Prospero, Duke of Milan, usurped and exiled by his own brother, holds sway over an enchanted island. He is comforted by his daughter Miranda and served by his spirit Ariel and his deformed slave Caliban. When Prospero raises a storm to wreck this perfidious brother and his confederates on the island, his long contemplated revenge at last seems within reach. - Shakespeare's Globe


In 18th-century Rome, impish aristocrat Onofrio del Grillo amuses himself by playing pranks on all sorts of people — his reactionary family and fellow nobles, the poors, the French occupiers trying to modernize society, and even the Pope himself.


A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.


Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.


幼い頃に断崖から投身自殺を図った母の惨たらしい最期を幻視したバージニア。富豪の夫フランチェスコと結婚し、幸せな生活を送る彼女は、車を走らせている最中、暗いトンネル内で突然、めまいと共に再び奇妙な光景を幻視する。古い屋敷、割れた鏡、血だらけの老婆、積み上げられる煉瓦、闇に閉ざされる視界──。改装すべく訪れたフランチェスコの屋敷が忌わしいビジョンと酷似していることにバージニアは言い知れぬ不安を覚えるが…。  イタリアン・スプラッターの巨匠ルチオ・フルチ監督が、ハリウッド女優ジェニファー・オニールを主演に撮り上げた“第六感”サスペンス。細かな悪夢の断片が、戦慄のラストに向けて徐々に組み上がっていく展開は最高にスリリング。フルチの演出力の豊かさを存分に味わえる隠れた逸品だ。

Steven spends his school days longing for all-star athlete John. But John has a gorgeous girlfriend, and Steven is still in the closet. Steven's sole confidant is his friend Linda. After a curious run-in with John in a public restroom, Steven starts to wonder if the jock is straight after all. When they begin a romance, it threatens to expose the truth about both of them.

A man searching for his childhood best friend — a Polish violin prodigy orphaned in the Holocaust — who vanished decades before on the night of his first public performance.

主人公ハーパー役をポール・ニューマンが演じた、ロス・マクドナルドのハードボイルド小説「動く標的」に基づく大ヒット作。それまでに23本の映画に出演していたニューマンが初めて探偵役に挑み、ハードボイルドジャンルを再燃させた画期的作品である。うだつの上がらない探偵が、ある入り組んだ誘拐殺人事件をきっかけに活躍のチャンスをつかむ。脚本家ウィリアム・ゴールドマンによって粋な会話と新天地ロサンゼルスが“ハーパー流”に見事に脚色されている。資産家の女(ローレン・バコール)、銃を忍ばせる弁護士(アーサー・ヒル)、プールサイドに陣取るジゴロ(ロバート・ワグナー)、酒びたりの元女優(シェリー・ウィンタース)、熱狂的なジャズファン(ジュリー・ハリス)、ハーパーの別居中の妻(ジャネット・リー)、そして(ストローザー・マーティン率いる)“雲の寺”という謎の宗教団体。それぞれが謎を解く鍵を握っているのか? あるいは、ハーパーに向かって引き金を引くのは誰なのか?


A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government tries to secretly fix the problem. As tensions grow, the situation gets out of control, and civilians from the town find themselves facing their worst nightmare: a genetically enhanced killing machine that doesn't know how to stop.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Two dangerous and unwanted guests threaten a young woman and her overbearing mother at a small bed-and-breakfast near the U.S.-Mexico border.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.