Three engineers cannot make a robot work in time for a science show, and hire a man to inhabit the robot's shell to save their jobs. The robot's performance at the show attracts media attention and scrutiny from a science student.

Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect the precious cargo he carries: his infant daughter.

Salih and Gürkan, two cousins from Ankara, are struggling musicians that are trying to make a living by performing at private events such as bachelorette parties. Nihat, a low profile event manager, finds a gig for the duo which leads them to encounter with unexpected guests in their "dressing room".

Norman is not just an admirer of nature, he's a part of it. He survives the harshness of the climate and the wildlife by coexisting with it. With his wife Nebraska, they live almost entirely off the land, making money by selling their furs.

France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.

A day in the life of Azucena, who is running out of time to keep herself and her family from being evicted; Rafael, a lawyer who sets out to reunite a mother with her daughter; and Teodora, a sick old woman who searches for her long-lost son before it is too late.

La Lis és una adolescent que somia a convertir-se en artista de circ i sortir del seu poble, tot i que sap que per aconseguir-ho s'haurà d'enfrontar als seus pares. És estiu i la Lis es passa el dia jugant pels carrers del poble amb les seves amigues iflirtejant amb el seu nòvio uns anys mésgranque ella. La manca d'intimitat i el xafardeig constant dels veïns, obliguen la a Lis a portar aquesta relació en secret. No vol que els seus pares se n'assabentin. Però aquest estiu idíl·lic arriba al final i amb l'inici de la tardor la Lis descobreix que està embarassada.

Drama centrat en els esforços de John i Aileen Crowley per trobar algun investigador que trobi una cura per als seus dos fills, afectats per un rar desordre genètic.

José Henrique Fonseca crafts an ambitious and long overdue homage to a central icon in Brazil’s 20th century history. Reminiscent of film noir classics, the biopic tells the glorious and tragic story of the legendary football striker Heleno de Freitas. The sumptuous black and white cinematography reflects the chic life of Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s as it fell under the spell of sports royalty. Heleno was no doubt one of the most popular players of his time for his bravura in the field and magnificent goal-scoring that lead the Botafogo team to the top and himself into a vicious downward spiral.

A star is born in a time of both celebration and instability in this historical drama with music from director Christophe Barratier. In the spring of 1936, Paris is in a state of uncertainty; while the rise of the Third Reich in Germany worries many, a leftist union-oriented candidate, Léon Blum, has been voted into power, and organized labor is feeling its new power by standing up to management.

Venerable newscaster Norm Archer reports the latest news in politics, health, culture and entertainment - such as an automotive recall of decapitation-inducing "Neckbelts" and a study finding that "depression hits losers hardest". This compilation of bogus news stories, celebrity profiles, movie trailers and skits come courtesy of the ace satirists at The Onion.

Jimmy is a committed child psychologist who uses his own playbook, but when he is brought in to work with Ellie, he is completely unprepared for his subject—a 9-year-old psychopathic genius with nothing to lose. As he begins to understand the extent of her capabilities and the fate that has been planned for her, he struggles to overcome her defenses before it is too late for them both.

Kicked out by his parents, a gay teenager leaves small-town Indiana for New York's Greenwich Village, where growing discrimination against the gay community leads to riots on June 28, 1969.

A group of rodeo trick-riders recruits a young girl to join them.

Director Alfred Hitchcock is revered as one of the greatest creative minds in the history of cinema. Known for his psychological thrillers, Hitchcock’s leading ladies were cool, beautiful and preferably blonde. One such actress was Tippi Hedren, an unknown fashion model given her big break when Hitchcock’s wife saw her on a TV commercial. Brought to Universal Studios, Hedren was shocked when the director, at the peak of his career, quickly cast her to star in his next feature, 1963’s The Birds. Little did Hedren know that as ambitious and terrifying as the production would be to shoot, the most daunting aspect of the film ended up coming from behind the camera.

Coleman Silk, un professor distingit d'una universitat de Nova Anglaterra, ha estat durant tota la seva vida un mestre de l'engany i la mistificació. Quan era un estudiant universitari prometedor, va destrossar la vida del seu primer amor a causa d'un secret. Anys més tard, ja que és un prestigiós professor, la seva carrera es veu amenaçada per falses acusacions. Alhora, manté una escandalosa relació amb Faunia, una misteriosa dona que suposa per a ell un despertar eròtic que el torna al passat.

Angel City trooper Jack Deth is sent back in time from 2247 to 1985 L.A. to inhabit the body of his ancestor. Deth's assignment is to find his archenemy, Whistler, who turns people into zombies, before the fiend is able to kill all the ancestors of the future's governing council.

The Belgian PM is abducted and he finds his wife and children taken hostage. If he wants to see them again – alive – he has to kill the person he is meeting later that day. And that person is no less than... the president of the United States.

La Marion s'ha separat d'en Jack, però el seu nou nuvi haurà de veure-les-hi amb l'excèntric pare i amb tota la família d'ella durant una visita de dos dies a Nova York.

A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.