Down a foggy, desolate road to the port city of Le Havre travels Jean, an army deserter looking for another chance to make good on life. Fate, however, has a different plan for him, as acts of both revenge and kindness render him front-page news.

In Japan, gonzo filmmakers hatch a three-pronged plan to save an actress's career, end a yakuza war and make a hit movie.

The dramatised story of the Irish civil rights protest march on January 30 1972 which ended in a massacre by British troops.

Ľudovú rozprávku o nenásytnom dieťati, vytvorenom z dreva, adaptoval Jan Švankmajer do súčasnosti a prostredia mestského sídliska, kde žijú bezdetní manželia Horákovci. Po potomkovi túžia tak dlho, až ho pani Horáková nájde v samoraste. Kus dreva ožije a pýta jesť, jeho nenásytnosť je len ťažko ukojiteľná a stáva sa nielen starosťou rodičov, ale v groteskne hororovom prevedení aj ohrozením pre celý panelák. Zachrániť by ho mohla malá Alžbetka od susedov, v ceste jej však stojí niekoľko prekážok.

A burned-out British police detective finally snaps while interrogating a suspected child molester.

When Eun-soo gets lost in a country road, he meets a mysterious girl and is led to her fairytale ike house in the middle of the forest. There, Eun-soo is trapped with the girl and her siblings who never age. Eun-soo finally discovers a way out which is written on a fairy tale book. But the book tells a story of none other than himself!

Nick Tellis (Jason Patric) - policista z oddělení narkotik má za sebou neúspěšnou akci proti drogové mafii. Po ní je přidělen k bývalému kolegovi zavražděného policisty, poručíku Henrymu Oakovi (Ray Liotta) a oba se vydávají zpět do temných hlubin podsvětí. Tam ale Nick brzy zjišťuje, že zdánlivě jednoduchý případ brutální vraždy Oakova kolegy je mnohem složitější... Jeho nový parťák o ní možná ví víc, než hodlá prozradit

Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang.

Príbeh trúbky, heroínu a metadónu. Film je natočený na motívy života Cheta Bakera, slávneho džezového trubkára, ktorý je v roku 1966 najatý, aby v životopisnom filme hral sám seba v roku 1954, keď prvýkrát začal s heroínom. Jeho vzťah s herečkou Jane (postava zložená podľa scenáristu a súčasne režiséra z niekoľkých jeho mileniek), trpí jednak jeho drogovou závislosťou, jednak tým, že mu na jednej schôdzke lupiči vyrazili predné zuby a on má odvtedy problém s fúkaním a teda hraním na rúrku. Naviac má problémy s dodržiavaním metadónovej liečby a hrozí mu väzenie. Jane si prechádza peklom ako jeho partnerka vo filme, jeho milenka, matka dieťaťa aj opatrovateľka, vidí, ako premrháva svoj talent, nie je schopná ho ani opustiť, ani zachrániť. Podobne sú na tom jeho partneri hudobníci, MJ. Dizzy Gillespie a Gerry Mulligan. Režisér Robert Budreau rozviedol do celovečernej dĺžky svoj krátky film The Deaths of Chet Baker z roku 2009.

A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.

September 1980. Mustafa 'Mehmet Ali Alabora' and his wife, who're both laborers are married for 5 years. The couple has nothing to do with politics and spend their days happily with their 3 year old daughter and their TV, despite the clamor of guns clashing outside every night. One Friday morning, they wake up and hear the voice of Hasan Mutlucan on radio and observe soldiers marching through the streets, the very confirmation of the military coup that has taken place. Arrests begin instantly in workplace and neighborhood. Yet Mustafa, far from being disturbed, assumes that all apprehensions must have rightful reasons. Until the night he's taken into custody, charged with the crimes of a militant code named "Sehmuz".

When a U.S. Marine returns home from Afghanistan, he finds that the place he once called home is no better than the battlefields he fought on overseas. Accompanied by his best friend, he searches desperately for the whereabouts of his estranged son and wife. In their search, the two intercept a man carrying vital information about his family.

In 17th century Spain Diego Alatriste, a brave and heroic soldier, is fighting in his King's army in the Flandes region. His best mate, Balboa, falls in a trap and, near to death, asks Diego to look after his son and teach him to be a soldier.

A self-destructive punk rocker struggles with sobriety while trying to recapture the creative inspiration that led her band to success.

Texas City, Texas. Detektivové z oddělení vražd se potýkají se sérií nevyjasněných úmrtí, ke kterým v posledních letech došlo v bažinaté oblasti zvané Vražedná pole. Pragmatický detektiv Mike Souder (Sam Worthington) a jeho newyorský kolega Brian Heigh (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) jsou jednoho dne povoláni k případu pohřešované dívky ze sousedního okresu. Nemají žádné stopy, dokonce ani tělo nebylo objeveno. Když ale zmizí Anne (Chloe Moretz), mladá dívka, kterou si Brian vzal pod ochranná křídla, oběma detektivům je jasné, že Anne musí hledat někde v polích. Ani jeden z nich ale neví, jestli se z Vražedných polí někdy vrátí…

Tommy, a dogged lab tech of industrial food who, though once known in the business as "The Apostate", seems to have rededicated himself to producing scientifically engineered meat. A film about a dystopian future rife with genetic engineering, corporate corruption of government and rampant infection, is really about Tommy’s loneliness and the at-home experiment he conducts.

Život nájomného /neľútostného/ zabijaka Joa sa obráti hore nohami vo chvíli, keď je vyslaný na“ kšeftík“ do Thajska, kde má za úlohu zlikvidovať nepriateľov bossa miestneho podsvetia Surata. Ako pomocníka si najíma známu „firmu“, pouličného zlodeja a výtržníka Konga, ktorého sa rozhodne na záver zbaviť. Zo začiatku ide všetko bez problémov. Ale len do chvíle, kedy sa Jou, do tej doby zarytý vlk samotár, nečakane zblíži s mladou dievčinou…

Michael Fury (George Chakiris) prichádza do Los Angeles, aby tu vyšetril sériu hrôzostrašných vrážd, ktoré majú jednú spoločnú črtu – telá obeti sú úplne zbavené krvi. Pomáhať mu má Lori (Pamela Ludwig), ktorá je úplne posadnutá okultizmom a upírmi. Netuší, že jej nový partner je práve jedným z nich...

Ten people arrive at a secluded mountain resort to find it completely deserted. With no gas for the return trip, the visitors are forced to stay and investigate the mystery surrounding the abandoned lodge.

In the darkly phantasmagorical world of the carnival magician and sideshow hypnotist, the gruesome "illusions" of Montag the Magnificent are unique in that they seem to become retroactive reality long after the the tricks are done. Is it coincidence, or circumstantial evidence of the world's most diabolically ingenious murders? When an underground journalist begins to investigate the strange deaths, the truth proves to be far more bizarre and disturbing than anything he or his readers might have imagined.