Following the tragic death of her teenage son, Manuela travels from Madrid to Barcelona in an attempt to contact the long-estranged father the boy never knew. She reunites with an old friend, an outspoken transgender sex worker, and befriends a troubled actress and a pregnant, HIV-positive nun.

Two men share an odd friendship while they care for two women who are both in deep comas.

After her son Kevin commits a horrific act, troubled mother Eva reflects on her complicated relationship with her disturbed son as he grew from a toddler into a teenager.

Three generations of women survive the east wind, fire, insanity, superstition and even death by means of goodness, lies and boundless vitality.

Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves her. Fortunately, she is interrupted by a deliciously chaotic series of events.

Two children, Ignacio and Enrique, know love, the movies and fear in a religious school at the beginning of the 1960s. Father Manolo, director of the school and its professor of literature, is witness to and part of these discoveries. The three are followed through the next few decades, their reunion marking life and death.

Justine (Kirsten Dunst) i Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) celebren el casament amb una sumptuosa festa a casa de la seva germana (Charlotte Gainsbourg) i el seu cunyat (Kiefer Sutherland). Mentrestant, el planeta Melancolia es dirigeix ​​cap a la Terra...

Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.

George, host of a television show focusing on literature, receives videos shot on the sly that feature his family, along with disturbing drawings that are difficult to interpret. He has no idea who has made and sent him the videos. Progressively, the contents of the videos become more personal, indicating that the sender has known George for a long time.

The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.

A principis dels 70, entre les escorrialles del moviment hippy i el naixement del punk, esclatà al Regne Unit el glam rock, caracteritzat per músics rebels que lluïen una estètica andrògina, marcada per vestits brillants i maquillatge espectacular. Entre ells va destacar per damunt de tots Brian Slade, que es va esfumar sobtadament de la vida pública després de simular un atemptat al cim de la seva carrera. Deu anys després d'aquella estranya desaparició...

Recently released from a mental hospital, Ricky ties up Marina, a film star he once had sex with and keeps her hostage.

Dues dones solteres que s'han quedat embarassades per accident i que estan a punt de donar a llum coincideixen en una habitació d'hospital: la Janis, de mitjana edat, no se'n penedeix i és feliç; Anna, una adolescent, se sent penedida i espantada.

Jack és un nen que viu amb els seus germans i els seus pares en la nord-americà dels anys cinquanta. Mentre que la seva mare encarna és un exemple d'amor tendresa, el seu pare representa la severitat, doncs es creu obligat a ensenyar-li a enfrontar-se a un món hostil. Així, aquest viatge que comença amb la pèrdua de la innocència arribarà fins als nostres dies, amb Jack ja adult recordant certs moments transcendents de la infància i la seva influència.

Haunted by memories of a patient's death, a nurse takes a job at an antiquated hospital for children. Soon she learns that the kids fear a ghost that prowls the floors and will not allow anyone to leave. Amy tries to protect them and convince the other staffers of the evil that lurks there.

Will Atenton, un editor de gran èxit, abandona la seva feina, un lloc amb molt poder a Manhattan, per anar a viure amb la seva dona, Libby, i les seves dues filles a un pintoresc poble de Nova Anglaterra. Però quan es comencen a acostumar a la nova vida, descobreixen que la seva perfecta casa ha estat l'escenari de l'assassinat d'una mare i els seus fills. Tot el poble pensa que el crim va ser comès pel marit, l'únic supervivent. Quan Will comença a investigar, no sabeu si està començant a veure fantasmes o és que la tràgica història li resulta massa propera. Les úniques pistes provenen d'Ann Patterson, una veïna misteriosa que coneixia els desapareguts. Mentre Will i Ann van encaixant les peces de l'inquietant puzle, han de descobrir qui va assassinar la família abans que torni a matar.

Six would-be thieves enter a prestigious dance competition as a cover for their larger goal of pulling off a major heist.

For many years, Nathan Harper has had the uneasy feeling that life with his family isn't quite what it seems. As he draws closer to uncovering the truth, he is hunted by assassins, forcing him to flee with his neighbor, Karen, the only person he can trust.

After the brutal death of a friend, a group of friends find themselves in possession of a video-game called "Stay Alive," a blood-curdling true story of a 17th century noblewoman known as the Blood Countess. After playing the game when they know they shouldn't, however, the friends realize that once they die in the game — they die for real!

Something has gone wrong with the landing gear of a plane en route from Madrid to Mexico City. The group of eccentric travelers on the flight, defenseless in the face of danger, indulge in colourful confessionals, while the outlandish crew attempts to find ways to entertain them.