A burning Godzilla, on the verge of meltdown, emerges to lay siege to Hong Kong. At the same time horrifying new organisms are discovered in Japan. These crustacean-like beings are seemingly born of the Oxygen Destroyer, the weapon that killed the original Godzilla.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

El totpoderós Kong i el temible Godzilla s'enfrontaran contra una amenaça colossal i desconeguda amagada dins el nostre món. En aquesta pel·lícula coneixeràs les històries d'aquests titans, els seus orígens i els misteris de l'Illa Calavera i del més enllà, i també la batalla mítica que va ajudar a forjar aquests éssers extraordinaris i els va unir a la humanitat per sempre.

A Coptic leper and his orphaned apprentice leave the confines of the leper colony for the first time and embark on a journey across Egypt to search for what is left of their families.

A mild-mannered man becomes a local hero through an act of violence, but it brings forth consequences with connection to a dangerous world, one which will shake his carefully constructed life to its very core.

One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.

Years have passed since the brothers have separated in their different ways of life. But one day, a ghost from the past returns to cast a shadow over the sons of Rizk, forcing them to return to a life of crime and theft once again in order to save themselves, in a fateful operation that is the largest, most dangerous, and most important in the history of the sons of Rizk.

Preqüela de la saga Star Wars, en què es coneixeran els primers passos que va fer el personatge de Han Solo, des de jove fins a convertir-se en l'antiheroi que vam veure a "Una nova esperança", abans que es trobés amb Luke i Obi-Wan a la cantina de Mos Eisley.

Spanning one day, the film takes place in a “Muled” (An Islamic saint's day celebration), following the curious and intertwined stories of a variety of different characters living nearby, working invisiting the Muled.

Un quartet de millors amigues grans decideix viure la vida al màxim fent un viatge salvatge a la Super Bowl LI per veure jugar el seu heroi Tom Brady.

Tres adolescents britàniques se’n van de vacances per celebrar els típics ritus d’iniciació: beure, sortir de festa i lligar, en el que hauria de ser el millor estiu de les seves vides.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

While traveling in Paris, author Henry Miller and his wife, June, meet Anais Nin, and sexual sparks fly as Nin starts an affair with the openly bisexual June. When June is forced to return to the U.S., she gives Nin her blessing to sleep with her husband. Then, when June returns to France, an unexpected, and sometimes contentious, threesome forms.

Quan les seves obligacions l'envien a un forat de cuc vinculat a un revolucionari kree, els poders de Carol Danvers, la capitana Marvel, s'entremesclen amb els de Kamala Khan, també coneguda com la Sra. Marvel i la neboda de Carol, ara astronauta de S.A.B.E.R., Monica Rambeau. Juntes, hauran de salvar l'univers com a The Marvels.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

Freed after spending years in prison, an activist's homecoming turns into a dark affair as his disillusion clashes with his family's expectations. Demonstrating Chahine’s eclecticism, this is an elegant melodrama, exuberant musical, layered allegory, and profound portrait of personal and political disillusionment.

A comedy that revolves around the experience of marriage, and if husbands can go back in time will they marry their wives again?

Dos mil·lennistes de Los Angeles d'orígens dispars s'enamoren i fan front a la prova definitiva: conèixer els seus pares respectius. El xoc cultural està servit!

The events revolve around the conflict between the girl and three men at one time, resulting in a lot of comedy, dealing with the phenomenon of new and serious on the communities of East and is the adoption of most young people in this age for girls, both sisters, granules or even friends - physically in unusual in Eastern societies in previous eras where the young man is no longer ashamed to get money from his sister or his lover or his girlfriend.