Nikola’s children are taken away from him after social services decide that he is too poor to provide them with a decent living environment. He sets off on foot to lodge a complaint in Belgrade.
Disneynature’s Elephant follows African elephant Shani and her spirited son Jomo as their herd make an epic journey hundreds of miles across the vast Kalahari Desert. Led by their great matriarch, Gaia, the family faces brutal heat, dwindling resources and persistent predators, as they follow in their ancestors’ footsteps on a quest to reach a lush, green paradise.
A bright student in Nigeria takes on the academic establishment when she reports a popular professor who tried to rape her. Based on real events.
After completing jail time for beating up a man who tried to seduce his mentally-handicapped teenage daughter, The Butcher wants to start life anew. He institutionalizes his daughter and moves to the Lille suburbs with his mistress, who promises him a new butcher shop. Learning that she lied, The Butcher returns to Paris to find his daughter.
En Ricky, l'Abby i els seus dos fills són una família molt unida. El Ricky ha passat d'una feina a un altre i l'Abby es dedica a cuidar a persones grans. Tot i treballar a temps complet, són conscients que mai obtindran l'anhelada seguretat econòmica ni tindran una casa en propietat. Llavors sorgeix una oportunitat per en Ricky gràcies a la revolució de les aplicacions. La parella decideix apostar-ho tot. L'Abby es ven el seu cotxe perquè en Ricky es compri una furgoneta i es converteixi en repartidor: per fi serà el seu propi cap. El món modern es cola en la seva vida familiar oferint-los un futur diferent.
Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.
Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, battles through one of his career-defining cases.
In Munich 1955, German film star Veronika Voss becomes a drug addict at the mercy of corrupt Dr. Marianne Katz, who keeps her supplied with morphine. After meeting sports writer Robert Krohn, Veronika begins to dream of a return to stardom. As the couple's relationship escalates in intensity, Veronika begins seriously planning her return to the screen -- only to realize how debilitated she has become through her drug habit.
An old leper who owned a remote sorghum winery dies. Jiu'er, the wife bought by the leper, and her lover, identified only as "my Grandpa" by the narrator, take over the winery and set up an idealized quasi-matriarchal community headed by Jiu'er. When the Japanese invaders subject the area to their rule and cut down the sorghum to make way for a road, the community rises up and resists as the sorghum grows anew.
In the year 1856, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah is the King of Awadh, one of the last independent kingdoms of India. The British intend to control this rich land and send General Outram to clear way for an annexation. Pressure is mounting amidst intrigue and political maneuvers, but the Nawab whiles away his time in pursuit of pleasure and religious practice. The court is of no help either — noblemen Mir and Mirza ignore all duties and spend their days playing endless games of chess. Based on Munshi Premchand's short story of the same name. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation in 2010.
JUVENILE COURT shows the complex variety of cases before the Memphis Juvenile Court: foster home placement, drug abuse, armed robbery, child abuse, and sexual offenses. The sequences illustrate such issues as community protection vs. the desire for rehabilitation, the range and the limits of the choices available to the court, the psychology of the offender, and the constitutional and procedural questions involved in administering a juvenile court.
Marianne Winckler relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do.
Takumi i la seva filla, Hana, viuen en un poble pròxim a Tòquio. La seva vida es veurà profundament afectada quan descobreixen que prop de la seva casa es construirà un glamurós càmping perquè els habitants de la ciutat facin escapades còmodes a la naturalesa.
La doctora Diane Fairfax notifica al doctor James Xavier, un científic de prestigi internacional, que la fundació que ha estat finançant les seves investigacions sobre la vista no seguirà donant-li suport a causa de la manca de resultats. Aquesta descoratjadora notícia fa que Xavier decideixi tastar en si mateix un perillós sèrum que proporciona visió de raigs X.
Un immigrant ucraïnès, atractiu i misteriós, es guanya la vida fent massatges a domicili en un barri residencial benestant als afores de Varsòvia. En les seves mans, però, s'hi amaga un do únic, un poder curatiu que penetra en les ànimes solitàries de les seves clientes, i que el converteix en el seu objecte de desig.
Vic Marshall és un caçador que viu d'organitzar safaris a l'Àfrica. Organitza una expedició al país dels goril·les amb uns personatges conflictius: la corista Eloise, a qui un maharajà, que l'havia de dur a un altre safari, ha deixat penjada, i el matrimoni britànic format pel despistat antropòleg Donald Nordley i la seva jove esposa, Linda. Tothom, llevat de Nordley, s'adona que Vic i Linda s'agraden, però ell no ho veu fins que Linda dispara contra el caçador en un atac de gelosia a causa d'Eloise. El matrimoni abandona el safari, i això propicia que es manifestin clarament els sentiments entre Vic i Eloise.
When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.
A man and his sister meet at a seaside village to discuss their relationship.
A young sociologist researching criminal women selects a captivating inmate as his subject. As he conducts interviews in prison, her troubled past and justifications for her actions intrigue him. His growing interest soon blurs professional boundaries, testing his ability to resist her charm.
Commovedora història de diversos individus capturats a diferents llocs en una terrorífica guerra. Un senador que intenta convèncer una última "estratègia exhaustiva" una periodista d'una televisió. Un catedràtic idealista que intenta convèncer un dels seus estudiants més promotedors que canviï el rumb de la seva vida. I dos homes joves, lluitant a les nevades muntanyes de l'Afganistan, els desitjos de viure una vida amb sentit els condueixen a unir-se a les tropes americanes i lluitar contra el terrorisme global.