An investigation of how Hollywood's fabled stories have deeply influenced how Americans feel about transgender people, and how transgender people have been taught to feel about themselves.

In feudal Japan, during a bloody war between clans, two cowardly and greedy peasants, soldiers of a defeated army, stumble upon a mysterious man who guides them to a fortress hidden in the mountains.

When a daughter becomes concerned about her mother's well-being in a retirement home, private investigator Romulo hires Sergio, an 83-year-old man who becomes a new resident—and a mole inside the home, who struggles to balance his assignment with becoming increasingly involved in the lives of several residents.

In the aftermath of a tragic fire in a Romanian club, burn victims begin dying in hospitals from wounds that were not life threatening. A team of investigative journalists move into action uncovering the mass corruption of the health system and of the state institutions. Collective follows journalists, whistle blowers, and authorities alike. An immersive and uncompromising look into a dysfunctional system, exposing corruption, propaganda, and manipulation that nowadays affect not only Romania, but societies around the world.

The story of the pioneering project to rehabilitate child survivors of the Holocaust on the shores of Lake Windermere.

Fals documental sobre Leonard Zelig, un home que va sorprendre els Estats Units dels anys 20 amb la seva increïble capacitat per adaptar-se a la gent que l'envolta.

Amid shifting times, two women kept their decades-long love a secret. But coming out later in life comes with its own set of challenges.

A man trying to get home to his dog gets stuck in a time loop that forces him to relive a deadly run-in with a cop.

A late-night encounter on a New York City street leads to a profound connection between a teen-in-need and a DeafBlind man.

After trying to cover up a car accident that left a man dead, a crooked homicide detective is stalked by a mysterious man claiming to have witnessed the event.

Quan el Kenneth Waters és condemnat a cadena perpètua per l'assassinat d'una dona a Massachusetts, la seva germana, Betty Anne, empleada a una cafeteria, casada i amb dos fills, decideix lluitar per demostrar que és innocent. Sense estudis, un dels seus majors obstacles serà llicenciar-se en Dret per poder reobrir el cas i defensar-lo ella mateixa davant un tribunal. No serà fàcil, doncs també significarà deixar de costat la seva vida per centrar-se en el procés. A més, la lluita promet ser duríssima, doncs l'Estat no admetrà fàcilment que va cometre un error amb el Kenneth.

This gripping, atmospheric documentary recounts the infamous trial, conviction and eventual acquittal of Seattle native Amanda Knox for the 2007 murder of a British exchange student in Italy.

At the start of the summer, Bridget has an abortion just as she lands a much-needed job in affluent Evanston, Illinois — nannying a six-year old.

Aging pals Billy, Paddy, Archie, and Sam have been best friends since childhood. When Billy finally proposes to his much-younger girlfriend, all four friends go to Las Vegas to celebrate the end of Billy's longtime bachelorhood and relive their glory days. However, the four quickly realize that the intervening decades have changed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they had not imagined.

One night, Reine, a young loner, sees among the urban chaos a moving oneness that seems alive, like some sort of guide.

After a prank blows up a studious high school senior's life, he shares a list of certain things he wishes he'd done differently — and maybe still can.

McKayla and Sadie, two death-obsessed teenage girls, use their online show about real-life tragedies to send their small Midwestern town into a frenzy and cement their legacy as modern horror legends.

With the first anniversary of her wedding to Tarzan beckoning, Jane ponders how to make it the perfect English celebration.

Basat en l'escàndol de la vida real que va commocionar l'era de l'Anglaterra victoriana, la pel·lícula explica la història d'Eufemia "Effie" Gray. Als 19 anys es va casar amb l'historiador d'art i crític prominent John Ruskin, però es va negar a consumar el matrimoni. Solitària i frustrat Effie es veu atreta pel pintor pre-Rafaelita John Everett Millais, i troba un amiga i defensora a Lady Elizabeth Eastlake. Després de cinc anys atrapats en un matrimoni sense amor, Effie desafiarà les regles de la societat...

A young Barack Obama forges his identity while dealing with race, divergent cultures and ordinary life as a New York City college student.