Separated from his daughter, a father with an intellectual disability must prove his innocence when he is jailed for the death of a commander's child.

Frank és un lladre de joies expert en el negoci de diamants. Tot i això, després d'haver passat alguns anys a la presó, arriba a la conclusió que el que realment desitja és abandonar la seva professió i tenir una agradable vida familiar. Però abans haurà de resoldre certs problemes. Per accelerar el procés intervé en un gran negoci en què participa un gàngster molt poderós.

Failed architect, engineer and vicious murderer Jack narrates the details of some of his most elaborately orchestrated crimes, each of them a towering piece of art that defines his life's work as a serial killer for twelve years.

John Garrity, his estranged wife and their young son embark on a perilous journey to find sanctuary as a planet-killing comet hurtles toward Earth. Amid terrifying accounts of cities getting levelled, the Garritys experience the best and worst in humanity. As the countdown to the global apocalypse approaches zero, their incredible trek culminates in a desperate and last-minute flight to a possible safe haven.

A 14-year-old video enthusiast obsessed with violent films decides to make one of his own and show it to his parents, with tragic results.

La Sandra és una jove mare soltera que un dia decideix abandonar al seu abusiu ex marit i lluitar contra el corrupte sistema immobiliari. La seva idea consisteix a construir la seva pròpia casa, una llar càlida, segura i feliç on creixin les seves dues filles petites. Per a això comptarà amb una sèrie d'amics disposats a secundar-la i ajudar-la. En el procés, a més, no sols reconstrueix la seva vida, sinó que també es descobreix a ella mateixa.

Alex Owens és una jove òrfena que somia arribar a ser ballarina. Per poder viure i, a més, pagar les classes de ball, durant el dia treballa com a soldadora i de nit ballant en un club nocturn.

Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the seismic effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed.

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

Set up as the fall guy in a string of slasher murders, Boone decides he'll hide by crossing the threshold that separates "us" from "them" and sneak into the forbidden subterranean realm of Midian.

Following a terrible car crash, a woman awakes to find an enigmatic mortician preparing her for burial.

When Cole stays up past his bedtime, he discovers that his hot babysitter is part of a Satanic cult that will stop at nothing to keep him quiet.

In 1979, a young soldier is working in China's snowcapped mountains when an explosion reveals bizarre fossils hidden deep in the mountain caverns. What they discover next will change his life and human history forever.

Narra la història de Moisès (Christian Bale), un home el coratge del qual va desafiar un imperi quan es rebel·la contra el totpoderós faraó Ramsès (Joel Edgerton), alliberant 600.000 esclaus en una èpica fugida a través d'Egipte, plena de perills i mortíferes plagues , a la recerca de la Terra Promesa.

Compelled by grief and curiosity a young Englishman travels to France where he meets an eccentric older woman and unearths truths about the father he never really knew and about himself.

A group of five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.

Two couples on an oceanside getaway grow suspicious that the host of their seemingly perfect rental house may be spying on them. Before long, what should have been a celebratory weekend trip turns into something far more sinister.

Mike and Kate, a young couple, get the once-in-a lifetime chance to win a cool five million dollars. The challenge: Live for 50 days in a blank space. Sticking it out for thirty days, and the five million are theirs. How difficult can it be?

Un grup de cinc amics surten a explorar unes coves ignotes al nord d'Austràlia. El que comença com una aventura emocionant aviat es converteix en un autèntic malson quan de les profunditats de l'avenc apareix un enorme cocodril àvid de sang que amenaça la seva supervivència.

A man descends into paranoia after trapping what he believes to be the devil in his basement, but things take a dark turn when his family unexpectedly arrive for Christmas.