A young woman takes a job as a personal maid for a rich young man. The pair do not get along, but soon due to their classmates' games of love, their relationship grows more complicated than before.

A musical romantic movie exploring the journey that ensues when the blue blooded boy Inder, "Who wanted to love no one" crosses paths with Saru, "Whom no one wanted to love". All their lives they were waiting to meet, but they just didn't know it . A musical tale of love , longing and loss. Sanam Teri Kasam - A Love story sealed with a Curse.

1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.

Mens hun kommer sig over sin brudte forlovelse og en afsporet karriere, tager en sanger et job på et luksusresort, hvor hendes ekskæreste tilfældigvis skal holde bryllup.

Rithy Panh uses clay figures, archival footage, and his narration to recreate the atrocities Cambodia's Khmer Rouge committed between 1975 and 1979.

As Maddy takes on coaching a team of young twelve-year-old gymnasts, she faces up to intense city versus country rivalry, racism, cyberbullying and her own self-doubt but eventually takes the challenge head on.

The English-language title of this Mexican musical was The Third Word. Singer Pedro Infante stars as a pampered young man who is sheltered by his doting aunts. Deciding that their darling boy needs an education, the ladies hire pretty schoolteacher Marga Lopez. Upon discovering that her pupil is 28 years old, Marga is momentarily nonplused, but then settles into her duties. Inevitably, romance blossoms between Pedro and Marga, much to the aunts' dismay.

En helt almindelig skoledag på en helt almindelig high school i en helt almindelig forstad i Australien. Klokken er 2:37 pm, da en elev slæbes ud fra et aflåst toilet med pulsåren snittet over. Hvem er det, der har fået nok? Filmen skruer tiden tilbage til selv samme morgen, hvor vi møder seks af skolens elever på vej til, hvad der ligner en almindelig skoledag. Langsomt afdækkes deres hemmeligheder og konflikter, og på kryds og tværs bindes de sammen med hinanden. Stykke for stykke leder filmen os mod afsløringen af selvmordsofferets identitet, der kunne være hvem som helst af de seks, forstyrrede teenagere, der alle har deres at slås med.

An orphan boy of mixed race finds family with the newly arrived white village doctor in Hawaii. The boy can run like the wind, and begins bringing Doc's medicine to coffee pickers throughout the mountainous region. On an errand, the medicine runner meets the daughter of the plantation owner and a forbidden, young love blossoms like the white "Kona Snow" of the surrounding coffee trees.

Alexis er en ung kunstskøjteløber, som drømmer om at blive en stor stjerne. Men vejen til succes er hård, og Alexis tvinges til at forlade sin familie og senere også at bryde med sin kæreste. Da hun mister synet efter et tragisk fald, har hun brug for, at nogen tror på hende, elsker hende; nogen til at overbevise hende om, at hun har styrken til at skate og drømme igen.

Ellie tends to the injured and cantankerous Jordan as he heals from a shoulder injury. Though he struggles to learn to use his arm again, his attitude leaves Ellie wanting to leave him in his misery. But as they get to know each other more, Jordan starts to see Ellie is exactly who he wants in his life, and hopes Ellie feels the same way.

Anthology-movie with episodes set in Cuba, Mexico and Colombia.

Retired Ohio police officer, Tim Harrison, stumbles upon a bombshell discovery when he suspects that the world's most famous celebrity conservationists may be secretly connected to the big cat trade.

To brødre overlever en tragedie i barndommen. Mange år senere er de på hver sin side af loven, da en banderelateret forbrydelse sætter deres gensidige loyalitet på prøve.

I 1950'ernes Moskva begynder kommunisten Katya (Rebecca Ferguson) at spionere for amerikanerne. Hendes job er at lokke hemmeligheder ud af embedsmanden Alexander (Sam Reid), men undervejs bliver hun forelsket i ham. 40 år senere møder vi pigen Lauren (også Rebecca Ferguson), og vi møder en ældre Alexander (nu spillet af Charles Dance). Hvad skete der egentlig med hans forhold til Katya for mange år siden? Og hvad er Laurens forbindelse til Alexander?

Opposites Isa and Ruben are totally in love and over the moon with each other. Until Mr. Perfect steps into Isa's life.

Aurelio inherited the wedding-planner trade from his father: he runs the family business, "The Most Beautiful Day," and all his life he has sacrificed his dreams in the name of a mission: to give happiness. Today, however, complicit with the crisis and a divorce behind him, he feels the need for a radical change. He is in love with Serena, an associate of his, and with her he dreams of starting a new life, dropping everything to sail the oceans. Before he can taste freedom, however, Aurelio must resolve two no small matters: selling "The Most Beautiful Day" and convincing Serena to divorce Giorgio, who has been Aurelio's fraternal friend since high school.

Claire is a beautiful young woman who works at her late father’s hotel, that is now managed by her evil stepmother Maud. Claire unwittingly sparks uncontrollable jealousy in Maud, whose young lover has fallen in love with Claire. Maud decides to get rid of Claire who finds shelter in a farm where she’s allowed to break free from her strict upbringing through encounters with seven “princes.”

Suddenly catapulted into high society, a young woman who lacks a bit of finesse tries to integrate into her new surroundings.

Den artist, vi i dag kender som David Bowie, har en indlysende ikonstatus, fordi han fortsatte med at udvikle sig og udfordre sig selv og sit publikum gennem hele sin lange karriere. I 1971 var han dog en almindelig mand ved navn David Jones med mange udgivelser, men kun en hitsingle på CV’et. Hvis karrieren skulle tage fart, krævede det noget nyt. Så blev han sendt på pr-turné til USA. En rejse, som kom til at få en afgørende indvirkning på hans transformation fra en ganske nedtonet singer-songwriter til den rock ‘n roll-kamelæon, der opnåede stratosfærisk succes i de følgende årtier. Den første af de farverige personas var Ziggy Stardust.