humans. Però mentre un nou tirà dels primats construeix el seu imperi, un simi jove es rebel·la i emprèn un viatge que el durà a qüestionar-se tot allò que sap del passat i a prendre decisions que determinaran tant el futur dels seus companys d’espècie com el dels humans.

A young woman takes up drug peddling to make money for the treatment of her mom, who has cancer.

Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next door crafts a scam to avoid a career in nursing and find a wealthy spouse to secure a visa.

Inspirada en els fets que van tenir lloc durant un intent per assolir el pic més alt del món, narra les peripècies de dues expedicions que s'enfronten a la pitjor tempesta de neu coneguda. En un desesperat esforç per sobreviure, el tremp dels alpinistes es veu posat a prova perquè s'ha d'enfrontar a la fúria desfermada dels elements ia obstacles gairebé insuperables.

A 70-year-old woman transforms into her 24-year-old self after she's photographed at a studio, changing her life and those of the people around her forever.

A reformed hunter becomes involved in a deadly game of cat and mouse when he and the local sheriff set out to track a vicious killer who may have kidnapped his daughter years ago.

Vikram Rudraraju is a 30-year-old cop working for the Telangana State Police. While Vikram is battling with his own traumatic past, the stakes get high when a girl called Preethi mysteriously disappears in Hyderabad and Vikram has to solve the case at any cost.

Falling into an over-the-phone romance with a rickshaw driver, a young woman visits his city when an encounter with a stranger derails their meeting.

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge, he follows. After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Quentin arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Quentin soon learns that there are clues, and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer Quentin gets, the less he sees of the girl he thought he knew.

A pantry boy falls in love with the touch-up girl of an actress travelling on his train, but an incident turns the train into an unstoppable force posing a threat to the passengers, and the romance.