BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

螺旋王を倒し、地上で平和な生活を満喫する人類。僅か7年もの間に急速な文化の発展と人口の拡大を続ける人間達は、暗い地下暮らしを忘れ傲慢になっていった。人民を統率する為に新政府を設立したシモンたちに、ロージェノムが遺した言葉が重く圧し掛かる。そして100万人目の出産が確認されたその時、人間達は自らをアンチスパイラルと名乗る謎の敵からの空襲を受ける。 カテドラル・テラを制御可能にして地球への激突を喰い止めたシモン達。シモンがニアに贈った指輪を頼りにアンチスパイラル母星の位置を掴んだ大グレン団は、カテドラル・テラを超銀河ダイグレンと改名、全ての戦いに決着を付けるべく敵母星へと向かう…。

霊界が突如、未曾有の大洪水に襲われた。ぼたんはコエンマの命令で閻魔大王の秘宝「冥界玉」を持って霊界を脱出し、幽助に知らせるべく人間界へ。ボロボロの状態で皿屋敷中学の屋上へたどり着いたぼたんは、幽助に重根神社のひなげしに会うよう告げて気を失う。 幽助を探して屋上へやってきた螢子にぼたんを任せ、桑原と共に重根神社に赴いた幽助は、冥界鬼に襲われたひなげしを救い出し、ぼたんを預けた先である幻海の寺で、霊界の様子を見に行った蔵馬とも合流。そして霊界の異変が、かつて人間界を支配しようと企んで閻魔大王に消滅させられた冥界の仕業であることを知った。人間界での冥界の復活を阻止し、水没した霊界を復活させるため、幽助たちはひなげしの案内で霊鬼門に向かうことに。また、この話を寺の外で聞いていた飛影は事態を静観しようとしていたが、寺に雪菜が来たことで単独で霊鬼門の一つを目指す。 しかし、人間界に冥界を復活させようと企む冥界の王の一派によって霊鬼門は次々と奪われ、幻海の結界を破って寺に侵入してきた冥界の王・耶雲とその部下・頼光に襲われた幻海が負傷。そして、耶雲の力の源である「冥界玉」を隠し持っていたぼたんが幻海の寺からさらわれる。その際、幽助とともに寺に戻ってきた螢子、そして幻海とともにぼたんの看病をしていた雪菜も襲われたことで、単独行動していた飛影も一行に加わり、耶雲とその部下達を倒すべく死闘を繰り広げる。

「鮫肌男と桃尻女」の石井克人監督が、一見普通に見える一家のちょっとおかしな日常をユーモラスに描いた異色ホームドラマ。それぞれ心にモヤモヤを抱えた家族が繰り広げるユニークなエピソードの数々を、アニメやCG映像を織り交ぜつつ、美しい田園風景をバックにゆったりとした時間の流れの中で優しく綴ってゆく。2004年カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間オープニング作品。  山間の小さな町に暮らす春野家の人々。彼らはそれぞれ悩みを抱え悶々としていた。内気な高校生の長男・一は恋に悩み、小学校に入学したての妹・幸子は時折ふと現われる巨大な自分の分身に困惑している。母・美子は子育てが一段落したことでアニメーターに復帰しようと奮闘中。催眠治療士の父・ノブオは、そんな美子に不満な様子。東京で音楽ミキサーをやっている叔父のアヤノは元恋人に未練タラタラ、ノブオの弟で漫画家の轟木一騎は仕事に行き詰まっていた。それでも春野家の祖父・アキラはそんな家族をいつも温かく見守っていた…。

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

Follows Callie and Joseph one year after they fell in love, now running a dairy farm and winery, but their romance is threatened when business and family obligations call Joseph back to the city.

An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

A 'leisurely drive' planned in honor of Radiator Springs’ town founder, Stanley, turns precarious as Baja pros descend on the town and challenge Lightning McQueen to an off-road race. Meanwhile, the townsfolk, led by a Stanley-costumed Mater, enjoy the planned 'leisurely drive' to retrace Stanley’s original frontier route. Thinking they’re on the same course, a wrong turn sends McQueen and the Baja pros on a treacherously wild bid for survival. The misunderstanding leaves the racing professionals in awe of the 'legend' of Stanley: the Original Off-Road Racer.

1936. Giovanni Comini, the youngest Federal in Fascist Italy, is summoned to Rome for a delicate mission: to surveil aging national poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, whose increasingly restless behavior Mussolini fears could damage his alliance with Nazi Germany. However, after spending time with D'Annunzio, Comini finds himself torn between loyalty to the Party and his fascination with the poet, who will put his burgeoning career at risk.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

One day, Jean-Louis discovers that his heart has stopped. He is not dead, can walk and talk, but his heart is no longer beating. With the help of his wife and a friend, he tries to understand the origin of this mystery.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

Phil and Kate select the winsome young Camilla as a live-in nanny for their newborn child, but the seemingly lovely Camilla is not what she appears to be...

Six people are lured into a small Deep South town for a Centennial celebration where the residents proceed to kill them one by one as revenge for the town's destruction during the Civil War.

A sea plane is destroyed in a freak accident, five people find themselves drifting on a raft. At the mercy of the tide and with no hope of rescue, the helpless situation takes a horrifying turn when they are terrorized by a ravenous great white.

Three people, each having different aspirations from life, are caught in a tangle of emotions and don’t know the way out. There’s a husband and wife with love eroding from their life. And there’s a single, happy-go-lucky dude who falls in love with the wife.