La Solène, una mare soltera de 40 anys, comença un romanç inesperat amb en Hayes Campbell, de 24 anys, el cantant principal d'August Moon, la banda de nois més popular del planeta.

Giacinto Rossi, a poor driver up to his neck in debt, is imprisoned for simulated crime. He finds himself in a cell with Tagliabue, an unscrupulous murderer; Sorcio, an elderly thief; and Papaleo, an honor-obsessed intellectual who murdered his fiancée's lover. Giacinto is forced by the three men to make a daring escape from prison.

After years on the road establishing his reputation as Japan's greatest fencer, Takezo returns to Kyoto. Otsu waits for him, yet he has come not for her but to challenge the leader of the region's finest school of fencing. To prove his valor and skill, he walks deliberately into ambushes set up by the school's followers. While Otsu waits, Akemi also seeks him, expressing her desires directly. Meanwhile, Takezo is observed by Sasaki Kojiro, a brilliant young fighter, confident he can dethrone Takezo. After leaving Kyoto in triumph, Takezo declares his love for Otsu, but in a way that dishonors her and shames him. Once again, he leaves alone.

És un doble d'acció, i igual que tots a la comunitat d'especialistes, surt volant, li disparen, s'estavella, es llença des de finestres i cau des de les altures més extremes, tot pel nostre entreteniment. I ara, després d'un accident que gairebé acaba amb la seva carrera, aquest heroi de classe treballadora ha de seguir la pista d'una estrella de cinema desapareguda, resoldre una conspiració i intentar recuperar l'amor de la seva vida mentre segueix fent la seva feina. Què podria sortir bé?

Voting against the Mafia in what he thinks is a secret ballot costs Sicilian laborer Mimi his livelihood. He leaves his wife, flees to Turin and romances a Communist organizer - but he just can’t shake the Mafia. When they lure Mimi back to Sicily with a better job, he must keep his lover – and love child – under wraps. That’s when his wife announces she’s pregnant.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

La pel·lícula segueix la vida d'en Marco Carrera (Favino), a qui tots els seus coneguts anomenen "El colibrí", al llarg de les dècades. Des de la platja on en la seva adolescència Marco coneix la Luisa (Bérénice Bejo), la dona que estimarà tota la vida; passant per Roma, on viurà durant anys amb la seva esposa Marina (Kasia Smutniak) i la seva filla Adèle; i acabant a Florència amb el seu amic el psicoanalista Daniele Carradori (Nanni Moretti), que li ensenyarà a fer front als continus canvis de rumb i cops del destí amb el millor dels ànims.

Després de combatre en la Primera Guerra Mundial, en Raphaël torna al seu poble en algun lloc de Normandia. S'assabenta que la seva esposa ha mort després d'un terrible incident, però li ha deixat una filla, la petita Juliette, l'existència de la qual desconeixia. La cuidarà amb ajuda de Madame Adeline, una inflexible vídua, al mateix temps que ell es dedica a crear adorables joguines de fusta.

A group of criminals kidnap a teenage ballet dancer, the daughter of a notorious gang leader, in order to obtain a ransom of $50 million, but over time, they discover that she is not just an ordinary girl. After the kidnappers begin to diminish, one by one, they discover, to their increasing horror, that they are locked inside with no normal little girl.

An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.

En Mike, un treballador de la construcció amb els peus a terra, és ràpidament empès al món dels superespies i agents secrets quan la seva exparella de l'institut el recluta en una missió d'intel·ligència estatunidenca d'alt risc.

The Theatre of Death in Paris specialises in horror presentations. A police surgeon finds himself becoming involved in the place through his attraction to one of the performers. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town he realises there could be links with the theatre.

Young nobleman Mino lives with his mother and Marta, the housekeeper, in an old, decaying castle. He is infantile and morbidly attached to the weird duo; his only hobby is taxidermy. Laura, Mino's fiancee, is met with jealousy and hatred by the two women, and decides to leave the castle; but Marta sabotages her car brakes and she is killed. Mino takes her body back to the castle. Meanwhile, his mother is violently arguing with Marta, who throws her down the stairs and repeatedly bashes her head on the floor. The distraught Mino descends into madness: he picks up a stripper at a nightclub and brings her home, then strangles her while having sex next to Laura's dead body. He does the same with a prostitute. Marta discovers these murders and offers to help dispose of bodies. A year later, Daniela (Laura's twin sister) arrives at the castle...

Two telephone repairmen have many adventures and romance a pair of blondes.

Una nova família s'ha traslladat a Elm Street, a una casa que feia un bon temps que estava deshabitada. Passat poc temps allà, els joves comencen a tenir estranys malsons, tal com passés anys enrere. Un aconsegueix adonar-se que Freddy intenta posseir-lo des del món dels somnis, per passar la seva obra al món real. Tot i que intenta resistir-se, no pot evitar que l'assassí l'obligui a fer accions terribles. Només la núvia del jove pot fer alguna cosa per salvar el seu company, i acabar amb Krueger.

At a climate research station in the Alps, the scientists are stunned as the nearby melting glacier is leaking a red liquid. It quickly turns to be very special juice — with unexpected genetic effects on the local wildlife.

Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.

With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.