Nick (Peter Falk), un home de la construcció, ha de carregar amb la responsabilitat de cuidar la seva dona (Gena Rowlands) que pateix inestabilitat emocional. Contínuament lluita per mantenir la normalitat davant del seu comportament estrany, fins que aquest afecta els seus fills i caldrà que prengui mesures.

Young student Bai Xuemei is cheated and sold as a wife by human traffickers to a remote village. Raped and beaten, she leads the life of a sex slave and child-bearer with no hope of escape because of the villagers apathy and selfishness.

Ichiko bakes a cake for an end-of-year party with her friends. In the depths of winter, making mochi and curry keeps the people of Komori warm. Later, spring brings thoughts of her absent mother as well as rice planting and sakura, and she begins to think of leaving Komori behind again.

A París, un brillant i trasbalsat cirurgià rapta noies per tal d'utilitzar la seva pell per reconstruir la bellesa del rostre de la seva filla, destrossat per un tràgic accident del qual ell se sent culpable.

A poetic journey into the visual world of the legendary filmmaker and actor Orson Welles (1915-85) that reveals a new portrait of a unique genius, both of his life and of his monumental work: through his own eyes, drawn by his own hand, painted with his own brush.

L'any 1836, a prop de San Antonio, es produeixen diversos incidents entre els independentistes texans i l'exèrcit mexicà. Els guerrillers lluiten per la independència contra el president mexicà, el general Santa Ana. El general Sam Huston necessita molts homes per defensar Texas i mentre els busca, per guanyar temps, ordena al coronel William Travis que defensi un petit destacament on lluita, entre d'altres, el famós David Crockett.

Paul Braconnier and his wife Blandine only have one thing in mind: to find a way to kill each other without risk. After listening to a radio show, Paul decides to go to Paris to meet a famous lawyer in the acquittal of the murderers. He tells the lawyer that he killed his wife. The lawyer asks Paul to reconstruct the circumstances of the drama. Without knowing it, he explains, in spite of himself, the way for Paul to murder his wife by putting the odds on his side to avoid death penalty or even be released...

Aparentment, Rynn Jacobs és una encantadora joveneta de tretze anys que viu amb el seu pare en un xalet, al costat del sender d'un poblet de la costa nord-americana. Però les aparences poden resultar enganyoses: ja fa mesos que ningú no veu el senyor Jacobs; fa la impressió que la casa amaga algun secret inconfessable; Rynn porta una vida gairebé de presidiària, sortint en molt comptades i necessàries ocasions. Es tracta d'una noia estranya, molt intel·ligent i autosuficient, que prefereix la solitud a la companyia de desconeguts. Però algunes persones volen entrar a la seva vida, al seu món.

Poc abans de la guerra, un periodista nord-americà, John Jones, és enviat a Europa per analitzar-ne la situació. Coneix Van Meer, vell polític neerlandès, signatari d’un tractat d’aliança secret, que els nazis volen conèixer a qualsevol preu. Aquests l’agafen i maten un sòsia al seu lloc. Però Jones descobreix la veritat i surt a la recerca del neerlandès. Els espies són igualment al seu darrere. Deixant els Països Baixos i els seus molins de vent, Jones va a Anglaterra. És acompanyat en la seva fugida per una jove anglesa. A Londres, li presenta el seu pare, Fisher.

While holidaying in Ireland, a pregnant children's author finds her mental state becoming increasingly unstable, resulting in paranoia, hallucinations, and visions of a doppelgänger.

Zatoichi is sworn to protect the life of a young girl and without any real allies finds himself in the middle of a bloody turf war.

Keeping to himself in the wake his father's death, James Charm finds refuge in solitary walks and creating morbid sketches — until a charismatic new friend and a quirky young woman begin to draw him out of his shell.

Bernie Cates requests the services of the most absent-minded waiter he's ever seen, who pours water before setting the glasses, endlessly repeats questions, brings wrong orders, and ruins everything- but the bill.

Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not intend to take revenge on the man who sent him to prison, now there is no other way out.

A man returns to his hometown of Memphis looking for his brothers, who are in trouble with the law. Inspired by the song "Long Way Back Home" by Lucero.

The story of a family that suffers a tragedy, but perseveres and finds redemption through each other and their work - making art.

In near-future New York, ten years after the “social-democratic war of liberation,” diverse groups of women organize a feminist uprising as equality remains unfulfilled.

Daisato, a second-rate, third-generation superhero, annoys his neighbors with the noise and destruction he causes on the job. But a heroic public image is the least of his concerns. Besides defending Japan from bizarre monsters, he must deal with an agent seeking to brand him with ads, a superhero grandfather with Alzheimer's and a family embarrassed by his incompetence.

One can determine a line in Tscherkassky’s oeuvre which turns around a game with filmic presentation, with degrees of recognisability — with the only-just and the not-any-more. Just to see desire. An example of this is Erotique. One sees swirling pictures, parts of a woman’s face, red lips, eyes in cyclical fragments of movement. Often it is difficult to tell which part of the body one actually sees (whoever wants to can see/imagine/think sexual organs and sexual acts.) The gaze gets hung up on partial objects, no integral, whole body to think about. No body, whose representation was always one of the problems in cinema.

Barry Hilton's First Stand-up Special, Recorded live at Berties - Randburg Waterfront!