A young and beautiful female teacher starts working in an all boys high school.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

In the midst of trying to legitimize his business dealings in 1979 New York and Italy, aging mafia don, Michael Corleone seeks forgiveness for his sins while taking a young protege under his wing.

A Arizona, al Fort Linton, se celebra un consell de guerra per jutjar un sergent negre acusat de la violació i l'assassinat d'una jove blanca. El sergent Rutledge ha estat sempre un militar valent i exemplar, un model per a tots els seus soldats, però ara l'exèrcit el creu culpable.

Quan el professor Marchand, un cèlebre científic, desapareix misteriosament, el comissari Juve sospita immediatament de Fantomas. Mentrestant, el periodista Fandon es fa passar per Lefèvre, l'ajudant de Marchand, i és capturat per Fantomas. Però també Juve cau al parany que el criminal, disfressat de Lefèvre, li ha estès. Fantomes es proposa posar fi als seus presoners durant un congrés científic que se celebra a Roma.

A somewhat daffy book editor on a rail trip from Los Angeles to Chicago thinks that he sees a murdered man thrown from the train. When he can find no one who will believe him, he starts doing some investigating of his own. But all that accomplishes is to get the killer after him.

La recerca de la font de la joventut per part d'un científic fa que ell i la seva dona tornin a la infantesa.

Adaptació de la novel·la homònima de Julles Verne. Un lladre ha robat 55.000 lliures del banc d'Anglaterra. Tots creuen que ha estat Philleas Fogg, un autèntic cavaller anglès, que ha fet una aposta amb els seus companys de club, assegurant que és capaç de fer la volta al món en 80 dies.

Madeleine, rendered mute after being sexually assaulted as a youth, accepts a lift from a wealthy and sadistic pimp who soon enslaves her into his prostitution racket. Despite her limited means, Madeleine embarks on a bloody road to revenge against her captors.

Diversos joves passen les vacances en un campament d'estiu, reobert recentment, i en què uns anys abans va morir un jove ofegat al llac. En poc temps, alguns són trobats sense vida.

En C.D. Bales, el cap de bombers d'un poble petit, és un poeta frustrat que no ha tingut sort ni amb la literatura, ni amb les dones. En el cas de les dones, el problema és el seu nas gran. Malgrat això, intenta, sense complexos, conquerir la Roxanne, una estudiant d'astronomia que prepara la tesi. Però ella se sent atreta per en Chris McDonell, un bomber atractiu però maldestre amb les paraules.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Clark té la idea de tornar a passar unes vacances amb la família. Per això ha treballat dur i ha aconseguit un viatge a Europa. La Gran Bretanya, Alemanya, França i Itàlia seran les damnificades.

Flash Back 2012 is Minmay's farewell concert. Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included is a newly animated closing sequence showing the launch of Misa's colony vessel, the Megaroad-01, into space.

An ambitious teaching student's finals studies are interrupted by a passionate affair with a jazz musician.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Quan Candy, un poli maldestre i Levy, un inepte advocat, perden els seus treballs, s'ajunten a la Companyia de Seguretat “Gos guardià”. Després d'un ridícul entrenament estan llestos per sortir. Però no poden parar els robatoris que se segueixen produint davant dels nassos. Aviat s'adonen que aquests no són accidentals, i que la seva empresa està aliada amb el president de la unió de seguretat de gàngsters...

A doomsday pepper is surprised to find a mysterious box appear in his living room with no trace as to how it could've gotten there.