After disappearing from a small Polish town, a mother discovers her 4-year old daughter, Ola, has been abducted by the Russian Mafia. In pursuit of her daughter, she is stopped for speeding by a police officer, Robert Goc. His intervention results in the escape of the kidnappers across the Eastern border. Feeling guilt for failing to prevent the abduction, Robert becomes engaged in an international investigation to find the missing girl.

イタリア映画界が生み出した早熟の天才監督として世界中から注目を浴びていた、当時まだ29歳のベルトルッチ監督(「ラストエンペラー」)が、A・モラヴィアの原作を鮮烈なタッチで映画化。忌まわしい過去の悪夢を葬るため、ファシズムに追従して生きる道を選んだ主人公の運命を、光と影、色彩の綾をなす官能的な映像美を通し、全編スタイリッシュに描写。撮影の名手V・ストラーロの絶妙のカメラワーク、主演のJ=L・トランティニャン(「愛、アムール」)の熱演、若きD・サンダのクールビューティーぶりも必見。 13歳の時、友人にいじめられているところを救ってくれた同性愛者の青年に拳銃を発射して逃げ去るという体験をして以来、罪の意識を抱いて大人に成長したマルチェロ。哲学講師となった彼は、けっして異端者になるまいと決め、祖国のファシズム体制に付き従い、プチブルの娘ジュリアと婚約を交わして平穏に過ごすが、ファシスト党から、かつての恩師でパリに亡命したクアドリ教授ら反ファシスト組織の動きを探るよう命じられ……。

Timo Novotny labels his new project an experimental music documentary film, in a remix of the celebrated film Megacities (1997), a visually refined essay on the hidden faces of several world "megacities" by leading Austrian documentarist Michael Glawogger. Novotny complements 30 % of material taken straight from the film (and re-edited) with 70 % as yet unseen footage in which he blends original shots unused by Glawogger with his own sequences (shot by Megacities cameraman Wolfgang Thaler) from Tokyo. Alongside the Japanese metropolis, Life in Loops takes us right into the atmosphere of Mexico City, New York, Moscow and Bombay. This electrifying combination of fascinating film images and an equally compelling soundtrack from Sofa Surfers sets us off on a stunning audiovisual adventure across the continents. The film also makes an original contribution to the discussion on new trends in documentary filmmaking. Written by KARLOVY VARY IFF 2006


Nikander, a rubbish collector and would-be entrepreneur, finds his plans for success dashed when his business associate dies. One evening, he meets Ilona, a down-on-her-luck cashier, in a local supermarket. Falteringly, a bond begins to develop between them.

Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone actor from India, is accidentally put on the guest list for an upcoming party at the home of a Hollywood film producer. Unfortunately, from the moment he arrives, one thing after another goes wrong with compounding effect.

James Cameron take several survivors from the German ship and crew, and together use state of the art technology to discover the ship wreck as it is today. Diving in submersibles and using ROV's we get to see the inside of the giant ship from WWII which sits on the bottom of the sea.





After moving from Calcutta to New York, members of the Ganguli family maintain a delicate balancing act between honoring the traditions of their native India and blending into American culture. Although parents Ashoke and Ashima are proud of the sacrifices they make to give their children opportunities, their son Gogol strives to forge his own identity without forgetting his heritage.


In 1985, against the backdrop of Thatcherism, Brian Jackson enrolls in the University of Bristol, a scholarship boy from seaside Essex with a love of knowledge for its own sake and a childhood spent watching University Challenge, a college quiz show. At Bristol he tries out for the Challenge team and falls under the spell of Alice, a lovely blond with an extensive sexual past.

“FEAR AND DESIRE”(52)に続くスタンリー・キューブリックの長編第2作で、商業映画としてはデビュー作にあたる。うらぶれたボクサーが、向かいのアパートに住む女を情夫の手から救い出そうとするというだけの物語だが、低予算の中で凝りまくった映像と、しがない男女のふれあいが切なく描かれている小品である。

「男たちの挽歌」で香港ノワールブームを牽引したチョウ・ユンファがハリウッド進出を果たしたハードアクション。同作で監督を務めたウーが製作総指揮を手掛け、米国製作ながら“香港ノワール”の雰囲気たっぷりの作品となった。共演はオスカー女優、M・ソルヴィノ。当時彼女が交際していたクエンティン・タランティーノが熱烈な香港映画ファンで、撮影現場に何度も陣中見舞いに来たというユニークな裏話も。後に「トレーニング デイ」「イコライザー」シリーズなどを手掛けるA・フークアが本作で監督デビュー。 極悪非道なチャイニーズ・マフィアのボス、ミスター・ウェイに家族を狙われ、命じられるままに殺しを繰返す凄腕のヒットマン、ジョン・リー。ある日、ウェイの息子が警察に射殺され、その報復としての殺しの依頼がジョンの元へ舞い込む。ターゲットはウェイの息子を射殺した刑事ではなく彼の幼い息子。しかも「刑事の目前で暗殺せよ」というこれまでにない残忍なものだった。引き金に掛けられた指を震わせ、全身を膠着させるジョン。非常なる裏社会へ身を投じながらも、心を持った殺し屋は、そのとき組織との闘いを決意する。



Everybody's favorite stiff is back! Working fools Larry Wilson and Richard Parker have uncovered a dirty, little secret: Their former boss, Bernie Lomax, embezzled $2 million and placed it in a safe deposit box in the Caribbean. Now, the boys are ready to go after the loot, but they can't do it alone -- they need poor Bernie's help. Can the buddies give their ex-boss new life?

A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and political corruption that may involve their beloved mayor.