A prison drama where an old mobster and a prison guard must find a way to coexist so that imprisonment can become less so, and perhaps reveal the paradox that is behind the very concept of captivity.

Etienne, an often out of work but endearing actor, runs a theater workshop in a prison, where he brings together an unlikely troupe of prisoners to stage Samuel Beckett’s famous play Waiting for Godot. When he is allowed to take the colorful band of convicts on a tour outside of prison, Etienne finally has the chance to thrive.

Christian, a reclusive young man from Leipzig, gets a job working the night shift at a big-box store. He's trained to stocks goods and operate a forklift by Bruno, a wistful former truck driver, who introduces Christian to a colorful group of overnight workers, including Marion, with whom Christian develops a troubled infatuation.

Two brothers reunite at their father’s funeral after many years apart. Between bitterness from the past and forgotten affection they will embark on a trip onboard their motorbikes which they built when they were children.

Joan Stanley nyder et stille liv som pensionist, da hun anholdes af den britiske efterretningstjeneste. Joan gemmer nemlig på en utrolig hemmelighed: Hun har været sovjetisk spion. I 1930'erne er Joan studerende i Cambridge, da hun forelsker sig i russeren Leo. Da hun får job i et tophemmeligt atomforskningscenter, konfronteres Joan med et umuligt valg: Er hun villig til at forråde sit land i håb om, at det kan redde verden?

Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.

The story centers around a graduating class of "less-gifted" students in a private Versailles high school. Only a miracle has brought the students this far along, and after a practical joke misfires and the whole school is dynamited, the students are in deep trouble. They have to present themselves in court for their punishment and it could not be worse: If they don't pass their high-school graduation exams, they go to prison!

Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.

Set in 1970s Rome, the fiction tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappy married couple: Clara (a deeply dissatisfied expatriate Spaniard) and Felice (an abusive businessman cheating on Clara with his secretary) and their children Adriana, Gino, and Diana. Their eldest child, 12-year-old Adriana, experiences gender dysphoria; he rejects girlhood and instead goes by the name of Andrea (a primarily masculine name in Italian). Andrea develops a crush for Sara, a Roma girl who knows him as a boy. Upon a shared sense of being outsiders, Andrea and Clara grow closer.

Margot and Marguerite are 12-year-old girls who seem no different from any other youngsters with the usual family and peer problems. While they appear to have similar faces and body shapes, they wear different clothes and hairstyles, but the biggest difference between them is that one lives in 1942 and the other in 2020. When the girls crawled into a wooden chest they were magically sent into each other’s timeline, and because the girls look so similar their family and friends do not notice the swap.

At a cruising spot near a lake, Franck falls in love with Michael, a handsome and lethally dangerous man. Even though Franck is aware of this, he chooses to follow his passion.

Prinsesse Feier tvinges til at bestige tronen, da hendes far bliver dræbt i kamp. Sammen med sin loyale general Xuehu kæmper Feier for at forsvare kongeriget mod fjenden. Hendes ærgerrige kusine Wu Ba ønsker hende dog væk fra tronen og sender en lejemorder ud for at dræbe hende. Men den mystiske fremmede Duan Lan-Quan redder hende og tilbyder hende både kærlighed og et helt nyt liv. Med kongerigets skæbne i sine hænder tvinges Feier nu til at vælge mellem pligten og sine drømme...

When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.

Bruno har nattevagten på et lille hotel i Le Havre. En nat ankommer en kvinde til hotellet, barfodet og uden kuffert. Hun fortæller Don, at hun er en fe og tildeler ham tre ønsker. Inden Don har set sig om, er to af hans ønsker blevet opfyldt, men den næste morgen er hun pist forsvundet. Don indser, at han er blevet forelsket og giver sig for at lede efter hende overalt.

WORKSHOP handler om dynamikker blandt en gruppe unge mennesker og en voksen autoritet. Denne gang møder vi en broget flok teenagere, der blandt andet tæller den utilpassede dreng, Antoine. De er alle på forfatterkursus i Sydfrankrig, hvor de med hjælp fra den berømte forfatterinde, Olivia, skal skrive en kriminalroman. Løbende som deres romaner udvikler sig, stikker Antoines historie sig ud som voldsomt forstyrrende og voldelig. De andre elever trækker sig fra ham, men Olivia er fascineret. Og til trods for, at hans adfærd bliver mere provokerende og aggressiv, forsøger hun at nærme sig ham og ikke mindst forstå ham. Men langsomt bliver hun i tvivl om, hvorvidt Antoines litterære fantasi ikke blot er ren digtning.

Fransk komedie om feminismens spæde start. Paulette Van Der Beck og hendes mand har drevet en husholdningsskole i Alsace i mange år. Deres mission er at træne teenagepiger til at blive perfekte husmødre på et tidspunkt, hvor det forventes, at kvinder skal tjene deres mand. Efter sin mands pludselige død opdager Paulette, at skolen er på randen af konkurs og er nødt til at påtage sig sit ansvar. Mens skolen forbereder sig til årets husholdningskonkurrence i tv, begynder hun og hendes livlige studerende at stille spørgsmålstegn ved deres overbevisning, mens de landsdækkende protester i maj 1968 forandrer samfundet omkring dem.

Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.

Hakim, 35, a friendly neighborhood cop, must infiltrate the Portuguese community for the purpose of an investigation. But can one become Portuguese in three days? Especially when we know that Hakim is a walking disaster at undercover operations. His clumsiness and bad luck turn his many infiltrations into cataclysms. The case is clearly too big for him. Quickly trapped between his feelings and his mission, Hakim, who lives alone with his mother, will discover a community, but also a family.

7 segments about life in 1990s Italy: two MPs from the opposite sides of the political spectrum spend the night together; during their honeymoon, a woman cheats on her husband with her favorite soap opera star; a married man pretends to be ill to seduce his younger nurse; a family discovers that their son's beautiful fiancée is transgender; an unsatisfied single woman is duped by her celebrity crush for Kevin Costner; two best friends want to have fun; a couple on a tropical holiday is fascinated by their indigenous masseuse.