En Donnie Darko és un noi que de cop comença a tenir al·lucinacions en la forma d'un gran conill de pelutx que el predisposa a cometre actes delictius. A poc a poc anem veient que els actes tenen un sentit, i les al·lucinacions potser no són tot el que semblen.
Iris està enamorada d'un home que es casarà amb una altra. A l'altra banda del planeta, Amanda acaba de descobrir que l'home amb qui viu és infidel. Dues dones que no es coneixen de res i que viuen a 10.000 quilòmetres de distància es troben a la mateixa situació. Comencen a parlar en línia en una pàgina web dedicada a l'intercanvi de cases i, sense pensar-s'ho dues vegades, decideixen fer-ho. Iris s'instal·la a la casa d'Amanda a la assolellada Califòrnia, mentre que Amanda aterra al nevat camp anglès. Al poc d'arribar, totes dues troben el que menys esperaven o volien: un nou romanç.
A Jacob Jankowski, un jove estudiant de veterinària amb un futur prometedor, se li moren els pares en un accident. Són els anys de la Gran Depressió als Estats Units i en Jacob es troba de cop que no té res. Com que ha sentit a dir que a la ciutat hi ha feina, s'enfila en un tren que passa pel seu poble, que resulta que és el d'un circ de segona categoria. El circ dels Germans Benzini lluita per sobreviure amb el seu periple inacabable de ciutat en ciutat. L'amo del circ, l'August, un personatge carismàtic i inestable, contracta en Jacob com a veterinari. I allà hi coneix la Marlena, la jove i preciosa dona de l'August, que fa un número estel·lar amb un cavall. Tots dos acaben enamorant-se.
Soren és una òliba jove que haurà de lluitar heroicament per salvar el seu poble de les forces del Mal. Soren viu en el bosc Tyto, on sempre ha regnat la pau entre les òlibes. Soren haurà d'emprendre un llarg i perillós viatge per buscar el Gran Arbre Ga'Hoole. Quan el troba, ell i els seus companys hauran de sotmetre's a diferents proves i desafiaments inimaginables. Tot l'esforç, però, tindrà la seva recompensa.
With the wedding of her younger sister fast approaching, Kat Ellis faces the undesirable prospect of traveling alone to London for the ceremony. While this is bad enough, Jeffrey, the man who left her as they moved closer to marriage, happens to be the groom's best man. Determined to show everyone -- most of all Jeffrey -- that her romantic life is as full and thrilling as ever, Kat hires a charming male escort as her date.
Christmas is a busy, busy time for the residents of Green River, particularly for Grace Long, the third generation of her family to steward the New England town’s signature Christmas Eve parade. This year’s audience for the parade promises to be in the millions, thanks to a national morning show that has chosen Green River as the site of its Christmas Eve day program.
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
Sophia, a brilliant doctoral student, has always maintained a symbiotic relationship with her brother Karim. The arrival of a new lover in Karim’s life significantly alters their dynamic.
Young Violetta and her mother Hannah are a peculiar couple. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose as a model, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught in between her new stature as an art muse and her dull childhood.
Monica is desperate to be prom queen, but on the big night, her hair is an uncontrollable mess. Meanwhile, FBI agent Liz Morgan is on the hunt for a jewel thief who is looking for a stolen necklace, which Monica has in her possession. Soon, she and the agent chase the jewel thief, and she's whizzed on a wild adventure in the city.
After being dumped at the alter on her wedding day, Maggie Conway moves to the island town of Friday Harbor in Washington State, where she meets Mark Nagle, the local coffee shop owner.
Després de molts anys, el seu antic entrenador de bàsquet mor i cinc amics decideixen passar un cap de setmanes -ara amb les seves respectives famílies- a la casa on van celebrar, antany, el campionat.
Holly Khun, known to Chicago as “Miss Christmas,” always finds a beautiful tree for the plaza, but this year’s was damaged, and the lighting ceremony is in 10 days. Hoping for a miracle, she combs through fan mail, and finds Joey McNary of Klaus, Wisconsin, has the perfect tree. Off she goes to Klaus, where she meets Joey’s handsome dad Sam.
Als disset anys, Mike O'Donnell ho tenia tot. Era un jugador de bàsquet que hauria pogut tenir una borsa d'estudi, però ho abandona tot per anar a casar-se i instal·lar-se amb Scarlett, la seva promesa. Ara, Mike té 37 anys. S'ha fet un miserable i desgraciat home de negocis que s'adona que ha comès errors en la seva vida, sobretot aquella d'abandonar la seva carrera prometedora per a Scarlett, de qui s'ha de divorciar. Convençut que si es presentés l'ocasió de tornar vint anys darrere, construiria una vida ben diferent.
A revealing look at the life of Victoria Gotti, the daughter of notorious mob boss John Gotti.
A Greek tour guide named Georgia attempts to recapture her kefi (Greek for mojo) by guiding a ragtag group of tourists around Greece and showing them the beauty of her native land. Along the way, she manages to open their eyes to the wonders of an exotic foreign land while beginning to see the world through a new set of eyes in the process.
Cody and Zack are approached to join the Gemini Project, a high-tech research center studying the dynamics between twins. Shockingly, they find themselves interconnected in a whole new way! When one twin experiences something, the other twin feels it too. This newfound revelation helps them see eye to eye for the first time, and it puts them in more danger than they could have imagined.
Shop owner Alice Chapman is nervous to meet her future in-laws at Christmas, especially because she is arriving ahead of her new fiance Will Mitchum. Alice's trip becomes more stressful when her luggage is lost and her phone is damaged, leaving her no way to find Will's family!
A cold-blooded killer gets caught up in a surreal game of death in this neo-noir thriller starring Costas Mandylor. The winter winds are whipping outside when the unremorseful assassin dispatches with his latest target. But this time something goes wrong. Time begins to fold in on itself when a shadowy assailant strikes out from the darkness, turning hunter into prey in the span of seconds. The mysterious pursuer seems to anticipate the killer's every move, and as events begin to repeat themselves nobody is who they seem. A sudden stranger to his friends and associates, the killer begins to question his sanity after fresh wounds vanish from his flesh without a trace. When an unexpected telephone call reveals that his intended target is still alive, he is forced to relive his actions time and again while speeding ever closer toward a confrontation with the one adversary who could bring about his downfall.
The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one last big pay day. When his "perfect crime" goes bad, Charlie flees to Los Angeles to hide out with his estranged son, Danny, played by Michael Weatherly. What ensues reveals the true nature of some of the most unsavory of characters.