Arthur Fleck és un home ignorat per la societat, la motivació de la qual a la vida és fer riure. Però una sèrie de tràgics esdeveniments us portaran a veure el món d'una altra manera. Pel·lícula basada en Joker, el popular personatge de DC Comics i arxivillà de Batman, però que en aquest film pren un caire més realista i fosc.

A la Itàlia de la dècada de 1980, comença una relació entre l'Elio, un adolescent de disset anys, i un home adult que el seu pare ha contractat com a ajudant de recerca.

Rosaria i els seus quatre fills (Simone, Rocco, Ciro i Luca) abandonen la seva terra natal, Lucània (l'actual Basilicata), per emigrar a Milà a la recerca de feina i oportunitats que els permetin millorar les seves condicions de vida. Allà troben Vincenzo, el germà gran, que treballa de paleta però que està relacionat amb el món de la boxa.

Guerra dels Cent Anys (segles XIV i XV). El 1431, Joana d'Arc, després d'haver conduït les tropes franceses a la victòria, és arrestada i acusada de bruixeria. Ella declara haver rebut de Déu la missió de salvar França, però és processada i condemnada a morir a la foguera.

Un ronin nòmada que no està al servei de cap senyor ajuda un jove i els membres del seu clan a salvar el seu oncle, enganyat i empresonat per un intendent corrupte.

Al llarg de deu dies i 435 milles, s'estableix un vincle irrompible entre el corredor d'aventures professional Michael Light i un gos de carrer anomenat Arthur. A mesura que l'equip es veu empès als seus límits exteriors de resistència a la carrera, Arthur redefineix el que realment signifiquen la victòria, la lleialtat i l'amistat.

El 1948 Clément Mathieu, professor de música aturat, accepta un lloc com a professor vigilant en un internat de reeducació de menors. El sistema repressiu aplicat pel director commociona Mathieu. Ensenyant música i cant coral a aquests nens tan difícils, Mathieu transformarà les seves vides quotidianes.

La casualitat fa que un home i una dona tots dos madurs i casats coincideixin en una estació de tren. La seva inicial amistat aviat esdevindrà un amor tan intens com prohibit.

Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore the scientific hypothesis that the witches of the Middle Ages suffered the same hysteria as turn-of-the-century psychiatric patients. But the film itself is far from serious-- instead it's a witches' brew of the scary, gross, and darkly humorous.

Enigmatic gangster Silien may or may not be responsible for informing on Faugel, who was just released from prison and is already involved in what should be a simple heist. By the end of this brutal, twisting, and multilayered policier, who will be left to trust?

Caesar and his assassins are dead. General Mark Antony now rules alongside his fellow defenders of Rome. But at the fringes of a war-torn empire the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony have fallen fiercely in love. In a tragic fight between devotion and duty, obsession becomes a catalyst for war.

Ferdinand Griffon, àlies 'Pierrot', fuig de París amb Marianne, la mainadera que ha contractat la seva dona. La parella es dirigeix ​​al sud de França, però el viatge es torna molt perillós quan una banda de gàngsters amb què Marianne està implicada, els va trepitjant els talons.

Tezuka Osamu's most famous work "Jungle Emperor Leo" has been made into an animated version a number of times. In this theater version, Tezuka Osamu was able for the first time to depict the theme that "All life is equal" through Leo's self-sacrifice.

The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nash, two sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggy, hoping for something better in life for both of them, breaks off her engagement to Danny, he sets out to be a championship boxer, while she becomes a dancer paired with a sleazy partner. Will tragedy reunite the former lovers?

Young provincial Charles arrives in Paris to stay with his cousin Paul while studying law. Paul is a decadent, bohemian pleasure-seeker who shows the meek, diligent Charles the thrills of city life. When Charles falls for Florence, one of Paul's acquaintances, relationships begin to shift.

Arriving from all over the Eastern Bloc, the men who loiter around the Gare du Nord train station in Paris are scraping by however they can, forming gangs for support and protection, ever fearful of being caught by the police and deported. When the middle-aged, bourgeois Daniel approaches a boyishly handsome Ukrainian who calls himself Marek for a date, he learns the young man is willing to do anything for some cash.

Klavdia Vavilova, a Red Army cavalry commissar, is waylaid by an unexpected pregnancy. She stays with a Jewish family to give birth and is softened somewhat by the experience of family life.

A composer and a French film star, both of whom are married to others, meet and fall in love while shooting a film in the United States.

During a bitter 1964 Massachusetts winter, young secretary Eileen becomes enchanted by Rebecca Saint John, the glamorous new counselor at the prison where she works. Their budding friendship takes a twisted turn when Rebecca reveals a dark secret — throwing Eileen onto a sinister path.

A corrupt businessman blackmails the lovelorn reprobate Atsushi into watching over his suitcase full of embezzled cash while he serves a jail sentence.