In her native Iran, Saba is not free to express herself through dance. When she rebels against the rigid rules in a poetic act of defiance, the lines between documentary and fiction begin to blur. A powerful and moving directorial debut.

Documentary about a Finnish reporter, Hannu Karpo. The movie follows Karpo's decades-long career as a journalist, and how he became a phenomenon and known by the whole nation.

En un petit poble de Gal·les, un pare i els seus cinc fills treballen a les mines de carbó i la vida quotidiana flueix pacíficament. Tot i això, les seves condicions de treball són cada vegada més difícils i els fills decideixen donar un cop, en contra de l'opinió del seu pare.

Before he left for a brief European visit, symphony conductor Sir Alfred De Carter casually asked his staid brother-in-law August to look out for his young wife, Daphne, during his absence. August has hired a private detective to keep tabs on her. But when the private eye's report suggests Daphne might have been canoodling with his secretary, Sir Alfred begins to imagine how he might take his revenge.

John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after giving birth. When John is given only a few months left to live, he attempts to find a new, perfect family for Michael, determined to shield him from the terrible reality of the situation.

Estiu de 1980 en la República Democràtica Alemanya. Bàrbara, una metgessa, ha demanat autorització per marxar-se definitivament a Occident. Com a càstig, la traslladen de la capital a un poble. En Jörg, el seu amant, que resideix en l'Oest, prepara la seva fugida. Bàrbara espera. El pis, els veïns, l'estiu, el camp, gens sembla importar-li. Treballa en el departament de pediatria a les ordres de André, un cirurgià. És afectuosa amb els pacients, però distant amb els seus companys. Està convençuda que el seu futur començarà en un altre lloc. Però l'André la sorprèn. No entén per què confia en ella, en la seva professionalitat. Per què no la denúncia per voler ajudar a una adolescent fugida? Li han encarregat que la vigili? Està enamorat d'ella? El dia de la fugida s'apropa i Bàrbara comença a perdre el control de si mateixa, dels seus plans i del seu cor.

Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.

A historic drama with musical Bollywood scenes. Kabul in the early 90s. Soviet values rule the country. Women can wear miniskirts, children can go to school and people can go to the cinema, concerts as well as universities. Life in Afghanistan is similar to life in the Western world. 14 years old Qodrat sells cinema tickets on the black market in the streets of Kabul. After selling a ticket to a secret police officer by mistake, he ends up at the Soviet orphanage, where he fakes his identity at the registration, in hope of getting more power. Everyday life for Qodrat is about friendships, falling in love, doing naughty things and going on adventures – just like it is for children in other parts of the world. However, behind the safe walls of the orphanage the world they once knew is drastically changing as the Mujahideens start the civil war.

In 2015, thirty year old refugee Francis, the sole survivor of a boat that illegally crossed the Mediterranean, is drawn into Berlin's seedy underbelly.

Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live in an apartment in Palermo. They make a living by renting doves for ceremonies. On a normal day at the beach, tragedy strucks.

How have one poet and his single book of poetry from the last century continued to inspire people today? A Life That Sings follows the legendary poet Ya Hsien from Vancouver to Nanyan, to the mobile library from his childhood and to the basement of his current home. Through his collection of books and love letters, the film unearths the treasure trove abound with stories of Ya Hsien's life.

In the summer of 1991 an elderly woman Ghislaine Marchal is found murdered in the basement of her home with the message "Omar M'a Tuer" (Omar has kill me) written beside in her own blood. Despite a lack of forensic or DNA evidence, her Moroccan gardener Omar Raddad is found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in a French prison. Shocked by the case, and convinced of his innocence, journalist Pierre-Emmanuel Vaugrenard moves to Nice to investigate, and uncover the truth...

A young East German woman leaves her husband and business partner and relocates to a West German city to start anew as an accountant, but he soon catches up with her.

Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life and fulfil her dream of starting her own business.

Anaïs té trenta anys, però no té gaires diners. Té un xicot que creu que ja no estima. Anaïs coneix Daniel, que immediatament se n'enamora. Però Daniel viu amb Émilie... que també s'interessa per Anaïs.

When Hollywood superstar George Reeves dies in his home, private detective Louis Simo is hired to investigate his death and gets caught in a web of lies involving a big studio executive's wife.

Rory és un ambiciós empresari que porta la seva dona i fills nord-americans al seu país natal, el Regne Unit, per explorar noves oportunitats de negoci arran de les noves lleis de Margaret Thatcher La família es troba amb una nova i difícil vida en una casa de camp anglesa enorme i sota una nova pressió social i econòmica.

DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.

The Dunars are conductors from father to son. François' long and brilliant international career come to an end, whereas Denis has just won an umpteenth classical music award. When François is chosen to be the head of the Scala, his ultimate dream, he can't believe it. Happy at first for his father, Denis quickly become disillusioned when he discovers that he was, in fact, chosen to go to Milan.

A Hong Kong cop is struggling for his survival in the underground world, a place filled with criminals and low life people like moss in rotting hell.