I 1974 indledte den chilenske filminstruktør Alejandro Jodorowsky, hvis film El Topo og The Holy Mountain startede det såkaldte midnatsfilm-fænomen, arbejdet på et kolossalt ambitiøst projekt, der skulle blive et af filmhistoriens mest myteomspundne projekter Rollelisten inkluderede hans 12-årige søn Brontis, Orson Welles, Mick Jagger, David Carradine og Salvador Dali, med musik af Pink Floyd og design af nogle af årtiets største talenter, som fx H.R. Giger og Jean 'Moebius' Giraud. Jodorowskys filmatisering af Frank Herberts klassiske science fiction-roman Dune blev aldrig til noget, men den lever alligevel derude. Denne dokumentarfilm fortæller hele historien om projektet.

In his first collaboration with renowned screenwriter and longtime partner Cesare Zavattini, Vittorio De Sica examines the cataclysmic consequences of adult folly on an innocent child. Heralding the pair’s subsequent work on some of the masterpieces of Italian neorealism, The Children Are Watching Us is a vivid, deeply humane portrait of a family’s disintegration.

A young girl living in the French countryside suffers constant indignities at the hand of alcoholism and her fellow man.

One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.

Elena is a woman of a certain age, living in a chic Moscow apartment with her wealthy businessman husband Vladimir. While Vladimir is estranged from his daughter, he does not mask his contempt for Elena's own child, who seems to be in constant need of financial assistance. When Vladimir suddenly falls ill and his volatile, nihilistic daughter comes back into the picture, Elena must hatch a plan for her own survival.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Leïla og Damiens forhold er fuldt af lidenskab. Han er kunstner, mens hun lever af at renovere antikke møbler. Men ingen ved, hvornår Damien's entusiasme og hittepåsomhed slår over i mani og efterfølgende depression. Da Leïla ikke længere orker at agere hustru, elskerinde, sygeplejerske og mor i ét, sættes tingene på spidsen.

The love story of an abused English girl and a Chinese Buddhist in a time when London was a brutal and harsh place to live.

A young teacher on her way to a position in Transylvania helps a young man escape the shackles his mother has put on him. In so doing she innocently unleashes the horrors of the undead once again on the populace, including those at her school for ladies. Luckily for some, Dr. Van Helsing is already on his way.

Fate plays a vital role in connecting the life of Bantu, a son who seeks validation from his cold-hearted father with the life of Raj, whose millionaire father wishes that he was more assertive.

The Revenge of Frankenstein går baron Frankenstein i ledtog med en læge i en lille tysk by, i hans seneste og mest skræmmende eksperiment med at skabe et monster ud af stumper og stykker fra flere lig, heriblandt hjernen fra en dværg. Men noget går galt, og monsteret ender som en kannibal, der må og skal udslettes.

Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges inspire unique chocolate combinations, but will their entry win without them losing their hearts?

In the aftermath of the Great Plague and amidst the subsequent witch-hunts against women, a young widow grapples with the tragic death of her husband in a society completely consumed by fear and death. Because she rejects the advances of her landlord, she is falsely accused of being a witch and thrown in jail for a crime she didn’t commit. She must endure physical persecution at the hands of England’s most ruthless witch-hunter and face her own inner demons as the devil himself starts to work his way into her mind.

Davy Gordon er en professionel bokser ved enden af sin karierre. Han bor ved siden af den smukke danser Gloria Price, som han går forbi hver dag, men aldrig snakker med. En dag ser han hende blive overfaldet af sin boss og elsker og Davy træder ind og forsvarer hende. Glorias boss, Raphello, bliver rasende og sender sine mænd ud for at slå Davy ihjel

A young woman travels with her partner to England on the unexpected death of her brother. Staying with her sister-in-law, she finds her companion soon drawn into a satanic cult based in the house whose rites seem to centre somewhat on large-scale sexual congress.

En vis naturlig fred har indfundet sig i byen Dillford. Alle beboerne lever fredeligt side om side på trods af visse komplikationer. En stor del af dem er forvandlet til vampyrer! En anden gruppe er blevet zombier! Men hvad er vigtigere end frisk blod og hjerne? Godt naboskab, naturligvis. Men så sker der noget chokerende, der kaster byen ud i kaos! Rumvæsener invaderer Dillford! Nu må tre teenagere, et menneske, en vampyr og en zombie, slå sig sammen for at få freden bragt tilbage til byen igen!

Lauren Hennessey has always loved to cook and is a proud perfectionist at her job at "Food & Entertainment Magazine's" test kitchen while she dreams of being able to finally afford culinary school in Paris. When her boss offers her a bonus if she agrees to ghostwrite the cookbook of a difficult celebrity chef, Lauren sees her dream becoming a reality as soon as she can tame the notorious bad boy chef in question, Dexter Durant. Slowly peeling back the layers of Dexter's tough-guy persona, she starts seeing a different, vulnerable side to this big-shot chef. Suddenly, their dueling culinary styles become the perfect complement in the kitchen and an attraction between them starts to boil over.

Phil and Kate select the winsome young Camilla as a live-in nanny for their newborn child, but the seemingly lovely Camilla is not what she appears to be...

As the streets of Los Angeles overflow with camera-wielding gawkers seeking to capture images of a bizarre police pursuit, the same people who sought to exploit the suffering of others for amusement on the Internet become the stars of a gruesome viral video from which no one gets out alive.

Chuck Norris har kæmpet mod alt fra gangstere til terrorister. Men det var bare opvarmning. Nu kæmper han mod en hel by! Med 1000 hestekræfter brølende under motorhjelmen, tordner han igennem USA på jagt efter sin forsvundne bror. Sporerne leder ham til en by, hvor retfærdighed "er en by i Rusland". Loven håndhæves med våben, og politiet bakker op om de skurke, som tager skyhøje beløb af lastbilchaufførerne, for at passere gennem byen. Toldreglen er enkel: "betal eller dø!". Men nu har de lagt sig ud med den forkerte mand! Den her fyr er ikke bare lastbilchauffør. Han er også en Vietnam veteran og specialist i martial arts.