


アトレイデス家の後継者、ポール。彼には”未来が視える”能力があった。 宇宙帝国の皇帝からの命令で、その惑星を制する者が全宇宙を制すると言われる、 過酷な《砂の惑星デューン》へと移住するが、それは罠だった…。 そこで宇宙支配を狙う宿敵ハルコンネン家の壮絶な戦いが勃発!! 父を殺され、巨大なサンドワームが襲い来るその惑星で、全宇宙のために立ち上がるー

When his best friend Gary is suddenly snatched away, SpongeBob takes Patrick on a madcap mission far beyond Bikini Bottom to save their pink-shelled pal.


Dani is about to get married and travels with three other friends to Bariloche for her bachelorette party. The girls expect a fun and peaceful trip, but when they arrive in the Argentine city, things start to go wrong and the group has to make do: Karen forgets to book a place and, from there, the situation only gets worse. Together, they will need to find practical solutions to their problems and experience completely unexpected adventures.


始まりも、超過激 世界大戦を止めろ!超過激なファースト・ミッション始動!!表の顔は、高貴なる英国紳士。裏の顔は、世界最強のスパイ組織“キングスマン”。国家に属さないこの秘密結社の最初の任務は、世界大戦を終わらせることだった…!──1914年。世界大戦を密かに操る謎の狂団に、英国貴族のオックスフォード公と息子コンラッドが立ち向かう。人類破滅へのタイムリミットが迫る中、彼らは仲間たちと共に戦争を止めることができるのか?歴史の裏に隠されたキングスマン誕生秘話を描く、超過激スパイ・アクションシリーズ第3弾。最も過激なファースト・ミッションが始まる!

数々の戦いを終えて故郷のアリゾナに戻ったジョン・ランボー は、家族のような絆で結ばれた古い友人のマリアとその孫娘ガブリエラと共に牧場で平穏な毎日を過ごしていたが、ある日ガブリエラがメキシコの人身売買カルテルに誘拐される。娘同然の彼女を救うため、ランボーはグリーンベレーの隊員として培ってきた超人的な戦闘技術を総動員して戦いに備える。

Lucy and Jane have been best friends for most of their lives and think they know everything there is to know about each other. But when Jane announces she's moving to London, Lucy reveals a long-held secret. As Jane tries to help Lucy, their friendship is thrown into chaos.

While gathering evidence to support closing a tropical U.S. Air Force base, a congressional aide warms to its generous captain.

A teenager's weekend at a lake house with her father takes a turn for the worse when a group of convicts wreaks havoc on their lives.

One of the members of a gang of thieves commits a serious mistake that force them to work for a ruthless gang of drug dealers, endangering the future of the team, their lives and those of their families.

Paula (Luna Fulgencio) is a girl who plays for a girls' soccer team in a small town in Seville. One day she asks her father, Luis (Antonio Pagudo), to bring her famous Betis player Joaquín as a visitor, as a reward for her and her teammates, whom Luis presumes to be her great friends.

The failed coup d'état of February 23, 1981, which began with the capture of the Congress of Deputies and ended with the release of parliamentarians, put at serious risk the Spanish democracy.

King Arthur returns home after fighting the Roman Empire. His illegitimate son has corrupted the throne of Camelot and King Arthur must reunite with the wizard Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table to fight to get back his crown.

Humberto, a seductive con artist, lives a quiet life in Madrid after having done his time for a big job that cost him his relationship with his son Jorge, who reaches out to him for help when the jewellery where he works is robbed.

Every six years, an ancient order of jiu-jitsu fighters joins forces to battle a vicious race of alien invaders. But when a celebrated war hero goes down in defeat, the fate of the planet and mankind hangs in the balance.