The inside story of SpaceX's plan to get humanity to Mars, providing an unprecedented glimpse into one of the world's most revolutionary companies. A behind-the-scenes journey with Elon Musk and his engineers as they persevere amidst both disheartening setbacks and huge triumphs to advance the space industry faster than we ever thought possible.

In nineteenth-century Russia, a teenage boy in search of love is drawn to two very different women.

Bart's chance encounter with the enigmatic Vienna leads to a whirlwind weekend together. The two fall fast and hard, but both carry secrets that could be their undoing or the chance for a fresh start.

A true-story account of a German businessman who saved more than 200,000 Chinese during the Nanjing massacre in 1937-38.

En kvinde rydder op i sit hjem i forbindelse med en omfattende husrenovering, og da hun finder sin tidligere kærestes ejendele, mindes hun fortiden.

Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet takes a deep dive into the crypto ecosystem and blockchain technology to discover the good, the bad and the ugly of this controversial industry, its major narratives, conflicts and the major players behind it. Can blockchain technology be used to create a new, fairer, decentralised and uncensored web3.0 where we can control our data and protect our online identities? Or will the potential be squandered as mega corporations once again compete for dominance in this new field. With his unrivalled and exclusive access, award-winning filmmaker Torsten Hoffman (Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It) takes us on a journey into the heart of this brave new world.

I oktober 1941 blev kadetter fra Podolsk infanteri- og artilleri skoler sendt til Ilyinskys forsvarslinje og kæmpede sammen med enheder fra den Sovjetiske 43. hær for at holde de tyske styrker tilbage, indtil at forstærkningerne dukkede op. I stærkt undertal, drog de unge mænd der blot var teenagere, afsted med livet som indsats, ud i en kamp som varede næsten to uger. De kæmpede mod de tyske styrker som rykkede frem mod Moskva. Den her film handler ikke bare om krig. Den handler også om kærlighed og om ægte kammeratskab. Ca. 3.500 kadetter og deres kommandører blev sendt ud, for at opretholde den sidste forsvarslinje udenfor Moskva. De fleste af dem døde i den blodige kamp.

En singlemand hyrer en ung enspænder som rugemor. Efterhånden som de kommer tættere på hinanden, udfordres deres opfattelse af forhold, grænser og kærlighed.

A cranky, retired author reluctantly embarks on a final book tour to help out a young publisher.

When Khani and Matt met on a dating app, they had no idea COVID-19 would turn their spur-of-the-moment trip to Costa Rica into a months-long adventure.

An American family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult leader, Henrik Brandr, unexpectedly visits their ranch. Henrik offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. Jacob Richardson, the father, rejects the offer due to the priceless sentimental value of the ranch. Henrik, displeased, begins to put devastating curses on the Richardsons, trying to force them off their land - even if it means murdering them. After suffering unexplainable tragedies, the Richardsons seek help from Marybeth, a white witch high priestess. They soon discover a terrible secret about their house, revealing why their land is so valuable to the cult. They realize they must protect their house from the cult at all costs, and a violent battle between good and evil ensues.

Et par unge elskende fra forskellige baggrunde trodser deres forældre og forbliver sammen, selvom det giver dem store udfordringer.

When Alexander and Laura meet during a party what they feel for each other is obvious, but she’s about to get married and Alexander shares a daughter with his beautiful wife. Thanks in part to the support of his lifelong friends, Alexander's childhood memories constantly resurface, leading him to reflect on what was, what will be, and what could have been.

A couple in crisis after the birth of their first son rekindles their love during a trip to Norway.

Tragedy begins with curiosity. The on-line killer website broadcasts scenes of death in real time. Viewers are drawn to the website through curiosity, and then are shocked by what they see. Against their will, random viewers are selected to enter the killing game. It is literally a life and death situation to survive in this cruelest of spectator sports.

“Destruction: Los Angeles” er en katastrofefilm med stort K. Los Angeles bliver ramt af det hidtil kraftigste jordskælv, og panik og kaos opstår. Nyhedsreporteren John Benson (Craig Sheffer) befinder sig midt i de dramatiske begivenheder og rapporterer på livet løs fra den hårdt ramte by, samtidig med at han forsøger at finde sin savnede familie.

In order to get some money Gianni Zappi tries to organize an insurance fraud by drowning his yacht.