The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

Kirikú és un nen molt petit que sap exactament el que vol fins i tot abans del seu naixement. És independent, generós i valent, qualitat que necessitarà fer servir a fons, perquè Kirikú ha nascut en un poblet africà sobre el qual la terrible i bella bruixa Karabà ha imposat un malefici: no hi ha flors, ni aigua, han de lliurar-li tributs i no queden homes perquè, segons creuen els habitants del poble, se’ls ha menjat la bruixa. Però el valent Kirikú emprendrà un viatge ple de perills i aventures fins la Muntanya Prohibida, on el seu avi, el Savi de la Muntanya, que coneix Karabà i els seus secrets, l’espera per mostrar-li el camí de l’alliberament.

A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European country because of the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. She must make a choice between continuing the life of a San Francisco teen or stepping up to the throne.

With the occasion all but overshadowed by her sister's upcoming wedding, angst-ridden Samantha faces her 16th birthday with typical adolescent dread. Samantha pines for studly older boy Jake, but worries that her chastity will be a turnoff for the popular senior. Meanwhile, she must constantly rebuff the affections of nerdy Ted, who is unfortunately the only boy in school who seems to take an interest in her.

The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!

Un xef xinès accidentalment es veu embolicat en un reportatge que s'està filmant sobre un intercanvi de droga que resulta fallit. La màfia comença a perseguir-lo per aconseguir la cinta.

A l'únic poble del món romà que es resisteix a Cèsar, Obèlix s'enamora bojament d'una nouvinguda, Falbala. Al moment que, animat per Astèrix, li ofereix flors, ella es precipita en els braços del seu nuvi, Tragicómix. En el curs d'un passeig romàntic, els nuvis són detinguts per un inquiet però ignorant decurió, Effrayé, el cap del camp romà, que els envia a la legió, al Sàhara. Després de destruir al camp romà local, Astèrix i Obèlix, ajudats per Idèfix, decideixen enrolar-se en la legió per rescatar-los. Després de l'entrenament anormalment breu, arriben a un camp romà enmig del desert.

When Jay and Silent Bob learn that their comic-book alter egos, Bluntman and Chronic, have been sold to Hollywood as part of a big-screen movie that leaves them out of any royalties, the pair travels to Tinseltown to sabotage the production.

The war between Euro Britannia and the European Union continues. New orders are given to the W-0 Unit. To land in the middle of the enemy territory as a diversion. The pilots of the W-0 Unit consist only of the commanding officer, Leila, the only surviving Japanese from their last battle, Akito, and the three that escaped from the Eleven ghettos and lived in the underworld, Ryou, Yukiya, and Ayano. With everyone holding their respective expectations, the operation moves forward. On the other side in Euro Britannia, Shin, who made his benefactor commit suicide with the mysterious power of “Geass”, is appointed the leader of the Knights of St. Michael. As Shin steadily advances for the sake of his own ambition, he and his subordinates in the Ashura squad are given orders to deploy. The one that lives in order to fight, and the one that fights in order to live.

Police commissioner Lo Gatto is in charge of the local Italian police station within Vatican State. During an investigation, following the murder of a Vatican priest, he decides to question the Pope! For this reason Lo Gatto is sent to a Sicilian remote island Favignana. There is very little for the commissioner to do on the quiet island, so Lo Gatto decides to investigate the vanishing of a tourist which quickly becomes a very complicated affair.

La Magdalena ja ha fet nou anys i té una família poc convencional formada per dos pares, una nova mare i un germanet de mesos. El Tristan, que li ha fet de pare des que va néixer, està immers en la crisi dels quaranta i té una nòvia molt més jove que ell; el Henry, el seu pare biològic, està atabalat amb la producció d'una pel·lícula amb un actor excèntric, i la Katharina no troba temps per escriure la seva nova novel·la perquè s'ha d'ocupar de la casa i del nadó. Tot es complica quan la Katharina ja no pot més i marxa de casa i el Tristan s'instal·la amb el Henry i la Magdalena. Amb tants embolics, però, mai és tard per trobar l'amor.

Un avió s'estavella al desert de Mongòlia. Els supervivents s'enfronten a les dures condicions climàtiques, a la manca de provisions i a la nul·la esperança d'un rescat. A mesura que el temps passa, l'única idea que tenen per poder sobreviure és gairebé un impossible: construir un nou avió amb les peces que no van quedar danyades en l'accident.

Quan la dona d'Oz és segrestada, no li queda cap altre remei que recórrer al seu vell conegut Jimmy "la Tulipa", un antic assassí a sou, que ara porta una vida tranquil·la i anònima.

It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get in with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, Jack's suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam's entire clan descends for the twins' birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he's fully capable as the man of the house.

Get ready for a howling good time as an all new assortment of irresistible animal heroes are unleashed in this great family tail! In an unlikely alliance, the outrageous Waddlesworth - a parrot who thinks he's a Rottweiler - teams up with Oddball - an un-marked Dalmatian puppy eager to earn her spots! Together they embark on a laugh-packed quest to outwit the ever-scheming Cruella De Vil.

En una nova missió, les tres noies anomenades 'els àngels de Charlie' estan preparades per recuperar dos valuosos anells que contenen informació encriptada del Programa Federal de Protecció de Testimonis.

One year after his young son disappeared during a Halloween carnival, Mike Cole is haunted by eerie images and terrifying messages he can’t explain. Together with his estranged wife, he will stop at nothing to unravel the mystery and find their son—and, in doing so, he unearths a legend that refuses to remain buried in the past.

A group of beavers ask Dr. Dolittle to save their habitat from loggers. The only hope is to get the forest preserved because it's the home of a protected bear, but there's a problem: the bear's the only bear in the forest, so she can't reproduce. Undaunted, Dolittle persuades a circus bear to help out, but he has to teach him not just the ways of the wild, but the wiles of lady bears too.

Al petit poble dels irreductibles gals no només es persegueix als romans i als senglars, també es persegueix l'amor. Alafólix, jove guerrer intrèpid i romàntic, enamorat de la sublim princesa grega Irina, gosa desafiar a Brutus, un soldat romà que també aspira a conquistar-la. Tots dos s'enfrontaran en els Jocs Olímpics per la mà d'Irina. Astérix, Obélix i Alafólix, gràcies a la poció màgica de Panorámix, van superant totes les proves amb la intenció de donar-li una bona lliçó a César.

The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.