The trajectory of Antônio Carlos Bernardes Gomes, known as Mussum, from Trapalhões. His poor childhood, his military career, his relationship with Mangueira and his success with the group Originais do Samba, as well as behind the scenes as a member of Trapalhões.

After seven years in prison, a female student in Tehran is hanged for murder. She had acted in self-defence against a rapist. For a pardon, she would have had to retract her testimony. This moving film reopens the case.

Dues persones solitàries coincideixen per casualitat una nit a Hèlsinki i cerquen en l’altra el seu primer, únic i últim amor. El seu camí envers un objectiu tan digne es veu enterbolit per l’alcoholisme i perquè, sense conèixer els seus noms ni les seves adreces, perden els seus números de telèfon.

Després de quatre anys de separació, Ahmad viatja de Teheran a París per iniciar el procés de divorci a petició de la Marie, la seva esposa francesa. Durant la seva breu estada, descobreix la conflictiva relació entre la Marie i la seva filla Lucie. L'Ahmad s'esforça a restablir el vincle entre mare i filla, però acaba desvelant un secret del passat.

Cemetery watchman, Francesco Dellamorte, is tasked with dispatching the recently deceased when they rise from their graves.

In a bustling Mexican household, seven-year-old Sol is swept up in a whirlwind of preparations for the birthday party for her father, Tona, led by her mother, aunts, and other relatives. As the day goes on, building to an event both anticipated and dreaded, Sol begins to understand the gravity of the celebration this year and watches as her family does the same.

Ishak, a wandering musician from a small mountain town. A lynching he was a part of 7 years ago comes back to haunt him as he returns to his town to say farewell to his dying mother. Facing the other five perpetrators--his childhood friends—as well as the community and government officials supporting them, Ishak struggles with the guilt weighing upon him. However, the bigger the crime is, the stronger the silence gets since everyone has blood on their hands.

Man was made to be happy for simple reasons and unhappy for even simpler ones – just as he is born for simple reasons and dies for even simpler ones... Isa and Bahar are two lonely figures dragged through the ever-changing climate of their inner selves in pursuit of a happiness that no longer belongs to them.

Amb 20 anys Joan Baez va ser la reina indiscutible de la música folk. La cantant va utilitzar la seva fama per lluitar pels drets civils, la justícia i contra la guerra de Vietnam. Aquesta pel·lícula documental recorre la seva vida, mentre segueix l’artista en la seva gira de 2018/2019, després de la mort de les seves dues germanes i els seus pares. Baez repassa el seu art i activisme, però també la seva complicada història familiar.

La Georgie, una nena somiadora de 12 anys, viu sola i feliç al seu pis de Londres, omplint-lo de màgia. De cop i volta, apareix el seu pare separat i l'obliga a enfrontar-se a la realitat.

Ali, a blind man, is attempting to commit suicide when he is interrupted by the concierge of his building. He is informed that the police is in search of a woman who has escaped and hidden somewhere in the building. Little by little, Ali finds out that the fugitive woman, Leila, is inside his apartment. After participating in a workers’ protest that led to chaos, she is distraught about her four-year-old son who was lost when she was taken in a police van. Gradually, Ali becomes emotionally attached to her. Wishing to flee reality, helping Leila becomes a refuge in his own world of imagination.

La comtessa Irma viatja fins a una vila de Grècia per a convertir-se en una de les dames de confiança al servei de l'emperadriu Sisi. Allunyada de les estrictes normes de la cort austríaca, Sisi viu en plena llibertat marcant les seves pròpies regles, a les quals l'Irma haurà d'acostumar-se.

Tomas and Martin are a gay couple living in Paris whose marriage is thrown into crisis when Tomas impulsively begins a passionate affair with young schoolteacher Agathe. But when Martin begins an affair of his own, Tomas must confront life decisions he may be unprepared—or unwilling—to deal with.

Temmuz is an openly gay sculptor living at a flat with his dog in Istanbul. He lives a bohemian lifestyle and has a happy go lucky, carefree, eccentric (such as believing in good luck charms) character, frequently distracting him from his work as a children's book illustrator, and eventually leading him to be abandoned by his boyfriend via e-mail. He is given solace and affection by her wealthy mother, who is fully supportive of him, and best friend and co-worker, Beste. In the meantime, he keeps seeing a young man in his dreams, who repeatedly calls him for help and rescue. One day he runs into this guy while getting on the bus, who is accompanied by his mother, and helps them get into their home as the young man was born without limbs. From then on, two lives would collide into each other, starting a brotherhood full of discoveries and mutual help.

A haunted woman named Ida journeys from Germany to Jordan, to an eerie and deserted port town on the Red Sea where her partner, Ismail, recently disappeared. Wandering through desolate bars, hotels, and offices, Ida attempts to feel Ismail’s presence one last time and to say goodbye.

One morning, Jessica Holland, a Scottish orchid farmer visiting her sister in Bogotá, is woken by a loud ‘bang’. This haunting sound dispels her sleep for days, calling into question her identity and guiding her from recording studios to secluded jungle villages in an attempt to find its source.

L’any 1970, es va fundar la primera comissió anticorrupció de Hong Kong amb la intenció de lluitar contra aquesta xacra, molt present entre les files de la policia del país. Aquest èpic thriller històric documenta el principal cas al qual es va enfrontar aquesta comissió.

Dos germans de procedència misteriosa que cerquen la immortalitat inicien un pla impossible per assolir la seva meta.

A wanderer meets a monk with magical powers and becomes entranced by a mural of exquisite dancing women. He enters the painting, unaware of the conspiracy behind it, and must rescue the women who are trapped within.

A day in the life of Paul who has everything going for him. He has a dream job, a wonderful house and a girlfriend. But when, to his horror, he sees his dream foreign promotion at the world's biggest music streamer in jeopardy, his carefree summer day turns into a day he has to consider his choices. An unexpected encounter with his ex-boyfriend upsets Paul’s reality further. Has he given up his old life and ideals too soon?