Drama basat en la història real de Tom Murtom, el director de presons que va commocionar el món polític d'Arkansas en destapar els escandalosos abusos i assassinats que van tenir lloc a la presó estatal. Abans de presentar-se com el nou alcaide, Brubaker es fa passar per un pres nouvingut, gràcies a això descobreix que la situació a la presó és de corrupció endèmica. Els seus esforços per reformar i sanejar el sistema el col·loquen en una situació molt perillosa, sobretot quan insisteix a investigar una sèrie d'assassinats que es van cometre uns anys abans.

It's Christmas Eve, 1938, when Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel as she cycles home. He promises to repay her kindness - all she has to do is make a wish.

Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures, he is accompanied by the royal messenger who's in love with the royal niece.

Quan el professor Marchand, un cèlebre científic, desapareix misteriosament, el comissari Juve sospita immediatament de Fantomas. Mentrestant, el periodista Fandon es fa passar per Lefèvre, l'ajudant de Marchand, i és capturat per Fantomas. Però també Juve cau al parany que el criminal, disfressat de Lefèvre, li ha estès. Fantomes es proposa posar fi als seus presoners durant un congrés científic que se celebra a Roma.

Edwina Cutwater (Lily Tomlin) és una dona milionària i greument malalta que no vol morir. Així que troba una altra dona disposada a acceptar la seva ànima, però un error durant l'operació fa que l'ànima d'Edwina vagi directament al cos de Roger Cobb (Steve Martin), un advocat...

To please the father of his bride is not an easy task. This problem is faced by the Chinese guy Pen, when he goes to Moscow for his love - Ira, without even knowing what a nightmare awaits him. After all, her father Anatoly is not at all ready to give his daughter to the first comer, and he has his own plan for deliverance in this case ... However, the bride's father and the bridegroom will have to learn to respect each other if they want to keep the girl who loves most in the world.

This is a story of a great love facing the greatest drama of the history of Russia. Admiral Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and father. One day he meets Anna, the love of his life and the wife of his best friend. The revolution in his heart faces the revolution in his own country His destiny is to become the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Littlefoot befriends with a mysterious, fun-loving dolphin-like creature named Mo, who is trapped in "new water" caused by heavy rain. The gang then goes on an adventure to the "big water" to bring Mo home.

Quan l'avi d'en Dinet emmalalteix, l'única manera dels dinosaures de curar-lo és una flor a la terra prohibida de les boires que conté riscs i perills inesperats.

Legends claim that Saurus Rock keeps bad luck out of the Great Valley. Is it really true? Could the mysterious Longneck named Doc be the famous Lone Dinosaur, who can defeat a Sharptooth with his lasso-like tail To find out, Littlefoot and company must cross the great Valley and face a dangerous Sharptooth themselves!

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

When new students can't get onto their college cheerleading team, they form their own squad and prepare for a cheer off.

Cada dia, una hora abans de la mitjanit, al vell Castell d'Eulenstein, el Petit Fantasma surt a fer el recorregut quotidià. S?avorreix i li agradaria veure el món exterior… Potser per això, l?endemà de trobar-se amb un grup de nens d?excursió al castell, es desperta tard i es troba perdut a la ciutat, transformat en un petit fantasma fosc pels raigs del sol, terroritzant involuntàriament tots els que es troben amb ell. Només l'ajuda dels seus petits amics el pot salvar. Una superproducció basada en un conte d'Ottfried Preussler, autor també de “Krabat i el molí del diable”, entre d'altres clàssics infantils.

Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned.

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.

Life was easy for Jackson White. With looks, brains, and athletic ability,the world's possibilities seemed limitless. But, when he came to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the music industry, he was so seduced by money and status that he lost track of who he was. Now, with both his personal and professional lives on the edge of ruin, he's been called home to care for his dying father. While in North Carolina, he'll have to confront the friends he lost track of and the girl he never met.

The main character of the film Sergey Dobrolyubov is a news anchor of a music channel. Because of his conservatism he looks strange among his progressive colleagues. And his skeptical and negative attitude to all things new and unusual is a constant target of their mockery. He is definitely not a star of the channel. Sergey and his wife want to have a baby but have no success. Only a miracle can help them but Sergey does not believe in miracles till one particular moment. He makes a wish to have a baby, and a miracle happens - he gets pregnant! Now Sergey must prove to everyone - dreams can come true. But his friend Zhora sees a practical side of this situation. He suggests Sergey to use his pregnancy to gain money and glory by launching a new TV show. The Show Pregnant becomes very popular, and the protagonist Sergey Dobrolyubov is a star of it. But it is not easy to be a man in the family way and a TV star.

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.