They "snack on danger, dined on death" for two decades, dominating professional wrestling and immortalizing themselves as the only team ever to hold all three major titles (NWA (WCW), AWA, WWE).

Grace arriba a la remota localitat de Dogville fugint d'una banda de gàngsters. Persuadits per les paraules de Tom, que s'ha erigit en portaveu de la petita comunitat, els seus integrants s'avenen a amagar-la. Grace, en justa correspondència, accepta treballar per a ells. No obstant això, quan Dogville sigui sotmès a una intensa vigilància policial per trobar la fugitiva, els seus habitants exigiran un acord més favorable, que els compensi del perill que corren en acollir-lo. Grace aprendrà, d'una manera brutal, que en aquest lloc la bondat és molt relativa. Però ella guarda un secret que no vol desvetllar.

One morning, Lily and Ben wake up side by side in bodies that are not theirs. And Magalie, a little girl in the body of a tall, bearded, awaits them in the guest room. This is the beginning of an incredible adventure, sometimes initiatory, where the bodies and identities will be reversed at the option of a simple hug.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.

Comedian Florence Foresti supersizes her act in an arena show packed with sketches, celebrity impressions, epic dance routines and special guests.

Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to finance his tribe's new saloon. Unfortunately Santa Maria, who sold the saloon, betrays Abahachi, takes the money and leaves. Soon, the Shoshones are on the warpath to get their money back, and Abahachi is forced to organize it quickly.

A mesura que la naixent república d'Holanda és atacada des de totes bandes i es troba a la vora de la guerra civil, Michiel de Ruyter lluitarà pels interessos del pais. Però als ulls d'aquells que ostenten el poder, els seus èxits el fan massa popular.

A cabdriver and a cop race to Paris to rescue a love interest and the Japanese minister of defense from kidnappers.

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Després d'una sèrie de malentesos, Alvin, Simon i Theodore creuen que Dave se’n va a Nova York a declarar-se a la seva nova xicota, i oblidar-se d'ells. Tenen tres dies per intentar trencar el compromís i salvar-se així de la pèrdua de Dave.

En aquesta ocasió els nostres amics hauran d’evitar que es construeixi un parc d’atraccions en el lloc on hi ha la seva llar. Tornen els esquirols més divertits del cinema!

Un idíl·lic estiu es convertirà en el pitjor dels malsons per a un altre grup de despreocupats joves de vacances. Ignorant el llegat de sang del campament de Crystal Lake, un per un van sent víctimes del maníac Jason, que els aguaita a cada moment.

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

When Phil and Debbie Winslow relocate from their native Kansas to the sunny climes of Orange County, their big-hearted, havoc-wreaking Great Dane gets a taste of the dog's life, California-style.

Georges Duroy, un jove ben plantat i sense escrúpols, arriba a París procedent d'Algèria, on ha passat dos anys mobilitzat amb l'exèrcit. El seu atractiu físic i encant personal aviat comencen a obrir-li portes. Quan pren consciència de les seves possibilitats, les seves aspiracions creixen i el seu ascens es precipita de manera tan vertiginosa com la seva actitud moral es degrada. La maquinació i la seducció l'elevaran fins les més altes esferes de París. Bel Ami (com serà anomenat per les seves successives amants) és una obra emblemàtica d'un dels escriptors més rellevants del segle XIX: la història d'un personatge que relega a un segon pla els principis morals en favor dels modals complaents. Un relat en què la lleialtat xoca amb l'ambició.

A womanizing lawyer follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is a bumbling police chief who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet during a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.

When Derek moves to a new town and discovers a shortcut through the woods to his high school, he learns about a crazy old man who lives near its path: Legend has it that he abducted a group of teenagers years ago. Ignoring the warning, Derek and his friends set out to uncover the dark secret that's buried deep in the woods. But will they survive to tell it?